Better Together: CDHS Strategic Plan

About the CDHS Strategic Plan

Based on feedback from thousands of survey responses and discussions with staff, stakeholders and partners, CDHS's Strategic Plan identified guiding principles and key goals that align with our mission, vision and values. These provide the foundation of what we do, who we serve and who we are. Our goal of empowering Coloradans to thrive through bold and innovative health and human services is ambitious and extensive.

The guiding principles and key goals outlined in the strategic plan provide direction for CDHS for the next three years. But they also offer each office, division, program and team the flexibility to approach them in a way that best suits their unique needs, talents and initiatives.

Guiding principles

Our strategic plan includes six guiding principles, which encompass the broad philosophies that guide how we engage our partners and clients and how we articulate department-level activities across all offices:

  • We design and deliver high-quality human services that improve the safety, independence and wellbeing of Coloradans.
  • We believe in supporting the whole person, the whole family and the whole community. Our services will be individual- and family-focused, family-driven and community-based.
  • As an organization, we do what’s right even when it’s hard. When we’re wrong, we acknowledge the error and learn from it. We foster an environment that allows risk and gives permission to fail.
  • We believe in fostering equity so all Coloradans have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We ensure individual human rights and work to eliminate discrimination and stigma.
  • Our actions and words will always reflect our beliefs and values.
  • We will create and maintain a culture that attracts top talent, improves retention and inspires great work. We believe in a joyous work environment that maintains a culture of learning and excellence.

Key goals

Our key goals for 2024-26 are interconnected and interdependent, with success being further amplified as each is achieved. These key goals rely on participation throughout our program and partner ecosystem. Executing a unified, non-siloed approach will lead to our success.

  • We support the well-being and safety of Coloradans
  • We have a great place to work
  • We strive for operational efficiency
  • We are inclusive of everyone
  • We challenge ourselves to innovate

If you have questions about the CDHS Strategic Plan, email Valerie Cassano at valerie.cassano@state.co.us.