State Board of Human Services

The State Board of Human Services was created pursuant to Section 26-1-107, C.R.S., as a Type 1 agency in the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), consisting of nine members serving four-year terms as appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Colorado Senate.  This is a rule-making body that holds hearings related to the formulation and revision of the policies of CDHS. Its statutory duties include adopting rules for programs administered and services provided by CDHS, which govern program scope and content; requirements, obligations and rights of clients; adopting non-Executive Director rules concerning vendors, providers and other acts of the State Department; adjusting the award amounts for Old Age Pension; and, any other specific statutory provisions granting rule-making authority in relation to specific programs.

Pursuant to statute, of the nine State Board of Human Services members: three members shall be appointed from among persons who are serving as county commissioners; at least one member shall be a person with a disability, family member or member of an advocacy group for persons with disabilities; and, no member shall be a recipient of Old Age Pension.

Sign up to be alerted on rules to be heard at upcoming SBHS meetings. (Email typically sent the week before upcoming SBHS meetings.)

Track the status of proposed CDHS rules.

See the upcoming schedule for CDHS' comprehensive review of rules for 2025-2029.

If you have any questions about the State Board of Human Services or the rulemaking process as it applies to the Department of Human Services, contact State Board Administrator Kyle Zinth at 720.602.6807 or kyle.zinth@state.co.us.


Next meeting

Date and time: March 7, 2025, at 8:30 a.m.

Location: 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203 

Information on how to connect remotely can be found below under "Live meeting broadcasts." The rules agenda is subject to change; should information on how to remotely connect change, it will be updated below. 

8:30 a.m. Work Session

Child Welfare Qualifications and Certification Requirements (OCYF, Yolanda Arredondo)


9:00 a.m. Rulemaking Session

A. Call to Order

B. Attendance

C. Board Business ​

         1. Approval of March Agenda

         2. Minutes from February Board Meeting

         3. Next Meeting: April 4, 2024 (Denver, CO)

         4. Executive Order Appointing New State Board of Human Services Members

         5. Travel Dates for State Board 2025 

         6. Training for State Board of Human Services

D. Open Comments Period

E. Rule Making Session (NOTE: To access proposed rules, please scroll down to access Rule Making Session Agendas, Documents & Minutes folder one week prior to the next scheduled meeting.)

First Read

DOCUMENT 1 - County Department Response to Unregulated Custody Transfer of a Child/youth
[12 CCR 2509-1] (24-08-30-01) (OCYF, Holly Harris-Yanker)

DOCUMENT 2 - County Department Response to Unregulated Custody Transfer of a Child/youth
[12 CCR 2509-2] (24-01-24-01) (OCYF, Holly Harris-Yanker)

DOCUMENT 3 - Unregulated Child Custody Transfer (23-12-05-01) (OCYF, Kate Bradley)

F. Departmental Update

           G.  Community Updates (From Board Members, Time Permitting)

Note: Agendas may be modified at the discretion of the Board.

Next Meeting: April 4, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. 1575 Sherman Street, Denver CO 80203 - See connection info below under "Live Meeting Broadcast"  [NOTE: Meeting location subject to change.]

Questions? Please contact CDHS State Board and Boards and Commissions Administrator Kyle Zinth at 720.602.6807 or kyle.zinth@state.co.us

Agendas, documents and minutes

Live meeting broadcasts

CDHS broadcasts all State Board meetings. You can join via computer or phone.

To join by computer

Click here to join from your computer. Ensure that your microphone is installed and operating if you are scheduled to provide testimony. If you plan on testifying during open comments period or on a rule, when logging in through your computer, it is highly recommended that you enter accurate information regarding your name so that your line may be identified and unmuted at the appropriate time.

Please be advised that the time and place for scheduled meetings is subject to change and the broadcasts will only occur when meetings are in session. A "waiting for organizer" message may appear if access to the service is attempted prior to launching of the broadcast. If you receive this message, wait a few minutes and try again. Potential unforeseen technical difficulties may affect availability of the broadcast. After clicking the meeting link, you may be prompted to install the Zoom application. Follow the onscreen instructions, and the meeting will launch once the application has installed. 

If during the broadcast you lose the connection, click the broadcast link again to rejoin the meeting.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please e-mail our technical support team.

To join by phone

Call 1.346.248.7799; meeting ID: 574 139 2933; passcode: 303720.

Remote testimony

The State Board meetings are broadcast by webinar. Members of the public should call in to the listen-only line. 

If you wish to testify remotely, you will need to register with the State Board Administrator by 10:00 A.M. on the previous business day. Complete this form or email kyle.zinth@state.co.us with the following information:

  • Your name (use the same name when logging in to testify)
  • Name of group or organization you represent
  • Agenda item (public comment or rule number)
  • Phone number (used to identify those who may call into a meeting)
  • Whether you support or oppose the rule
  • Written summary as backup is encouraged

To make the most of your testimony, you may find these guidelines helpful.


CDHS is committed to providing equal access to our meetings for all participants. If you would like to request an accommodation to attend a State Board meeting, please contact Kyle Zinth at 720.602.6807 or via email kyle.zinth@state.co.us with your request by the close of business at least one week in advance of a meeting.

Brisa ChavezPublic memberMarch 1, 2025
VACANTCounty commissioner 
Kim MacDonnellPublic memberMarch 1, 2027
Elizabeth LowdermilkBehavioral Health RepresentativeMarch 1, 2027
Tamara Pogue, Summit County Commissioner County commissionerMarch 1, 2027
John Kefalas, Larimer County CommissionerCounty commissioner and ChairMarch 1, 2027
Mychael DavePublic member and Vice ChairMarch 1, 2025
Lindsay ReevesPublic member; member with a disabilityMarch 1, 2025
Desta Taye-ChannellPublic memberMarch 1, 2025
Article I: Creation

The Colorado State Board of Human Services hereinafter referred to as the "Board" is created by statute in Section 26-1-107, C.R.S., and its members are appointed pursuant thereto.

Article II: Organization
  1. Officers: The Board shall elect from its members a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and any such other officers as it shall determine. Such officers shall hold their offices for a term of two years. Election of officers shall take place at the Board's regularly scheduled August meeting subsequent to the appointment of new Board members and their confirmation by the Senate. If requested by any Board member, elections of officers shall take place by secret ballot. All Board officers shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the Board. 
  2. Committees: The Board, by resolution of a majority of the members of the Board, may designate and appoint one or more committees to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. No such committee(s) shall have the authority of the Board and shall perform only those functions determined by the Board. Committee members shall be appointed by the Chairperson and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Chairperson(s) of committee(s) may be designated by the Board or may be selected by the members of the committee(s), as determined by the Board.

    Each committee shall met with the Board at least once each year at such regular meeting of the Board as may be designated by the Board and at such other times as may be called by the Chairperson of the Board. 
  3. Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the Friday immediately following the first Thursday of each month at a place and time determined by the Board or at such other times as may be established by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Board. The meetings will be in the Board Room of the Colorado Department of Human Services unless otherwise designated. The Board shall encourage a statewide presence by conducting meetings outside the Denver metropolitan area, as budget allocations allow. 

    Emergency or special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson, by the Executive Director of the Department, or upon written request of a majority of members of the Board. Notice of any emergency or special meeting of the Board shall be mailed or be delivered by telephone to each member of the Board stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Notice by telephone must be given no later than 24 hours prior to the time set for the meeting, or if mailed, shall be mailed not later than 72 hours prior to the hour set for the meeting. Any member of the Board may waive notice of the time, place, and purpose of an emergency or special meeting at any time before, during, or after such meeting. 

    All regular, special and emergency meetings of the Board shall be open to the public as required by law. 

    At any Board meeting, the Board may proceed into Executive Session as authorized by law upon a vote of two-thirds of the entire membership of the Board. Prior to proceeding into Executive Session, the Chairperson shall announce to the public the general topic of the Executive Session. Only those persons invited by the Board may be present at an Executive Session. 
  4. Quorum: The quorum of members necessary for the Board to transact business shall be a simple majority of the entire membership of the Board. Decision of the Board shall be by simple majority vote of the members of the Board present unless otherwise specified by these by-laws. 
  5. Compensation: Members of the Board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for any necessary and actual traveling expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties as members, as allowable under statute and state fiscal guidelines.
Article III: Procedures and Rules of Order
  1. Meetings of the Board shall be conducted generally in keeping with Roberts Rules of Order, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, but shall be as informal as circumstances permit.
  2. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, a member selected by those Board members present shall preside.
  3. The agenda may be changed by the Chairperson or by a majority vote of the Board members present.
  4. The Chairperson shall rule on all matters relating to the length of testimony and who shall be heard at meetings but such rulings shall be subject to change upon a majority vote of the Board members present.
  5. All meetings of the Board shall be recorded and retained in appropriate minutes.
  6. The Chairperson may participate in discussion and shall vote as any other Board member.
  7. A roll call vote shall be taken upon the request of any Board member. The names of the Board members shall be called in alphabetical order by the State Board Administrator, and each member shall vote "yes" or "no" at such time unless he/she chooses to abstain.
  8. A consent agenda may be established and presented by the Chairperson at the beginning of a meeting. Any items proposed for a consent agenda must appear on the meeting agenda mailed to Board members at least five (5) days prior to each meeting. Items must be removed from the consent agenda upon the request of any Board member. Removed items may be taken up either immediately after the consent agenda or placed later on the agenda at the discretion of the Board. Items not removed will be read out loud for the Board. If there are no objections, the consent agenda will be adopted without debate or a vote.
Article IV: General Policies
  1. The Board shall act only by resolution at a duly called meeting of the Board and no individual member of the Board shall exercise individually any administrative authority with respect to the Department.
  2. No individual member of the Board shall make a statement of policy which purports to be that of the Board unless the Board shall have adopted such policy, but no one shall be prohibited from stating his or her personal opinions, provided they are clearly identified as such. 
  3. When a Board member becomes aware of a potential conflict of interest, the Board member must disclose the potential conflict of interest prior to participating in discussion on the matter.  The Board shall then have the opportunity to deliberate on whether the conflict of interest exists. Board members may participate in discussions regarding topics on which they may have a conflict of interest, but may not participate in the formal voting process when an actual conflict exists. 
Article V: Administrative Directives
  1. The Executive Director shall attend all Board meetings or send a suitable representative selected by him/her.
  2. State Board Administration shall prepare an agenda for all regular meetings and have such agenda mailed to Board members at least five (5) days prior to each meeting.
  3. Copies of the minutes of each regular meeting shall be mailed to all Board members by State Board Administration at least five (5) days prior to the next succeeding regular meeting. Minutes of emergency or special meetings shall be mailed to Board members as soon as is reasonably possible.
  4. The Executive Director shall see that the Board is kept well informed of the activities and programs of the Department and of its committees and councils and shall regularly advise the Board concerning any staff vacancies relating to high-level personnel.
  5. A calendar of important dates and rule-making events shall be prepared by State Board Administration.
Article VI: Bylaws

These by-laws may be amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted by a majority vote of the entire membership of the Board at any regular meeting of the Board.

State Board Administration shall provide a copy of these bylaws to all new members of the Board upon their appointment and to any other person who requests a copy. 

It being the desire of the Board to meet its responsibilities to the people of Colorado, and, in the most efficient and conscientious manner possible, to discharge its duties under the law, the State Board of Human Services does by resolution hereby adopt these by-laws this 6th day of February 2015 to be effective immediately. 

By unanimous vote, the Colorado State Board of Human Services approves and adopts these By-Laws on June 7, 2019 to be effective immediately.

Signed by Bernard Buescher, Chairman

Rules Imposing Local Government Mandates

On January 11, 2011, Governor Hickenlooper signed Executive Order D 2011-005, “Establishing a Policy to Enhance the Relationship between State and Local Government". 

The Executive Order’s goal is to enhance the partnership between state and local government by requiring that state rulemaking agencies consult with and engage local governments prior to the promulgation of any rules containing mandates and to prevent excessive or unnecessary regulation of local government through increased intergovernmental communication.  This executive order was codified in section 24-4-103(2.7) of the Administrative Procedure Act by the passage of Senate Bill 2012-026.

Local governments will continue to be contacted to solicit their input in the development of proposed rules with state mandates through the process established by the Office of State Planning and Budgeting and the Department of Local Affairs in 2012. 


Regulatory agendas

Notice about cost-benefit analyses

A member of the public may email the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) to request a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) from the agency proposing rule changes, which is made publicly available when it is completed.

The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies provides a mechanism for citizens to receive Notices of Proposed Rulemaking in their areas of interest. When you sign up to receive Regulatory Notices, you are provided with information on the proposed rules, its public hearing and an effortless way to request that the rulemaking agency complete a cost-benefit analysis of the new or amended rules.

Visit the DORA website for more information.

Contact information

Kyle Zinth
State Board and Boards and Commissions Administrator