Aug. 14, 2024: The Colorado Department of Human Services is spotlighting milestones in child support services this August in honor of Child Support Awareness Month.
Aug. 9, 2024: Coloradans who receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits can now buy more healthy food thanks to an innovative new program.
Aug. 6, 2024: More than a half-million Colorado school kids can buy more healthy food, thanks to a new program from the Colorado Department of Human Services.
July 11, 2024: CDHS has announced that it has begun rolling out benefits through the Summer EBT program, which provides a one-time payment of $120 to eligible students to help pay for nutritious meals during the summer months when schools are not in session.
June 12, 2024: Colorado families whose children are placed in foster care will no longer automatically be required to make child support payments, thanks to a Colorado Department of Human Services rule change implemented in 2023 and recently turned into law by the passage of Colorado Senate Bill 24-202.
A medida que el verano se acerca, los defensores del bienestar infantil solicitan a todos los residentes de Colorado a aprender a reconocer las señales de abuso y descuido infantil y a llamar a la Línea Directa de Abuso y Descuido Infantil (844-264-5437) si sospechan que un niño, niña o joven está sufriendo abuso o descuido.
As summer approaches, child welfare advocates are calling on all Colorado residents to learn to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect and to call the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline if they are concerned a child may be experiencing abuse or neglect.