Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI)

12 photos of a diverse group of teens and young adults

About CoSHI

The Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI) is funded by a Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) grant via the Family Youth Services Bureau. CoSHI provides youth with age-appropriate, medically accurate, inclusive, and evidence-based strategies that are proven to help reduce the risk of untimely pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

CDHS received federal PREP funding in 2010 to develop a sexual health education program. Each year CDHS awards funding to Human Service agencies and community based organizations within Colorado communities. This funding enables the agencies to bring comprehensive sexual health education and life skills programming to young people in Colorado. This programming is provided along with training for trusted adults who would like to increase their skills in answering questions about sensitive topics.

Comprehensive sexual health education is important because research has shown that it helps youth:

  • Delay the initiation of sex (abstain)
  • Reduce the frequency of sex
  • Reduce the number of new partners
  • Reduce the incidence of unprotected sex

This funding gives Colorado the chance to coordinate initiatives and build upon state law (Colorado's Healthy Youth Act), the state academic content standards for comprehensive health, and a variety of local initiatives addressing sexual health.

Beyond the Birds & the Bees: Workshops on Being an "Askable Adult"

"Askable Adult" Workshops for caregivers, parents and youth-serving professionals 

CoSHI offers a two-hour "Beyond the Birds & the Bees" workshop on becoming an "askable adult” for foster parents, teachers, court appointed advocates, child welfare staff, parents, grandparents, guardians ad litem, caregivers, mentors and/or youth-serving professionals who may receive questions about sexual health and relationships from young people. 

The Beyond the Birds & the Bees workshop is intended to help adults develop the skills and knowledge to discuss these topics effectively and become more comfortable answering the questions that young people may ask regarding puberty, sexual health, relationships, consent, and other sensitive topics. 

Sign up for an upcoming workshop and join us to have fun, and further develop the skills needed to be a trusted and safe person for the young people in your life.

Supporting Gender-Expansive Youth Workshops

Supporting Gender-Expansive Youth

A four-hour training for professionals, trusted adults and caregivers on how to provide affirming care for transgender, non-binary and gender-expansive youth. This workshop covers transgender, non-binary and gender-expansive identities, experiences and pronouns; gender-affirming healthcare and caregiving; and the best practices for supporting gender-expansive youth.

This is not an introductory course. We can add extra time and content if your organization needs an introduction to sexual orientation and gender identity, terminology and general LGBTQIA2S+ inclusivity considerations.

Use this link to Register for Upcoming Gender Expansive Youth Workshops

CoSHI Mini-Grants

CoSHI Mini-Grants

Please email the CoSHI Team at cdhs_coshi@state.co.us if you are interested in receiving information regarding mini-grant funding from the Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI). 

Mini-grants range between $10,000 and $25,000 to support counties, and/or community based organizations interested in developing a sexual health education program for young people ages 10-21 in Colorado. The target audience will include youth involved with systems of care (foster care, juvenile justice etc..), those who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness, youth who are survivors of human trafficking or at risk of human trafficking and those who are at high risk of untimely pregnancy, STIs or HIV. 

Resources for Young People

BedsiderProviding accurate and honest information, this online birth control support network helps young people research birth control methods and where to find them.

Planned Parenthood: General sexual health information, a clinic locator and lots of resources for teens, parents and educators. (You can also chat online with Roo, the sexual health chat bot.)

ScarleteenThis website provides a wealth of information for teens and young adults about sexuality, sex and relationships, as well as advice and support, and even a safer sex shop.

Sex, Etc.: Created for teens, by teens, this website provides accurate and honest information to improve teen sexual health, as well as various ways for adolescents to get involved in various campaigns around sexual and reproductive health.

Power to DecideUsing videos, blogs and a sex education resource center, this website delivers quality information about sex, love and relationships for teens, including content authored by teens.

Contact the Colorado Sexual Health Initiative Team

The CoSHI Team 

Zoa P. Schescke, MPA (she/her/ella), CoSHI Administrator
1575 Sherman St., 2nd floor
Denver, CO 80203

Anna Wendt, MPH (she/her/hers), CoSHI and Native Youth Programs Manager
1575 Sherman St., 2nd floor
Denver, CO 80203

Theo Isoz (they/them/theirs), CoSHI Training Manager
1575 Sherman St., 2nd floor
Denver, CO 80203

Sami Wilson, MPH (she/her/hers), CoSHI Training Specialist
1575 Sherman St., 2nd floor
Denver, CO 80203

Colorado Sexual Health Initiative Funded Partners 

Western Slope Empowerment

Raquel Lopez, MA, LPC  (she/her/hers)
Gen Morris, MA, LPC  (she/her/hers)
Phone: 970-549-0493
Email: Contact@WSEmpowerment.com 
Website: WSEmpowerment.com 

CoSHI also partners with organizations in these Colorado counties:

Adams, Denver, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Mesa, and Weld counties.

Information Request

Fill out the CoSHI Information Request form to receive information and updates from the Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI).

Circular Logo for the Family Youth Services Bureau, Dark Blue outer cirlce with the words Family Youth Services Bureau Supported Program and inner circle. The inner circle contains the representative image of a person conveyed via a circle for a head, with a body shaped like the letter Y, representative of a person with their arms raised.This website was made possible by Grant Number 93.092 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the Colorado Sexual Health Initiative and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.