Records requests

A smiling officer worker talking on a headset and an illustration of computer files on a laptop

The Colorado Department of Human Services and its offices and divisions provide various types of public and personal records. Expand the sections below for information about obtaining different types of records.

Adoption records

The Colorado Department of Human Services can release adoption record information (if located) to adoptees or other eligible parties who are at least 18 years of age. Visit our Adoption page for details.

Child Protective Services records

Child Protective Services records are maintained at the county level. Contact the records department at your county department of human services to make a request.

Child support payment records

The Division of Child Support Services can provide a legal record of all payments received for child support accounts. Visit the Child Support Services website for details. 

Child Welfare records

Child Welfare records are maintained at the county level. Contact the records department at your county department of human services to make a request.

Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan medical records

To request medical records from the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan, call 303.866.7042.

Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Pueblo medical records

To request medical records from the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Pueblo, fill out the CMHHIP medical records request form and send it by email, fax or mail:

Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests

CDHS is committed to transparency and open government. CDHS complies in all respects with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) and meets all of its constitutional and statutory duties to the people of Colorado in an orderly and expeditious manner. You can submit a CORA request by email or mail:


Colorado Department of Human Services
Attn: CORA manager
1575 Sherman St.
Denver, CO 80203

View the CDHS CORA policy.

Government agencies requesting records pertaining to Child Protective Services should contact the county in which the client resided.

To make a CORA request with the Colorado State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program or the PACE Ombudsman Program, email cdhs_ltcombudsman@state.co.us.

Employment verification

To verify employment of a CDHS employee, visit The Work Number. Use employer code 35892 and list the employer as the State of Colorado.

Youth Services records

To make a records request regarding a youth currently residing in or having previously resided in a Division of Youth Services placement, please visit the DYS records requests page.