About the Lifelong Colorado Initiative
We believe that a Colorado well adapted for aging is one where all individuals can thrive — a Colorado for all. Take a look at our Lifelong Colorado State Plan.
Colorado consistently ranks as one of the healthiest states in the country, with a life expectancy in the top 10 nationally. This reality, when combined with our state’s shifting demographics, means our communities will grow proportionally older as we look towards the future.
Our emerging demographic reality is a first and will become our new normal as generations of Coloradans continue to live long and productive lives. Our opportunity to plan, adapt, and invest in our communities is now, so that quality of life is retained across the entire lifespan and the economic and social value of older Coloradans is harnessed. The Lifelong Colorado initiative is a collection of state, regional and local strategies that support aging in the community. It is our vehicle for moving aging efforts forward in our state and livable community efforts are a critical piece of the puzzle.

Which Colorado communities are participating?
Here are the Colorado communities that have embarked on livable community planning either through AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities or Denver Regional Council of Government’s Boomer Bond:
Arapahoe County
Boulder City and County
Broomfield City and County
Castle Pines
Chaffee County
Colorado Springs
Denver City and County
Eagle County
Federal Heights
Garden City
Idaho Springs
Jefferson County
La Junta
Larimer County
Las Animas
Logan County
Manitou Springs
Pitkin County
Summit County
Wheat Ridge
Additional resources
AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities
AARP Public Policy Institute
Healthy Communities Policy Guide — American Planning Association
Age-Friendly Rural Planning — American Planning Association
Colorado Community Assessment Survey of Older Adults, 2022
Strategic Action Plan on Aging, 2020
Health Eating and Active Living Master Plan Policy Scan — Healthy Community Coalition of Eagle County
Boomer Bond — Denver Regional Council of Governments
Contact information
Interested in learning more about Lifelong Colorado? Contact Kristine Burrows at kristine.burrows@state.co.us.