Energy EBT

Two photos: 1. People wearing colorful socks in front of a fireplace; 2. Woman holding groceries in a grocery store

The Colorado Energy EBT program, which launched in March 2025, provides one-time cash assistance for energy costs to certain households that receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

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Woman looking at an energy bill

What is Energy EBT?

Energy EBT is a new state program that provides one-time cash assistance for energy costs to SNAP households that have not already received benefits from the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) in the past 12 months.

SNAP households that receive Energy EBT will be assigned the highest standard utility allowance in their SNAP budget, which may result in an increase to their monthly SNAP allotment.

Mother hold groceries and baby

Who is eligible for Energy EBT?

A SNAP household is automatically eligible for Energy EBT if:

  • The household is eligible for SNAP and is currently receiving SNAP benefits; and
  • The household has not received LEAP at any address in the previous 12 months; and
  • The household has not received Energy EBT at any address in the previous 12 months.
Man holding credit card and smiling

How much is the Energy EBT benefit?

The benefit is a single cash payment of $21 per eligible SNAP household.

November 2024 calendar page

When will I receive my Energy EBT benefit?

For households not currently receiving SNAP:

  • If you apply and are approved for SNAP on or after Feb. 8, 2025, and you are eligible for Energy EBT, you will receive your benefit at the same time you receive your first SNAP benefit.

For households currently receiving SNAP:

  • If you are eligible for Energy EBT, you will receive your benefit in March 2025.
Older man wearing warm clothes, drinking a warm drink and reading a piece of paper

Do I need to apply for Energy EBT?

No. SNAP households will automatically receive the Energy EBT benefit if they are determined to be eligible through the above criteria.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Energy EBT and SNAP?
QuestionEnergy EBTSNAP

What type of assistance is it?



How frequently is it issued?

One time


Do I have to apply?



Can I withdraw the benefit as cash from an ATM?



When is eligibility for Energy EBT determined?

Eligibility will be determined for all SNAP households after the program launches, as early as February 2025. Moving forward, eligibility for Energy EBT will be automatically determined at the time of a household’s SNAP application, recertification or periodic report.

How will I receive my Energy EBT benefit?

If you do not already receive another cash assistance program, such as Colorado Works or Old Age Pension:

  • The Energy EBT benefit will be issued onto your existing EBT card where your SNAP benefits are issued. If you cannot find your EBT card, call EBT Customer Service at 888.328.2656 for a replacement.

If you already receive another cash assistance program, such as Colorado Works or Old Age Pension:

  • The Energy EBT benefit will be issued in the same way as the other cash assistance. This could be by EBT card, direct deposit or a prepaid debit card.
How do I use my Energy EBT benefit?

Energy EBT can be used at any authorized retailer to make a purchase, to get cash back with a purchase, or to withdraw funds from an ATM with the EBT logo.

Please note:

  • There is a 32-cent fee each time you withdraw cash from an ATM; any additional ATM surcharge may apply. 
  • Some retailers may allow cash withdrawals at their customer service desk. 

EBT cards cannot be used at at any of the following prohibited locations:

  • Places licensed to sell malt, vinous or spirited liquors, including retail liquor stores, brewpubs and bars;
  • Places where gambling activities occur, such as casinos, racetracks or bingo halls;
  • Places that sell medical or retail marijuana or marijuana products;
  • Places that offer adult-oriented entertainment, including adult video stores, strip clubs and peep shows; and
  • Places whose primary business is the sale of firearms.
How often will I receive the Energy EBT benefit?

If a SNAP household meets the Energy EBT eligibility criteria at the time of their recertification or periodic report, then the household will receive the benefit at that time. A SNAP household cannot receive Energy EBT more than one time in a 12-month period.

How soon do I have to use my Energy EBT benefit?

Any Energy EBT benefits that are unused 274 days after issuance will be removed from your EBT account.

How is the Energy EBT benefit amount calculated?

The Energy EBT benefit amount is a standard $21 for eligible SNAP households.

Do I have to use my Energy EBT benefit on an energy bill?

No. Energy EBT is cash assistance intended to help offset a household’s energy costs; however, Colorado does not direct how the cash assistance is used, except for that it cannot be used at prohibited locations (liquor and marijuana stores, casinos, etc.).

Can I apply for LEAP even though I already received the Energy EBT benefit this year?

Yes. LEAP accepts applications between Nov. 1 and April 30. Visit LEAP for more information.

If I receive LEAP after already receiving Energy EBT, will I need to give the Energy EBT benefit back?


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