Gilliam Youth Services Center

2844 Downing St.
Denver, CO 80205

(303) 291-8951

Gilliam Youth Services Center (GYSC) opened in April 1903 and is the oldest state-operated detention center in Colorado. The program serves up to 36 youth, both male and female, from the 2nd Judicial District located in the city and county of Denver. Gilliam is secure detention holding for youth from ages 10 to their 18th birthday.

Gilliam Youth Services Center personnel are committed to modeling excellence. Through restorative principles, we teach youth to become responsible, productive citizens while keeping the community safe. Youth receive a minimum of 14 hours of programming per day Monday through Friday and 12 hours of programming per day on weekends and holidays. All youth are given the opportunity to attend weekly religious services and are granted one hour of recreation daily.

There are four levels in Gilliam's behavioral management program which are a way of marking achievement and responsibility. As a youth advances through the levels, his/her responsibilities and privileges increase. If rules are followed, a youth will advance through the level system. With positive behavior, youth may gain expanded privileges. Privileges are typically tied to bedtime, allowable items in the youth's room, number of phone calls home or number of visits to mention a few.

Gilliam is a Denver Public School site. Monday-Friday students attend classes promoting progress in the academic areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, computer technology and physical education. In addition to the academic progress that students will make while placed at Gilliam Youth Services Center, students will progress in their ability to handle a wide variety of social/emotional issues and situations in a healthy way. Qualifying students are able to participate in the school's GED program.

Gilliam continues to host the Denver Collaborative Partnership meetings as it has done for the past five years. This allows professionals from the various community agencies and disciplines the opportunity to come together and discuss interventions and services that could be implemented in lieu of commitment to the Division of Youth Services.

Youth Served

GYSC is one of the Division of Youth Services state owned and operated detention youth centers. GYSC is a 64-bed youth center that provides secure detention services located in the Central Region of Colorado. The youth center services the 2nd Judicial District encompassing Denver County. Youth residing in the youth center are male and female and can range in age from 10 to their 18th birthday.

Family Information
Youth Handbook

Visitation is an avenue to build and maintain healthy family and community relationships. Families of youth in the care of the Colorado Division of Youth Services are encouraged to visit the youth center. All visits require a scheduled appointment. You can request visitation by contacting the Gilliam YSC Control Center at 303.291.8951.

Contact & Directions


Vera Dominguez, Director(303) 291-8901Vera.Dominguez@state.co.us
Lindsey Miller, Assistant Director(303) 291-8902Lindsey.Miller@state.co.us
Kelley O'Brien, Program Assistant(303) 291-8917Kelley.OBrien@state.co.us
Scott Hays, Clinical Director(720) 879-7587scott.hays@state.co.us
Philip Haberman, Iterim, Denver Public School District Principal(303) 291-8928phillip_haberman@dpsk12.org
Control(303) 291-8951 
Fax(303) 291-8955 


For Bus Route information please visit: https://rtd-denver.com/

2844 Downing St.
Denver, CO 80205


The Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman - Phone Number: 720-625-8640, 1-866-276-8646 (toll-free number) - The Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman helps youth and families address concerns about youth experiences and treatment while living in the Division of Youth Services (DYS) youth centers. The CPO is an independent state agency that investigates complaints and grievances about the Division of Youth Services and provides free and confidential assistance to anyone who calls.