CDHS memo archives

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This page contains all of the archived policy, operation and information memos issued by the Colorado Department of Human Services. Visit the Memo Series homepage.

The Memo Series may not be used to change, create, replace, or waive any state or federal law or regulation/rule.

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Important notice about policy memos

Note: Effective July 1, 2020, the policy memo will no longer exist due to merging with the operation memo.

Current memos

Looking for current memos? Visit the Current CDHS memos page.

Aging and Adult Services archives

Policy memos

There are no archived policy memos for Aging and Adult Services.

Operation memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
OM-AAS-2015-0001 (Part 1)CAPS Security AgreementJuly 29, 2015AASCAPS, Security Agreement
OM-AAS-2015-0001 (Part 2)CAPS Security Agreement (Part 2)July 29, 2015AASCAPS, Security Agreement
OM-AAS-2016-0001CAPS Documentation Corrections Related to the County APS Administration AllocationMarch 7, 2016AASCAPS, APS Administration Allocation
OM-AAS-2016-0002SFY 2015-16 APS Supplemental Allocation FormulaMarch 22, 2016AASAPS Supplemental Allocation, FY 2015-16
OM-AAS-2016-0003June 2016 CAPS Intake Changes, Mandatory WebinarJune 10, 2016AASCAPS, Training, Webinar, Mandatory, Changes
OM-AAS-2016-04SFY 2015-16 APS Administration AllocationNov. 10, 2016AASAPS Administration, Allocation, Accounting
OM-AAS-2016-0005APS Background Check RequirementsDec. 29, 2016AASBackground check
OM-AAS-2017-0001APS Training GuidelinesJan. 31, 2017AASAPS, Training
OM-AAS-2017-0003Reporting Party Designation for APSMarch 10, 2017AASReporter, Reporting Party
OM-AAS-2017-0004APS as Mandatory ReportersFeb. 15, 2017AASMandatory Reporting
OM-AAS-2017-0005APS Information Sharing GuidelinesFeb. 27, 2017AASBackground check
OM-AAS-2017-0006Sharing Reports with Law EnforcementMarch 10, 2017AASReport, law enforcement
OM-AAS-2017-0008CAPS User LicensesMarch 10, 2017AASCAPS, Licenses, APS
OM-AAS-2017-0009APS Staff Background ChecksMay 30, 2017AASAPS, Background Check
OM-AAS-2017-0010CAPS Screener and Web2Case User LicensesMay 30, 2017APSCAPS, Licenses, Web2Case
OM-AAS-2017-0011APS Training RequirementNov. 29, 2017OCAITraining
OM-AAS-2018-0001APS Severity LevelsApril 26, 2018AASInvestigation, severity levels
OM-AAS-2018-0002APS Training GuidelinesJune 22, 2018AASAPS training
OM-AAS-2018-0003Perpetrator Notification ProcessJune 22, 2018AASInvestigation, finding, perpetrator notification
OM-AAS-2018-0007APS Practice Alignment with Statute and RuleAug. 27, 2018AASAPS, Statute and Rule Alignment
OM-AAS-2018-0004Assessment ComplianceJuly 19, 2018AAXAssessment, level of impact
OM-AAS-2018-0006APS Confidentiality GuidelinesAug. 27, 2018AASInformation sharing, confidentiality, investigation, service provision
OM-AAS-2018-0005Taking APS ReportsAug. 27, 2018AASIntake, Reports
OCAI-AAS-2018-0008CAPS Check Processes for County APS ProgramsNov. 21, 2018AASCAPS, background checks
OM-AAS-2019-0001Training Guidelines and RequirementsMay 1, 2019AASTraining, APS, CPS, Initial Training, Recertification, Annual Training
OM-AAS-2019-0003APS Training GuidelinesJune 3, 2019AASAPS, Training
OM-AAS-2020-0001Caseload Average EquationMar. 4, 2020AASCaseload average, equation
OM-AAS-2020-0004APS Confidentiality GuidelinesSept. 13, 2020AASInformation sharing, confidentiality, investigation, service provision
OM-AAS-2020-0005Amended APS AllocationSept. 18, 2020AASAPS, Allocation
OM-AAS-2021-0001APS Elder Justice Act (EJA) FundsMay 18, 2021AASAPS, elder justice, funds
OM-AAS-2021-0002Amended APS Elder Justice Act
(EJA) Round 1 Funds
Aug. 10, 2021AASAPS, elder justice, funds
OM-AAS-2021-0003APS Elder Justice Act Round 2Aug. 24, 2021AASAPS, Elder Justice, EJA, Allocation
OM-AAS-2021-00042nd Amended APS EJA Round 1
Sept. 28, 2021AASAPS, elder justice, funds


Information memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
IM-AAS-2015-0001APS Quality Assurance Activities for FY 2015-16July 29, 2015AASQuality Assurance, Case Reviews, Program Audits
IM-AAS-2015-0002Adult Protective Services (APS) Operational DefinitionsAug. 21, 2015AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2015-0003Adult Protective Services C-stat Measures ChangesOct. 16, 2015AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2016-0001Revisions to the APS Quality Assurance processes for FY 2015-16March 14, 2016AASQuality Assurance, Case Reviews, Program Audits
IM-AAS-2016-0002Adult Protective Services Client Services Funds Spending AuthorityMarch 15, 2016AASClient Services, APS Allocation
IM-AAS-2016-0003AAPS Cooperative Agreement TemplatesJune 6, 2016AASCooperative Agreements
IM-AAS-2016-0003BAPS Rule Revision RecommendationsMay 2, 2016AASAPS, rules
IM-AAS-2016-0004Mandatory ReportingJuly 6, 2016AASmandatory reporting
IM-AAS-2016-0005APS Quality Assurance processes for FY 2016-17Aug. 4, 2016AASQuality Assurance, Case Reviews, Program Audits
IM-AAS-2016-0006Sharing C-Stat Raw Data Reports for APSOct. 13, 2016AASC-Stat, data, APS
IM-AAS-2016-0008APS Quality Assurance Statewide Review FY 2016-17Nov. 10, 2016AASQuality Assurance, Statewide Review, Program Audits
IM-AAS-2017-0001Adult Protective Services (APS) C-Stat Operational DefinitionsJan. 25, 2017AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2017-0002Training Guidelines and RequirementsJan. 6, 2017AASTraining
IM-AAS-2018-0002Adult Protective Services Client Services Funds Spending AuthorityFeb. 27, 2017AASClient Services, APS Allocation
IM-AAS-2017-0004Adult Protective Services Pre-Academy WorkbookMarch 29, 2017AASPre-Academy, Training Academy, Training
IM-AAS-2017-0005APS Task GroupMay 30, 2017AASAPS, task group
IM-AAS-2017-0006Mandatory ReportingJune 30, 2017AASmandatory reporting
IM-AAS-2017-0007APS Statewide QAJuly 11, 2017AASQuality assurance, audits, desk review
IM-AAS-2018-0001 (superseded by IM-AAS-2018-0005)Adult Protective Services (APS) C-Stat Operational DefinitionsJan. 5, 2018AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2018-0002Adult Protective Services Client Services Funds Spending AuthorityJan. 22, 2018AASClient Services, APS Allocation
IM-AAS-2018-0003 and IM-CW-2018-0036Training Guidelines and RequirementsFeb. 6, 2018AAS and CWTraining
IM-AAS-2018-0004Required CAPS trainingApril 26, 2018AASCAPS, Training
IM-AAS-2018-0005Adult Protective Services (APS) C-Stat Operational DefinitionsMay 11, 2018AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2018-0006CAPS Check Law with FlyerSept. 9, 2018AASCAPS, Background Check
IM-AAS-2018-0007Statewide Quality Assurance MeasuresSept. 5, 2018AASQA, quality assurance
IM-AAS-2019-0001Adult Protective Services (APS) C-Stat Operational DefinitionsJan. 2, 2019AASC-Stat
IM-AAS-2019-0002Adult Protective Services Client Services Funds Spending AuthorityJan. 2, 2019AASClient Services, APS Allocation
IM-AAS-2019-0003Reduced access to historical CBMS dataMar. 29, 2019AASAPS, CBMS
IM-AAS-2020-0001Adult Protective Services Client Services Funds Spending AuthorityJan. 13, 2020AASClient Services, APS Allocation
IM-AAS-2020-0003Adult Protective Services (APS) Statewide Quality Assurance MeasuresMay 8, 2020AASQA, quality assurance
IM-AAS-2021-0001APS Client Services Funds Spending
Jan. 21, 2021AASAPS, client services, funding
IM-AAS-2021-0002APS Oversight PlanFeb. 2, 2021AASAPS, oversight, performance
IM-AAS-2021-0003APS Statewide Quality AssuranceApr. 28, 2021AASQA, APS
IM-AAS-2022-0001APS Administrative Funding Mitigation ApplicationMay 11, 2022AASAPS allocation, funding, EJA grant, mitigation
IM-AAS-2023-0001APS Elder Justice Act Supplemental
Allocation Memo
Dec. 1, 2023AASAPS, EJA Grant, Allocation
IM-AAS-2024-0001APS Scholarships for NAPSA ConferenceFeb. 13, 2024AASAPS, NAPSA, Scholarship, conference
IM-AAS-2024-0002APS Assessment Tool EvaluationFeb. 20, 2024AASAPS, CHI, Assessment Improvement Evaluation

Office of Children, Youth and Families archives

Policy memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
PM-CW-2015-0001Implementation of SB15-087, Concerning the Safe Placement of Children in Foster Care HomesAug. 12, 2015CWFoster care, kinship foster care, child placement agencies, background checks, FBI, CBI, Trails, sexual offender registries
PM-CW-2016-0001Child Protection TeamsApril 21, 2016CWChild Protection Teams, Assessment
PM-CW-2016-0002Specified Mandatory Reporter NotificationJune 1, 2016CWSpecified, mandatory, reporter, notification
PM-CW-2016-0003Child Fatality/Near Fatality Assessment and Observation of Victim ChildJuly 6, 2016CWChild fatality, assessment, observation/interview and assessment closure
PM-CW-2016-0004Family Engagement MeetingsOct. 14, 2016CWAssessment, Family Service Plan, Change of Venue, Family Search and Engagement, Family Engagement Meeting
PM-CW-2016-0005Review, Evaluate, and Direct (RED) TeamsNov. 17, 2016CWRED Teams, Hotline, Screening, Referral, Intake
PM-CW-2016-00062016 Indian Child Welfare Act Federal RegulationsDec. 16, 2016CWIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA
PM-CW-2017-0001Family Engagement MeetingsMay 22, 2017CWFamily Engagement Meeting
PM-CW-2017-0002Caseworker visits with parents and caregiversJuly 21, 2017CWContacts, Parents/Caregivers
PM-CW-2018-0001Clarification of Language Added to Institutional Abuse DefinitionMay 30, 2018CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Institutional, Referral
PM-CW-2018-0002Accessing the Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) Program for Mandatory Electronic Lives can FingerprintingJuly 23, 2018CWLocal law enforcement, third party vendor, foster care, health, screening, services
PM-CW-2019-0002Expansion of Education and Training Vouchers (ETV) and Changes to the Timeline of the Emancipation Transition Plan (ETP)Dec. 19, 2019CWEducational and Training Vouchers, ETV, Former Foster Care Youth, Emancipation Transition Plan, ETP
PM-CW-2020-0001Update Regarding Modification of Policy and Procedures Related to Certification and Recertification
Requirements During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr. 7, 2020CWCertification, Foster Parents, Health,
Structured Analysis Family Evaluation, and Support
PM-CW-2020-0002Video-conferencing in lieu of face-to-face monthly contacts for parents and caregivers in light of COVID-19Apr. 8, 2020CWContacts, Face-to Face, Video Conferencing,
COVID19, parents, caregivers and long term
intended caregivers
PM-CW-2020-0003Modifications to Rules Conditionally Made for Certification and Recertification of Foster Homes During the COVID-19 PandemicApr. 22, 2020CWCertification, Foster Care, Recertification, Requirements
Operation memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
OM-CW-2015-0001Child Welfare Grievance Process Concerning the Conduct of County Department Employees and Citizen Review Panel ProcessJuly 10, 2015CWGrievance Process, Citizen Review Panel
OM-CW-2015-0002Trails Hotline Application DeploymentJuly 16, 2015CWHotline, Trails, Trails Hotline Application, Child Abuse and Neglect Calls
OM-CW-2015-0003Collaborative Management Program Volume 7 Rule ChangesJuly 30, 2015CWCollaborative Management Rule Changes
OM-CW-2015-0004Other Planning Permanent Living ArrangementAug. 12, 2015CWOPPLA, Older Youth, Prudent Parent, Best Interest, Compelling Reasons, URM
OM-CW-2015-0005SFY2015-2016 Changes to Annual Training Hours Submission RequirementsSept. 15, 2015CWTraining, Re-Certification, Training Documentation
OM-CW-2015-0006New Child Welfare Rules Related to Human Trafficking - UPDATED December 23, 2015Oct. 14, 2015
(updated Dec. 23, 2015)
CWhuman trafficking, sexual abuse, child abuse, trails, training, sex trafficking, missing, runaway, out-of-home placement
OM-CW-2015-0007Documenting Supervisory Approval of RED Team DecisionsOct. 15, 2015CWRED Teams, Documentation, Trails
OM-CW-2015-00082015 Implementation of Required Elements of the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families ActOct. 16, 2015CWFamily Search, Engagement, Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard, Permanency Planning, Trafficking, and Transition
OM-CW-2015-0009Collaborative Management Data Collection and MOU AmendmentsDec. 1, 2015CWCollaborative Management, data collection, MOU amendments
OM-CW-2015-0010Implementation of SB15-87, Safe Placement of Children in Foster Care HomesDec. 3, 2015CWBackground check, disqualifying factor, emergency placement, foster care home, kinship foster care home, non-certified kinship care, sex offender registry
OM-CW-2015-0011Implementation of Successor Guardianship for the Relative Guardianship Assistance ProgramDec. 28, 2015CWAssistance agreement, relative guardian, successor guardian
OM-CW-2015-0012Advanced Directives for Emancipating Youth and Young AdultsDec. 29, 2015CWHealth-Care Decision Making, Health-Care Proxy, Advanced Directives, End-Of-Life Decisions Making
OM-CW-2015-0013Prevention Services and the RED Team ProcessDec. 30, 2015CWRED Team, Prevention Services, Voluntary
OM-CW-2016-0001Implementation of the Original Application to Care for
Children and Youth
Jan. 13, 2016CWApplication, applicants, household members, and residence
OM-CW-2016-0002Children Born Positive for TetrahydrocannabinolJan. 15, 2016CWMarijuana, Prenatal exposure, Screening, Assessment, Tetrahydrocannabinol
OM-CW-2016-0003Reinstatement of Parental RightsMarch 1, 2016CWReinstatement, Termination, Assessment, Return Home
OM-CW-2016-0004Clarification of Rules Pertaining to SB15-087 Safe Placement
of Children in Foster Care Homes
March 22, 2016CWBackground check, disqualifying factor, emergency placement, foster care home, kinship foster care home, non-certified kinship care, and safety plans
OM-CW-2016-0005Confidential Information to Clients and Former Clients ProcessMarch 22, 2016CWConfidentiality, records, access, requests
OM-CW-2016-0006Notice of Rights and Remedies for FamiliesApril 1, 2016CWremoval, foster care, kinship care, child protection services
OM-CW-2016-0007Use of the Original Application to Care for Children and YouthApril 7, 2016CWApplication, applicants, household members, and residence
OM-CW-2016-0008Identifying the Specified Relative for an initial Title IV-E determinationMay 20, 2016CWTitle IV-E Eligibility, Specified Relative, Legally Removed From
OM-CW-2016-0009SFY2015-2016 Roster of Case Carrying Staff by CountyMay 23, 2016CWChild Welfare, Case Carrying, Staff, Certification
OM-CW-2016-0010SFY2016-2016 Core Services Program Allocation and PlanJune 29, 2016CWThe Core Services Program
OM-CW-2016-0011Non-Certified Kinship Care Review ProcessJuly 21, 2016CWNon-certified kinship care, review process, background check, emergency placement, non-certified kinship care, safety plans, sample, appeal
OM-CW-2016-0012IV-E Eligibility in Adoption Assistance for Children and Youth who were in the custody of relatives at the time of Termination of Parental RightsSept. 20, 2016CWIV-E eligibility, adoption, adoption assistance, AFDC de-linking
OM-CW-2016-0013New Colorado Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE) Home Study Update/Addendum Process and FormatSept. 22, 2016CWHome study, SAFE, Adoption, Foster Care, home study updates, home study addendum
OM-CW-2016-0014New Requirements Related to Sex TraffickingSept. 29, 2016CWchild welfare, sex trafficking, Trails, screening
OM-CW-2016-0015Identification of Specified Mandated ReporterSept. 29, 2016CWSpecified Mandatory Reporter, Notification
OM-CW-2016-0016Expansion of Populations Eligible for the Relative Guardianship Assistance ProgramSept. 30, 2016CWEligible, non-relative foster parent, relative guardianship assistance agreement, RGAP, and youth
OM-CW-2016-0017Non-Certified Kinship Care Review ProcessNov. 8, 2016CWNon-certified kinship care, review process, background check, emergency placement, non-certified kinship care, safety plans, sample, appeal
OM-CW-2016-0018Clarification of Practice for Placement with KinNov. 28, 2016CWemergency placement, kinship care, kinship foster care home, kinship living arrangements, non-certified kinship care, out-of-home, and removal
OM-CW-2016-0019Duplicate ReferralsNov. 29, 2016CWReferral, Duplicate, Screening, Trails
OM-CW-2016-0020Quarterly Reporting of Inaccuracies in the Credit Records of Youth in Foster CareDec. 2, 2016CWCredit, credit reporting agencies, inaccuracies, remediation
OM-CW-2016-0021Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent MonitoringDec. 14, 2016CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan, and Recruitment
OM-CW-2016-0022Clarification of the Timing of Medical Examinations in RuleDec. 19, 2016CWInitial, medical examination, foster care
OM-CW-2017-0001Responding to Referrals and Chafee Program Requirements Related to Suspected Sex TraffickingJan. 4, 2017CWchild welfare, sex trafficking, screening, assessment, Chafee
OM-CW-2017-0002Citizenship Language Update for Medicaid EligibilityJan. 18, 2017CWMedicaid Eligibility, Citizenship, Form SS-1A
OM-CW-2017-0003Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) Regarding: Achievement of Permanency in 15 of 22 Months in Foster Care and Safety Clause Documentation in the Family Services Plan when Making Initial and Subsequent Out-of-Home PlacementsJan. 27, 2017CWASFA, 15 of 22 months, permanency, placement, safety, and timeliness
OM-CW-2017-0004Implementation of School Stability RuleMarch 10, 2017CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education
OM-CW-2017-0005Documentation of Independent Living Plans and Emancipation Transition Plans in TrailsApril 4, 2017CWAFCARS, Removal End Date
OM-CW-2017-0006Rule Clarification for County Foster Home Certification RequirementsApril 5, 2017CWCertification, foster care home, recertification, review instrument
OM-CW-2017-0007Timely Entry of Removal End Dates in the State Automated Case Management SystemMay 15, 2017CW 
OM-CW-2017-0008Implementation of Indian Child Welfare Rules to Comply with 2016 Federal Regulations and GuidelinesJune 7, 2017CWICWA, guidelines, regulations, active efforts, notice, preferred placement, emergency proceeding, record keeping
OM-CW-2017-0009Child Protection TeamsJuly 1, 2017CWChild Protection Teams, Assessment
OM-CW-2017-0013Clarification of new kinship Trails documentationSept. 19, 2017CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services
OM-CW-2017-0014Submission of the Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Policy to the Division of Child WelfareDec. 15, 2017CWOut-of-home, policy, prudent, standard
OM-CW-2017-0015Family Service Plan 90 Day ReviewDec. 15, 2017CWCourt report, FSP 90 day review
OM-CSS-2017-0001 (Supersedes OM-CSS-2016-0002)Changes to Medical Support per House Bill 16-1165July 1, 2017CWMedical Support, Child Support, ACSES, HB 16-1165
OM-CW-2017-0010SFY2017-2018 Core Services Program Allocation and PlanJuly 1, 2017CWThe Core Services Program
OM-OPSO-2017-0004State Fiscal Year 2017-18 Preliminary County AllocationsJuly 1, 2017CWCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-CW-2018-0004Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent MonitoringFeb. 27, 2018CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan and Recruitment
OM-CW-2018-0005CPA-Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive ParentsFeb. 28, 2018CWDiligent, Diversity, Plan, and Recruitment
OM-CW-2018-0014Discontinue Submission of Quarterly Credit Record Inaccuracies and Remediation Reports to DCW and a Summary of Credit Report Findings for Youth in Foster Care from July 1, 2016- December 31, 2017Feb. 28, 2019CWbest practices, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth and families, home study, SAFE
OM-CW-2018-0015Fatality assessment with no surviving sibling and/or deceased Person Responsible for Abuse and Neglect (PRAN)March 8, 2019CWtraining, pro-rating hours, recertification requirements, Trails Modernization
OM-CW-2019-0008Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent MonitoringMarch 21, 2019CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan, and Recruitment
OM-CW-2019-0014Child Welfare and Colorado State Patrol Cooperative AgreementMay 8, 2019CWReferral, Assessment, Law Enforcement, Investigation, Abuse and Neglect Report
OM-CW-2017-0011Documentation of Independent Living Plans and Emancipation Transition Plans in TrailsAug. 7, 2017CWIndependent Living Plans (ILPs), Emancipation Transition Plans (ETPs)
OM-CW-2017-0012Updates to the Non-Certified Kinship Care Review processAug. 21, 2017CWNon-certified kinship care, review process, background check, emergency placement, non-certified kinship care, safety plans, sample, appeal
OM-CW-2018-0001Guidance Regarding Communications -Concerning Unauthorized Advertising For Adoption PurposesJan. 4, 2018CWAdoption, Recruitment
OM-CW-2018-0002Voluntary Implementation of Treatment Foster Care Programs for County Departments of Human/Social Services and Child Placement AgenciesJan. 29, 2018CWAcuity level, permanency, treatment foster care home, treatment foster care parent, treatment foster care program
OM-CW-2018-0003Approval for Alternative Initial Training for Providers in lieu of the State Web-Based Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard TrainingFeb. 13, 2018CWOut-of-home, prudent, reasonable, standard, web-based
OM-CW-2018-0006Clarification of Institutional Referral ProcessMarch 2, 2018CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Institutional, referral
OM-CW-2018-0007Standard Operating Procedures used for Review of Policies and Procedures for Approval of Treatment Foster Care ProgramsMarch 20, 2018CWPolicies and procedures, program approval, standard operating procedures, treatment foster care
OM-CW-2018-0008Assessment and RED Team RulesMarch 28, 2018CWAssessment, RED team, time frames for response
OM-CW-2018-0009Reinstatement of Parental RightsMarch 30, 2018CWReinstatement, Termination, Assessment, Return Home
OM-CW-2018-0010AFCARS Data Quality ImprovementsApril 16, 2018CWAFCARS, AFCARS Improvement Plan (AIP), Data Quality
OM-CW-2018-0011Medicaid Category change of processApril 23, 2018CWIV-E Medicaid category, IV-E, Medicaid
OM-CP-2018-0001Child Welfare Grievance Process Concerning the Conduct of County Department Employees and Citizen Review Panel ProcessJune 20, 2018CPGrievance Process, Citizen Review Panel
OM-CW-2018-0012Change of Venue Checklist and UpdateMay 24, 2018CWchange of venue, checklist
OM-CW-2018-0013Implementation of HB18-1348: Concerning Families Involved in the Child Welfare System, and, in Connection Therewith, Prioritizing Services and Providing Support for Foster ParentsMay 29, 2018CWChild care, education, foster parents, support
OM-CW-2018-0014Discontinue Submission of Quarterly Credit Record Inaccuracies and Remediation Reports to DCW and a Summary of Credit Report Findings for Youth in Foster Care from July 1, 2016- December 31, 2017May 31, 2018CWCredit, inaccuracies, remediation
OM-CW-2018-0015Fatality assessment with no surviving sibling and/or deceased Person Responsible for Abuse and Neglect (PRAN)June 1, 2018CWReferral, Assessment, Fatality
OM-CW-2018-0016SFY 2018-2019 Core Services Program Allocation and PlanJune 6, 2018CW
The Core Services Program
OM-CW-2018-0017Clarification of Available Child Care Assistance for Families Involved with Child WelfareJune 21, 2018CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Child Welfare Child Care, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)
OM-CW-2018-0018Title IV-E Adoption Assistance, Delay of Adoption Assistance Phase-In of Applicable ChildJune 27, 2018CWAdoption Assistance, Applicable Child, Delink, AFDC
OM-CW-2018-0019Implementation of HB 18-1306 on Educational StabilityJuly 19, 2018CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306
OM-CW-2018-0020Coordinating with Healthy Communities to Identify Licensed Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment Services Providers for Children/Youth in Foster CareJuly 23, 2018CWEPSDT, foster care, health, screening, services
OM-CW-2018-0021Early Intervention Eligibility Completion for Ongoing Child Welfare CasesAug. 17, 2018CWEarly intervention, CAPTA, developmental screening and/or evaluation, C-STAT
OM-CW-2018-0022Using Waivers of Non-Safety Certification Standards for Kinship Foster Care ProvidersOct. 1, 2018CWCertification, kinship foster care, non-safety, standards, waiver
OM-CW-2018-0023Clarification of requirements when requesting out-of-state child abuse and neglect checks for kinship caregiversOct. 1, 2018CWKinship care, kinship caregivers, background checks, out-of-state, child abuse and neglect checks
OM-CW-2018-0024ICPC Residential Placements Standard Operating ProcessOct. 19, 2018CWapproved, delinquencies, ICPC documentation, out-of-state placement, RCCF, residential
OM-CW-2018-0025Child Welfare and Local Law Enforcement Cooperative AgreementNov. 14, 2018CWReferral, Assessment, Law Enforcement, Investigation, Abuse and Neglect Report
OM-CW-2018-0026Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (S.A.F.E. ®) Review ProcessNov. 28, 2018CWConsistency, home study, procedures, quality, review, S.A.F.E. ® training
OM-CW-2018-0027Reporting on Transportation Funding for HB-1306Nov. 29, 2018CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306
OM-CW-2018-0028Requirements and Consideration When Increasing the Capacity of Children/Youth in a Foster Care HomeDec. 7, 2018CWCapacity, foster care home, foster
parent, placement, preferences
OM-CW-2018-0029Implementation of 7.205(B)(3) Safety Assessment at Case ClosureDec. 10, 2018CWSafety, assessment, case, closure
OM-CW-2018-0030Security Freezes Allowed in HB18-1233 that may Impact Accessing Information from Consumer Reporting Agencies for Youth Age 14 and Older who are in Foster Care, with Additional Information about Public Law 115-174 Regarding the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection ActDec. 18, 2018CWConsumer reporting agency, CRA,
freeze, legislation
OM-CW-2019-0001Claiming Title IV-E for Youth 18-21 Years OldJan. 3, 2019CWIV-E, age requirement
OM-CW-2019-0002Safe Haven-Abandoned InfantsJan. 10, 2019CWAbandoned Infants, Safe Haven
OM-CW-2019-0003Collaborative Management Data CollectionJan. 22, 2019CWCollaborative Management, data collection
OM-CW-2019-0004The Colorado Safety Assessment Tool, Documentation, Timing and ElementsJan. 29, 2019CWColorado Family Safety Assessment tool, information gathering, tabs, current and impending danger, case closure
OM-CW-2019-0005Implementation of 7.205(B)(3) Safety Assessment at Case ClosureFeb. 25, 2019CWSafety, assessment, case, closure
OM-CW-2019-0006Clarification of Institutional Referral ProcessMar. 8, 2019CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Institutional, referral
OM-CW-2019-0007CPA-Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive ParentsMar. 21, 2019CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan, and Recruitment
OM-CW-2019-0008Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent Monitoring (CORRECTION)Mar. 21, 2019CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan, and Recruitment
OM-CW-2019-0009Caseworker Visits with Parents and CaregiversApr. 26, 2019CWcontacts, parents, caregivers, prospective permanent caregivers
OM-CW-2019-0010Calabrese Youth Center- Admission, Discharge, and ReimbursementApr. 29, 2019CWLaradon, Calabrese, eligibility, referral, application, admission, duration of treatment, discharge, placement, reimbursement
OM-CW-2019-0011Program Area 4 - Program for Youth in Conflict Rule ImplementationMay 6, 2019CWChild Welfare, Youth in Conflict, Program Area 4
OM-CW-2019-0012Clarification of Rules Pertaining to SB15-087 Safe Placement of Children in Foster Care HomesMay 6, 2019CWBackground check, disqualifying factor, emergency placement, foster care home, kinship foster care home, non-certified kinship care, safety plans
OM-CW-2019-0014Child Welfare and Colorado State Patrol Cooperative AgreementMay 13, 2019CWReferral, Assessment, Law Enforcement, Investigation, Abuse and Neglect Report
OM-CW-2019-0015SFY 2019-2020 Core Services Program Allocation and PlanJune 5, 2019CWThe Core Services Program
OM-CW-2019-0016Interim Action Needed to Meet National Model Foster Home Licensing StandardsJune 7, 2019CWCarbon monoxide, Co-sleep/Bed-share, Foster home, Immunizations, Model standards, Swimming pool
OM-CW-2019-0017Developmental Screening RequirementsJuly 3, 2019CWDevelopmental Screen, CAPTA, Early Intervention
OM-CW-2019-0018Indian Child Welfare Act Revised Colorado State StatutesJuly 17, 2019CWIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA
OM-CW-2019-0019Permanent Home Statutory ChangeJuly 26, 2019CWPermanency Planning (Permanent Home Finding), Dependency and Neglect cases
OM-CW-2019-0020Colorado Adoption Resource Registry (CARR)Aug. 6, 2019CWColorado Adoption Resource Registry, Exclusion, Registration, Adoptive Family, Recruitment, Child Specific, Colorado Heart Gallery, The Adoption Exchange, TAE, COHG
OM-CW-2019-0021Sibling Foster Youth Contact and Bill of RightsAug. 29, 2019CWFoster, Youth, Sibling, Rights
OM-CW-2019-0022Child Welfare (CW)/ Adult Protective Services (APS) Information Sharing and ConfidentialitySept. 12, 2019CWInformation sharing, confidentiality, assessment, child welfare (CW), adult protection services (APS)
OM-CW-2019-0023Non-Certified Kinship Care Review ProcessNov. 15, 2019CWNon-certified kinship care, review process, background check, emergency placement, non-certified kinship care, safety plans, sample, appeal
OM-CW-2019-0024Labor Trafficking as Child Abuse and
Dec. 4, 2019CWHuman Trafficking, Labor Trafficking
OM-CW-2019-0025Clarification of Practice for Placement with KinDec. 4, 2019CWemergency placement, kinship care, kinship foster care home, kinship living arrangements, non-certified kinship care, out- of-home, and removal
OM-CW-2019-0026Reinstatement of Parental RightsDec. 16, 2019CWReinstatement, Termination, Return Home, Permanency, Assessment
OM-CW-2019-0027Interim Action Needed to Meet Qualified Residential Treatment Program StandardsDec. 16, 2019CWFamily First Prevention Services Act, Qualified Residential Treatment Program, Residential Child Care Facility, Rules, Standards
OM-CW-2019-0028Dedicated Accounts for Children in Foster Care 2013 memoDec. 23, 2019CWFoster Care, Dedicated Trust Accounts, Child Support
OM-CW-2019-0029ICWA Training RequirementsDec. 31, 2019CWTraining, ICWA, Child Welfare Supervisors
OM-CW-2020-0001Safe Haven-Abandoned InfantsJan. 14, 2020CWAbandoned Infants, Safe Haven
OM-CW-2020-0002Family First Prevention Services Act(FFPSA) Case Plan Rule RevisionsJan. 16, 2020CWFFPSA, case, plan, prevention, services
OM-CW-2020-0003Response Time for Referrals Assigned for AssessmentJan. 19, 2020CWROM, Response Time, CStat, Initial, Subsequent
OM-CW-2020-0004CPA-Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent MonitoringJan. 29, 2020CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan and Recruitment
OM-CW-2020-0005Diligent Recruitment Plans for Foster and Adoptive Parents and Subsequent MonitoringJan. 29, 2020CWDiligent, Diversity, Monitoring, Plan and Recruitment
OM-CW-2020-0006Using the Roadmap to Success Format in Legacy TrailsFeb. 20, 2020CWRoadmap to Success, Trails Modernization,
Independent Living Plan, youth services
OM-CW-2020-0007Program Area 6 – Adoption Services Rule Revisions (7.306-7.306.33)Feb. 25, 2020CWChild Welfare, Adoption, Program Area 6
OM-CW-2020-0008Providing resources for counties to improve the safety, permanency and well-being of Colorado’s children, youth and families.July 16, 2020CWCore Services Program
OM-CW-2020-0009Procedure for Sharing Information Received from CBI and FBI for Foster Care, Adoption, and Non-Certified Kinship CareJuly 22, 2020CWAdoption, Criminal History, Foster Care, Information Sharing, Non-Certified Kinship Care, Protocol
OM-CP-2021-0001Child Welfare Grievance Process Concerning the Conduct of County Department Employees and Citizen Review Panel ProcessMay 17, 2021 (archive early)CPGrievance Process, Citizen Review Panel
OM-CW-2020-0010Substance Exposed Newborn definition of Abuse and Neglect &, Child Protection Task GroupSept. 11, 2020CWSubstance Exposed Newborns, SB20-028, abuse and neglect definitions, SEN rule task group
OM-CP-2020-0001Two-Factor Authentication Token StorageSept. 11, 2020CPTwo-Factor Authentication, 2FA, Tokens, ACSES, CBMS, Trails, CHATS
OM-CW-2020-0011Program Area 6 – Adoption Services Rule Revisions (7.306.511 -7.306.6)Oct. 21, 2020CWChild Welfare, Adoption, Program Area 6
OM-CW-2020-0012Re-release of Timely Entry of  Removal End Dates in the State  Automated Case Management SystemNov. 9, 2020CWAFCARS, removal, DYS, commitment, non-certified
OM-OCYF-2020-0001County Management of Expunged Records Pending Trails UpdateNov. 20, 2020OCYF Expungement, expunged, juvenile justice, confidentiality, records, Trail
OM-CW-2020-0013Safe Haven-Abandoned InfantsDec. 15, 2020CW Abandoned Infants; Safe Haven
OM-CW-2020-0014Timeliness of Initial Response to Abuse and Neglect AssessmentsDec. 18, 2020CWTimely Initial Response, CStat, Program Improvement Plan, CQI Workgroup
OM-CW-2021-0001Unable to Locate Families During AssessmentMar. 31, 2021CWUnable to Locate, Documentation, Referral, Assessment
OM-CW-2021-0002Diligent Recruitment Plan Executive SummaryApr. 12, 2021CWDiligent, Recruitment, Retention, Foster Care, Adoption, Kinship Care, Monitoring
OM-CW-2021-0003Medicaid Category Change ProcessMay 10, 2021CWIV-E Medicaid, Medicaid Category, Medicaid
OM-CW-2021-0006Face-to-face Contacts with Children, Youth, Parents and Caregivers in Light of COVID-19June 11, 2021CWContacts, Face-to-face, Video Conferencing, COVID-19, Parents, Caregivers, Long Term Intended Caregivers
OM-CW-2021-0004Update Regarding Policy and Procedures Related to Certification and Recertification RequirementsJune 4, 2021CWCertification, Monthly Support, Safety, Structured Analysis Family Evaluation
OM-CW-2021-0005SFY 2021-2022 Core Services Program Allocation and Plan *NOTE due date is Tue. Aug. 3, 2021 by 5pm. June 11, 2021CWCore Services Program
OM-CW-2021-0008HB 21-1094 Foster Youth in Transition Program Initial ImplementationJuly 9, 2021CWHB 21-1094, Foster Youth in Transition Program, Transition Age Youth, Emancipation, Former Foster Youth, Reentry
OM-CW-2021-0009Coordinating with Regional Accountable Entities (RAEs) to Identify Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services Providers for Children/Youth in Foster CareAug. 6, 2021CWEPSDT, Foster Care, Health, Screening, Services
OM-CW-2021-0010Independent Assessment Process for Volume VIISept. 1, 2021CWIndependent Assessment, Qualified Individual
OM-CW-2021-0011Documentation of Roadmaps to Success and Emancipation Transition Plans in TrailsSept. 14, 2021CWRoadmap to Success (RTSs), Emancipation Transition Plans (ETPs)

Title IV-E Adoption Assistance, Adoption Assistance of Applicable Child/Youth

OLD see OM-CW-2021-0020 for updated memo

Sept. 14, 2021CWAdoption Assistance, Applicable Child, Delink, AFDC, Title IV-E
OM-CW-2021-0013Standard Operating Procedures used to Review Policies & Procedures for Approval of Therapeutic and/or Treatment Foster Care ProgramsSept. 24, 2021CWFoster Care Home, Standard Operating Procedures, Therapeutic, Treatment
OM-CW-2021-0014Colorado Adoption Resource Registry (CARR) and the Colorado Heart Gallery (COHG)Sept. 24, 2021CWCARR, Colorado Adoption Resource Registry, Adoptive Family, Diligent Recruitment, Child-specific, Colorado Heart Gallery, Raise The Future, COHG
OM-CW-2021-0015Family First Operation MemoSept. 28, 2021CWFamily First, FFPSA, Title IV-E, Adoption Assistance, QRTP, Independent Assessment, Qualified Individual
OM-CW-2021-0016Interim Action Needed to Meet Title IV-E Carve Out Program StandardsSept. 28, 2021CWFamily First, FFPSA, Title IV-E, Carve Out, Specialized, Specified Settings for Placement, Sex Trafficking, Sex Trafficked, Pregnant, Parenting, Prenatal, Postpartum, Independent Living
OM-CW-2021-0017Family First Title IV-E ReimbursementsSept. 28, 2021CWIV-E, Family First, FFPSA
OM-CW-2021-0015Rule Clarification for County Foster Home Certification RequirementsOct. 14, 2021CWCertification, Foster Care Home, Recertification, Review Instrument
OM-CW-2021-0016Youth in Transition/Re-Entry into Foster care at age 18-21Oct. 27, 2021CWIV-E, FYIT, Re-entry
OM-DCW/ HCPF-2021-0007Data Sharing between County Child Welfare and Regional Accountable EntitiesJuly 12, 2021DCW/HCPFData Sharing, RAEs, Child Welfare, Medical Coverage, Medicaid, Mental Health Services
OM-QAQI-2021-0001Administrative Review Division - County-held Guardianship ReviewsOct. 5, 2021QAQIColorado Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services, APS, Quality Assurance, Guardianship, Administrative Review Division, ARD
OM-CW-2021-0017Collaborative Management Data CollectionDec. 2, 2021CWCollaborative Management; Data Collection
OM-CW-2021-0018Founded Notification LetterDec 14, 2021CWFindings, Founded Letter, PRAN Notification, Right to Appeal
OM-CW-2021-0019Independent Assessment Process for Volume VIIDec. 22, 2021CWIndependent Assessment, Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP), Family Permanency Meeting
OM-CW-2021-0020CORRECTED - Title IV-E Adoption Assistance, Adoption Assistance of Applicable Child/YouthDec. 22, 2021CWAdoption Assistance, Applicable Child, Delink, AFDC, Title IV-E
OM-CW-2021-0021Long-Term Placement Process for Length of Stay WaiversDec. 22, 2021CWLong-Term Placement, Length of Stay Waiver, QRTP
OM-CW-2022-0001Safe Haven Abandoned InfantsJan. 11, 2022CWAbandoned Infants, Safe Haven, Voluntarily Surrendered Infants
OM-CW-2022-0002Rate Counted Toward Respite and Family Support for Adoption Assistance and Relative Guardianship Assistance AgreementsJan. 25, 2022CWFoster Care Rate, Standard Operating Procedures, Therapeutic, Treatment
Information memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
IM-CFS-2017-0001Colorado Child Maltreatment Prevention Framework for Action ReleaseApril 14, 2017CFSChild Maltreatment Prevention, Prevention of Abuse and Neglect
IM-CP-2016-0004Payer of Last Resort for Behavioral Health TreatmentAug. 1, 2016CPBehavioral Health, Core Services, Treatment
IM-CW-2015-0001Recommended Repeal of rule section 7.000.3 (12 CCR 2509-1)April 16, 2015CWChild Welfare
IM-CW-2015-0002Behavioral Health Organization's Child Welfare ContactApril 22, 2015CWBehavioral Health Organization, Child Welfare Contact
IM-CW-2015-0003Scholarships to Post-Adoption Support Conference in Nashville, TennesseeApril 23, 2015CWScholarship, Post-Adoption Support Conference
IM-CW-2015-0004County Review and Feedback: DRAFT 2015 Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR)April 28, 2015CWCounty review, annual progress and services report, APSR
IM-CW-2015-0005Change of Venue ChecklistMay 4, 2015CWChange of Venue
IM-CW-2015-0006Web-based Survey of Child Welfare Caseworkers and Supervisors, Deadline: May 10, 2015May 5, 2015CWSurvey of Child Welfare Caseworkers and Supervisors
IM-CW-2015-0007<DCW Subject Matter Experts and OutreachMay 5, 2015CWSubject Matter Experts, County Assignments, DCW, Child Welfare
IM-CW-2015-0008Child Welfare Additional Allocation per SB 15-242May 11, 2015CWChild Welfare, SB 15-242, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, CWAC, Allocation, 100 FTEs
IM-CW-2015-0009Critical Information Alerts in TrailsMay 18, 2015CWCritical Information Alerts, Trails
IM-CW-2015-0010Celebration of Educational Excellence Information MemorandumMay 20, 2015CWChafee, Graduation
IM-CW-2015-0011Mitigation FY 2014-15May 22, 2015CWChild Welfare, Mitigation
IM-CW-2015-0012Child Protection TeamsMay 26, 2015CWChild Protection Team, CPT
IM-CW-2015-0013Congregate Care Work SessionMay 26, 2015CWCongregate Care, Child Welfare
IM-CW-2015-0014Work Session to Prevent and Reduce the Need for Congregate Care June 26June 5, 2015CWCongregate Care
IM-CW-2015-0015Trails Training Webinar for Program Area 3June 5, 2015CWChild Welfare, Training, Trails, PA3
IM-CW-2015-0016Child Fatality Review Recommendations, Specifically Recommendation 13-045 Parole InformationJune 12, 2015CWParole Information
IM-CW-2015-0017RED Team Documentation in the June 2015 Trails BuildJune 12, 2015CWRED Team, Trails, Screening, Documentation
IM-CW-2015-0018Provider Rate Increase, Residential Child Care Facilities, Child Placement AgencyJune 16, 2015CWProvider Rate Increase, Residential Child Care Facilities, Child Placement Agency
IM-CW-2015-0019Annual Audits for Residential Child Care Facilities and Child Placement AgenciesJune 17, 2015CWResidential Child Care Facility, Child Placement Agency
IM-CW-2015-0020Collaborative Management Annual ReportJune 19, 2015CWCollaborative Management Program
IM-CW-2015-0021Child Welfare New Worker TrainingJune 25, 2015CWChild Welfare, Training
IM-CW-2015-0022Child Welfare Access to COVIS SFY 2015-2016June 30, 2015CWCOVIS, birth data, user access
IM-CW-2015-0023Level of Care/Service Tool PilotJuly 2, 2015CWLevel of Care, Level of Service, Tool, IV-E Waiver
IM-CW-2015-0024Foster Care Parental Fees Retained - FY 2014-15July 23, 2015CWFoster Care Parental Fees, Anticipated Parental Fees
IM-CW-2015-0025Title: Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) 2015-2016 Planning Package Due on August 21, 2015July 30, 2015CWChafee, Independent Living Program
IM-CW-2015-0026RED Teams Not Held, OptionsJuly 29, 2015CWTrails, RED Teams
IM-CW-2015-0027Rate Setting Process for Providers of Residential TreatmentJuly 30, 2015CWResidential Treatment Service Providers, Rate Setting, C.R.S. 26-1-132
IM-CW-2015-0028State Fiscal Year 2016 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human ServicesJuly 30, 2015CWLiability insurance, county foster care homes
IM-CW-2015-0029Recorded Trails Training Webinars for Program Area 3Aug. 12, 2015CWPA3, Training, Trails
IM-CW-2015-0030Save the Date - Post-Permanency SummitAug. 20, 2015CWAdoption, Relative Guardianship, Permanency
IM-CW-2015-0031SFY16 Recruitment and Retention GrantAug. 28, 2015CWFoster Care, Adoption, Recruitment and Retention
IM-CW-2015-0032Length of Stay Data/Changes in Licensing StatusSept. 1, 2015CWLength of Stay, Licensing Status
IM-CW-2015-0033Holiday Seasonal Staffing CoverageSept. 9, 2015CWC-Stat, assessments, contacts
IM-CW-2015-0034Documentation of ContactsSept. 9, 2015CWChild welfare, documentation, contacts
IM-CW-2015-0035Training Reimbursement ProcessSept. 11, 2015CWChild Welfare, training, travel reimbursement
IM-CW-2015-0036Notice of Licensure change for Excelsior Youth ServicesSept. 23, 2015CWExcelsior, Probationary License
IM-CW-2015-0037Collaborative Management Incentive Fund County Site Distribution SFY 14-15Sept. 24, 2015CWCollaborative Management Incentive Fund Distribution SFY 14-15
IM-CW-2015-0038Training Scholarship Available through Children's Justice ActOct. 1, 2015CWtraining, scholarship
IM-CW-2015-0039Face-to-face compliance report for children and youth in out-of-home placementOct. 5, 2015CWFace-to-face, contacts, out-of-home placement
IM-CW-2015-0040Modifications to the Colorado Family Safety and Risk Assessment ToolsOct. 13, 2015CWTraining, Rule, and the Revised Safety and Risk Tools
IM-CW-2015-0041Child Welfare Developmental Screening ResourcesOct. 15, 2015CWdevelopmental screening, CAPTA referrals
IM-CW-2015-0042CY2014 Core Services Program Annual ReportNov. 13, 2015CWCY2014 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation Report
IM-CW-2015-0043C-Stat Measure ChangesNov. 18, 2015CWC-Stat, Performance Management, Performance Indicators, CFSR, Data
IM-CW-2015-0044Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)Nov. 15, 2015CWChild Welfare
IM-CW-2015-0045SFY 2015-16 Hotline Implementation FundingNov. 24, 2015CWSpending, Hotline, Implementation Funding, Allocation
IM-CW-2015-0046Notice of Licensure Change for Excelsior Youth ServicesNov. 24, 2015CWExcelsior, Licensure change
IM-CW-2015-0047Annual Report of Foster Parent Exit SurveysDec. 3, 2015CWfoster parent, adoption, child specific, leave reason, survey
IM-CW-2016-0001Differential Response Letter of InterestJan. 6, 2016CWDifferential Response, Interest
IM-CW-2016-0002New E-mail Functionality for Developmental Screen ReferralsJan. 7, 2016CWe-mail, developmental screening, CAPTA, Trails
IM-CW-2016-0003Colorado Family Safety and Risk Assessment Tools RolloutJan. 8, 2016CWTraining, Revised Safety and Risk Tools
IM-CW-2016-0004Annual Minimum Wage ChangeJan. 20, 2016CWMinimum wage, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2016-0005Division of Child Welfare Oversight of Trails ChangesFeb. 3, 2016CWTrails, OIT, DCW, oversight
IM-CW-2016-0006Public Hearing Regarding Draft Notice of Rights and Remedies FormFeb. 10, 2016CWrights, remedies, child welfare
IM-CW-2016-0007Colorado Adoption Resource Registry (CARR) and the Colorado Heart Gallery (COHG)Feb. 22, 2016CWCARR, Colorado Adoption Resource Registry, adoptive family, recruitment, child specific, Colorado Heart Gallery, The Adoption Exchange, COHG
IM-CW-2016-0008Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Kick-off EventFeb. 25, 2016CWCFSR, Event
IM-CW-2016-0009Procedures to Ensure Appropriate Medicaid AccessFeb. 26, 2016CWMedicaid, former foster care Medicaid, emancipation Medicaid, Trails
IM-CW-2016-0010Casey Family Programs Educational Outcomes Funding for CY2016March 25, 2016CWEducation, funding, stability
IM-CW-2016-0011Face to Face Contacts with Children/Youth in out-of-home careMarch 22, 2016CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation
IM-CW-2016-0012SFY 2016 Hotline Implementation Set Aside Funds SpendingMarch 22, 2016CWSpending, Hotline, Implementation Funding, Allocation, Set Aside Funds
IM-CW-2016-0013Trails resource provider abuse/neglect history searchMarch 24, 2016CWTrails, Institutional Abuse, Assessment, Licensing, History Search, Backgrounds, Provider, Resource
IM-CW-2016-00142016 Approved Adoption Home Study Vendor ListMarch 31, 2016CWAdoption, SAFE home studies, vendors
IM-CW-2016-0015Annual Report of Foster Parent Exit SurveysApril 1, 2016CWfoster parent, adoption, child specific, leave reason, survey
IM-CW-2016-0016CANCELLED - April 18, 2016 Child and Family Services Review Kick-Off EventApril 5, 2016CWCFSR
IM-CW-2016-0018Year 4 IV-E Waiver ApplicationApril 12, 2016CWIV-E Waiver, Application, Year 4
IM-CW-2016-0019Title IV-E Waiver Year 3 Implementation IndexApril 12, 2016CWIV-E Waiver, Implementation Index, HSRI
IM-CW-2016-0020Review and reformatting of all DCW Forms and helpful documentsApril 13, 2016CWDivision of Child Welfare forms
IM-CW-2016-0021Expert Case Consultation Services and Contact InformationApril 13, 2016CWconsultation, child welfare, referral, assessment, case
IM-CW-2016-0022Forms TranslationApril 14, 2016CWForms, Translation services
IM-CW-2016-00232016 Child Welfare Staffing SurveyApril 14, 2016CWChild Welfare, SB 15-242, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, CWAC, Joint Budget Committee, JBC,100 FTE, Child Welfare Staffing Survey
IM-CW-2016-0024C-Stat Congregate Care GoalApril 26, 2016CWC-Stat, Performance Management, Performance Indicators, Data
IM-CW-2016-0025Allocation Driver Information for Child Welfare and Core Services AllocationsMay 3, 2016CWData Extraction, Child Welfare Allocations, Core Services Allocations, Allocation Methodology
IM-CW-2016-0026Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard Implementation Webinar: County Attorney Participation and FeedbackMay 12, 2016CWActivities, foster care, guidance, RPPS, webinar
IM-CW-2016-0027Timelines of Initial Response for ImmediatesMay 13, 2016CWInitial Response, C-Stat, Assessments
IM-CW-2016-0028Draft 2017 Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR)May 20, 2016CWAPSR, Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP)
IM-CW-2016-0029Human Trafficking Rules FeedbackMay 25, 2016CWRules, human trafficking, sex trafficking
IM-CW-2016-00302015-16 Mitigation RequestsJune 1, 2016CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2016-0031Trails Modernization – First Module Vendor AwardedJune 6, 2016CWTrails, Modernization, Vendor, Selection, RFP, SACWIS, Award, Module, First
IM-CW-2016-0032Use of the School District Notification of the Transfer of a Student in Foster Care and Request for Records TemplateJune 10, 2016CWEducation, Foster Care, Notification, School, School District, Student, Transfer
IM-CW-2016-0033SB15-242 Child Welfare Allocation Award for SFY 2016-17June 10, 2016CWChild Welfare, SB15-242, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, CWAC, Allocation
IM-CW-2016-0034Provider Rate Memo Fiscal Year (FY) 2016–17.June 13, 2016CWProvider Rate, Residential Child Care Facilities, Child Placement Agency
IM-CW-2016-0035Maltreatment in Out of Home Care Incident DateJune 20, 2016CWDate of Incident, Maltreatment in Out of Home Care, C-Stat
IM-CW-2016-0036Title XX RFAJune 20, 2016CWChild Welfare, Title XX, RFA
IM-CW-2016-0036 (editable)Title XX RFA (Editable Version)June 20, 2016CWChild Welfare, Title XX, RFA
IM-CW-2016-0037Feedback requested in Senate Bill 16-201 regarding the potential need to revise the child welfare funding mechanismJune 22, 2016CWCWAC, child welfare funding, SB 16-201
IM-CW-2016-0038Education Data Entry in TrailsJune 22, 2016CWschool, attendance, enrollment, education, Trails
IM-CW-2016-0039Youth Services Quarterly MeetingJune 28, 2016CWYouth Services, Communications
IM-CW-2016-0040Teleconferences to Provide Information about Revised and/or New Documents for the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE)June 29, 2016CWSAFE, interview, questionnaire update, teleconference
IM-CW-2016-0041Rate Negotiation Methodology UpdateJuly 5, 2016CWRate, Negotiation, Methodology, County, Fiscal, Year, Update
IM-CW-2016-0042Procedures to Ensure Appropriate Medicaid Access [Revised]July 5, 2016CWMedicaid, former foster care Medicaid, emancipation Medicaid, Trails
IM-CW-2016-0043State Fiscal Year 2017 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human ServicesJuly 20, 2016CWCatastrophic, county foster care homes, insurance, liability county foster care homes
IM-CW-2016-0044Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) 2016-2017 Planning Package Due on August 19, 2016July 22, 2016CWChafee, Independent Living Program
IM-CW-2016-0045Hotline Call Information Gathering ProgramAug. 15, 2016CWHotline, call coverage options, information gathering services, call screening
IM-CW-2016-0046Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) Kick-off EventAug. 17, 2016CWCFSR, invitation, event
IM-CW-2016-0047Parental FeesAug. 18, 2016CW2016, County, Parental, Fee, Refund, Memo, 1991
IM-CW-2016-0048Approved Adoption Home Study Vendor ListSept. 20, 2016CWAdoption, SAFE home studies, vendors
IM-CW-2016-0049Average Adoption Assistance Payments by County for FFY 2015Sept. 20, 2016CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Subsidy
IM-CW-2016-0050Collaborative Management Incentive Fund County Site Distribution SFY 15-16Sept. 20, 2016CWCollaborative Management Incentive Fund Distribution SFY 15-16
IM-CW-2016-0051Legally-Free Mini Grants (FY 2016-17), Treatment Foster Care Mini Grants (FY 2016-2017), and Reduction of Congregate Care Mini Grants (FY 2016-17)Sept. 22, 2016CWLegally-Free, Permanency, Treatment Foster Care, Reduction of Congregate Care, Family-like Placement Settings
IM-CW-2016-0052Practice Guidance Related to Children in Mutual Care Placements with Minor ParentSept. 28, 2016CWMutual Care Placements, Minor Parent
IM-CW-2016-0053Data Transfer Issues between CDHS and JudicialSept. 30, 2016CW2016, CDHS, Judicial, Data
IM-CW-2016-0054CY 2015 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation ReportSept. 30, 2016CWCY 2015 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation Report
IM-CW-2016-0055Face to face compliance report for children/youth in out of home placementSept. 30, 2016CWface to face, contacts, out of home placement
IM-CW-2016-0056Youth Services/Program Area 4 Rules Task GroupOct. 3, 2016CWYouth Services, Communications
IM-CW-2016-0057Foster and Adoptive Parent Training OpportunitiesOct. 18, 2016CWTraining credit, learning, requirements, and training
IM-CW-2016-0058Training and Technical Assistance for County Departments for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy Credit for Youth in Foster CareOct. 24, 2016CWConsultation, credit, credit report, youth in foster care, and inaccuracies
IM-CW-2016-0059Timeliness of Initial Response and Timeliness of Assessment ClosureOct. 26, 2016CWAssessment Closure, C-Stat, Initial Response
IM-CW-2016-0060Guidance on New ICWA Regulations Coming SoonNov. 17, 2016CWICWA
IM-CW-2016-0061Translation of the "Original Application to Provide Care to Children and Youth" to Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese LanguagesNov. 22, 2016CW"Application to Provide Child Care to Children and Youth", Chinese, non-English languages, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese
IM-CW-2016-0062Immediate Changes to the Family Unification Program (FUP)Nov. 28, 2016CWFormer Foster Care Youth, Family Unification Program (FUP), Youth Housing Voucher, Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act (HOTMA)
IM-CW-2016-0063Division of Child Welfare Organizational ChangesNov. 29, 2016CWOrg Chart, Programs, Subject Matter Experts, SME, Child Protection, Ongoing
IM-CW-2016-0064Casey Family Programs Educational Outcomes Funding for CY2017Dec. 6, 2016CWEducation, funding, stability
IM-CW-2016-0065Holiday Seasonal Staffing CoverageDec. 6, 2016CWC-Stat, Assessments
IM-CW-2016-0066Adoption Steering CommitteeDec. 15, 2016CWAdoption, Communications, Committee
IM-CW-2016-0067Documenting Crossover Youth in TrailsDec. 16, 2016CWCrossover Youth, DYC, Trails, Documentation, Out of Home Placement
IM-CW-2016-0068Request for Stakeholder Participation on a Short-Term Treatment Foster Rules Care Task GroupDec. 20, 2016CWFoster care, rules, statute, task group, and treatment
IM-CW-2017-0001Roll out of the Colorado Family Safety and Risk Assessment ToolsJan. 5, 2017CWSafety Assessment, Risk Assessment, Volume 7 Rules
IM-CW-2017-0002Training Guidelines and RequirementsJan. 6, 2017CWTraining
IM-CW-2017-0003Annual Minimum Wage ChangeJan. 9, 2017CWMinimum wage, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2017-0004Notice of License Closure for Brighter Day Child Placement AgencyFeb. 9, 2017CWBrighter Day, Closure
IM-CW-2017-0005Solicitation for volunteers to be reviewers for the 2017 CFSRMarch 9, 2017CWCFSR, Reviewer, Volunteers
IM-CW-2017-0006Colorado Adoption Resource Registry (CARR) and the Colorado Heart Gallery (COHG)Feb. 15, 2017CWCARR, Colorado Adoption Resource Registry, adoptive family, recruitment, child specific, Colorado Heart Gallery, The Adoption Exchange, COHG
IM-CW-2017-0007Participation in Differential Response (DR) and Differential Response Leadership Council (DRLC)Feb. 17, 2017CWDifferential Response (DR) Differential Response Leadership Council (DRLC), Interest, Participation, Committee
IM-CW-2017-0008Modifications to TrailsFeb. 22, 2017CWTrails, Safety Assessment, Risk Assessment, Trafficking Screening, Incident Date
IM-CW-2017-0009Updates to stakeholders on trails modernizationOct. 13, 2017CWTrails, Modernization, Update, Stakeholder, Information, Release 1 Service Pack, Human Trafficking Release
IM-CW-2017-0010County Participation in the Title IV-E Waiver Year 4 Implementation IndexMarch 21, 2017CWIV-E Waiver, HSRI, Implementation Index
IM-CW-2017-0011Year 5 IV-E Waiver ApplicationMarch 22, 2017CWIV-E Waiver, Application, Year 5
IM-CW-2017-0012Solicitation for Participants: Assessment and Case Closure Task GroupApril 6, 2017CWTask Group, Assessment Closure, Case Closure, Sub-PAC
IM-CW-2017-0013Annual Report of Foster Parent Exit SurveysApril 13, 2017CWfoster parent, adoptive parent, child specific, satisfaction factors, survey
IM-CW-2017-0014Scholarships for 2017 Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Conference July 12th-14th, 2017May 8, 2017CWSex Offender Management Board Conference/ Scholarships
IM-CW-2017-0015Increase of 200% of Poverty for 2017May 19, 2017CW200%, TANF, Title XX, Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
IM-CW-2017-00162017 Child Welfare Staffing SurveyMay 22, 2017CWChild Welfare, SB 15-242, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, CWAC, Joint Budget Committee, JBC,100 FTE, Child Welfare Staffing Survey
IM-CW-2017-0018Draft 2018 Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR)June 19, 2017CWAPSR, Child and Family Service Plan (CFSP)
IM-CW-2017-0019The ICWA Shared Learning Collaborative, June 29, 2017, Pueblo, COJune 20, 2017CWICWA, training
IM-CW-2017-0020Face to Face Contacts with Children/Youth in out-of-home careJune 23, 2017CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation
IM-CW-2017-0021New Restrictions on the Utilization of Secure Detention for 10 to 12-Year-Old Children/YouthJune 29, 2017CWHB-17-1207, Detention
IM-CW-2017-0022Draft 2018 Statewide AssessmentJuly 10, 2017CWStatewide Assessment, Child and Family Service Review (CFSR)
IM-CW-2017-0023The Core Services Program Funding - Payer of Last ResortJuly 11, 2017CWCore Services Program, Behavioral Health, Treatment, Health Care Policy and Financing, Medicaid
IM-CW-2017-0024Title XX Request for ApplicationsJuly 11, 2017CWChild Welfare, Title XX, RFA
IM-CW-2017-0025State Fiscal Year 2018 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human ServicesJuly 12, 2017CWCatastrophic, county foster care homes, insurance, liability county foster care homes
IM-CW-2017-0026Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Provider Rate IncreaseJuly 13, 2017CWProvider Rate Increase
IM-CW-2017-0027Update Face-to-Face Contacts with Children Youth in out-of-home careJuly 17, 2017CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation
IM-CW-2017-00282017 County Parental Fee RefundsJuly 18, 2017CW2017, County, Parental, Fee, Refund, Memo, 1991
IM-CW-2017-0029Upcoming ICWA and Kinship WebinarsJuly 19, 2017CWICWA, kinship care, background checks, active efforts, notification
IM-CW-2017-0030Scholarships for Foster Parents to Attend the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh) Conference on October 12-14, 2017July 21, 2017CWATTACh, conference, foster parents, registration, scholarship, training, trauma
IM-CW-2017-0031Sustained Permanency ProjectJuly 27, 2017CWSustained Permanency, Reentry, Implementation Science, NIRN, Eckerd, Exploration Team
IM-CW-2017-0032Tools to aid in the recruitment of child welfare caseworkersAug. 7, 2017CWRecruitment, case workers, Realistic job preview video
IM-CW-2017-0033Using the Compatibility Inventory as a Tool When Completing the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (S.A.F.E) to Improve Safety in Foster Care HomesAug. 7, 2017CWCompatibility, Maltreatment, Stability, and Safety
IM-CW-2017-0034Foster Parent Steering CommitteeAug. 8, 2017CWFoster, Communications, Committee
IM-CW-2017-0035Statewide Transportation Needs AssessmentAug. 8, 2017CWSchool Stability, Every Student Succeeds Act, Fostering Connections Act, Transportation, Education
IM-CW-2017-0036Training and Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy CreditAug. 10, 2017CWConsultation, Credit History, Foster Care, Inaccuracies, Remediation
IM-CW-2017-0037Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) 2017-2018 Planning Package Due on September 15, 2017Aug. 30, 2017CWChafee, Independent Living Program
IM-CW-2017-0038Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) Stakeholder InterviewsAug. 30, 2017CWChild and Family Services Review, Stakeholder Interviews
IM-CW-2017-0039Hotline Call Information Gathering ProgramSept. 1, 2017CWHotline, call coverage options, information gathering services, call screening
IM-CW-2017-0040Collaborative Management Incentive Fund County Site Distribution SFY 2016-17Sept. 1, 2017CWCollaborative Management Incentive Fund Distribution SFY 2016-17
IM-CW-2017-0041Scholarships for County Department of Human/Social Services Staff to Attend the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh) Conference on October 12-14, 2017Sept. 6, 2017CWATTACh, conference, registration, scholarship, training, trauma
IM-CW-2017-0042Predictive AnalyticsSept. 7, 2017CWAdoption, permanency, legally free, predictive analytics
IM-CW-2017-0043Renewal of the Differential Response Consolidated WorkgroupSept. 13, 2017CWDifferential Response, DR, Child Welfare
IM-CW-2017-0044Monthly Caseworker Visitation Grant ApplicationSept. 14, 2017CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation, grant funding
IM-CW-2017-0045Training for Completing the Compatibility Inventory as part of the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (S.A.F.E.)Sept. 14, 2017CWCompatibility, Inventory, S.A.F.E., Training
IM-CW-2017-0046Hotline Steering CommitteeSept. 25, 2017CWHotline Steering Committee, Hotline, Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline, HSC
IM-CW-2017-0047Notice of licensure change for El Pueblo Boys and Girls RanchSept. 26, 2017CWResidential Child Care, License
IM-CW-2017-0048Medicaid eligibility for children and youth residing in kinship careSept. 26, 2017CWkinship care, child-only Medicaid, children, youth, health insurance
IM-CW-2017-0049CY 2016 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation ReportSept. 27, 2017CWCY 2016 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation Report
IM-CW-2017-0050Family Engagement Meeting Quality Assessment ToolSept. 28, 2017CWQuality, family engagement meeting, facilitated family engagement meeting
IM-CW-2017-0051Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and The Adoption Exchange PartnershipOct. 16, 2017CWWendy's Wonderful Kids, adoptions
IM-CW-2017-0052Clarification of Continuous Eligibility for Children/Youth in Foster CareOct. 30, 2017CWFoster Care, Medicaid, children, youth, health insurance
IM-CW-2017-0053Holiday Seasonal Staffing CoverageOct. 30, 2017CWCStat, Assessment
IM-CW-2017-0054Training available for November 2017 Trails Modernization ReleaseNov. 1, 2017CWTrails, Human Trafficking, Trails Modernization
IM-CW-2017-0055Approved Home Study Vendor ListNov. 2, 2017CWAdoption, Foster Care and Kinship, SAFE home studies, vendors
IM-CW-2017-0056Engagement sessions and webinar training related to rate-setting methodology for licensed out-of-home provider compensationNov. 3, 2017CWrate-setting methodology for licensed out-of-home provider compensation, House Bill 17-1292
IM-CW-2017-0057Provider Rate Setting Surveys from Public Consulting GroupNov. 21, 2017CWRate Setting, Surveys
IM-CW-2017-0058Training available for November 2017 Trails Modernization ReleaseDec. 4, 2017CWTrails, Human Trafficking, Trails Modernization
IM-CW-2017-0059Indian Child Welfare Act Shared Learning Collaborative UpdateDec. 5, 2017CWIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA, training, update
IM-CW-2017-0060Title IV-E Adoption Assistance Delink Federal Fiscal Year 2018 (FFY 2018)Dec. 6, 2017CWAdoption Assistance, Applicable Child, Delink, AFDC
IM-CW-2017-0061Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and The Adoption Exchange PartnershipDec. 6, 2017CWWendy's Wonderful Kids, adoptions
IM-CW-2017-0062Rate Setting Feedback Sessions for DecemberDec. 7, 2017CWRate Setting, Feedback Sessions
IM-CW-2017-0064New Information on Wendy's Wonderful Kids County Recruiter Cost Share CommitmentDec. 20, 2017CWWWK, Wendy's Wonderful Kids, The Adoption Exchange, County Cost Share, Commitment
IM-CW-2017-0066Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Campaign, Child Sex Trafficking Paid Media NotificationDec. 29, 2017CWHotline, Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Campaign, Public Awareness, Child Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and Neglect, Reporting, 1-844-CO-4-KIDS
IM-CW-2018-0001Indian Child Welfare Act Time-limited Task GroupJan. 8, 2018CWIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA
IM-CW-2018-0002Rate Setting Feedback Sessions for DecemberJan. 12, 2018CWRate Setting, Feedback Sessions
IM-CW-2018-0003Annual Minimum Wage ChangeJan. 19, 2018CWMinimum wage, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2018-0004AFCARS Compliance - Timely Entry of Foster Care Discharge Dates in TrailsJan. 23, 2018CWAFCARS, Element 57, Timely Entry of Removal End Dates, Timely Entry of Foster Care Discharge Dates, AFCARS Compliance
IM-CW-2018-0005Building Interview Skills for Administering the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (S.A.F.E.)Jan. 23, 2018CWInterviewing, relationships, S.A.F.E., skill building
IM-CW-2018-0006January 2018 January 2019 CW Post-Permanency Services Contract with The Adoption ExchangeJan. 29, 2018CWAdoption, coaching, guardianship, post-permanency, reunified, rural, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)
IM-CW-2018-0007Scholarships for 2018 National Adolescent Perpetration Network ConferenceFeb. 23, 2018CWConference/Scholarships/National Adolescent Perpetration Network Conference
IM-CW-2018-0008Change of Venue Checklist and Update - Memo ReissueFeb. 23, 2018CWchange of venue, checklist, Memo Reissue
IM-CW-2018-0009Assessment and Case Closure Task Group Case Closure Best Practice GuidanceFeb. 23, 2018CWCase Closure, Task Group, Best Practices, Family Engagement Meeting, Support Plan
IM-CW-2018-0010Trails Modernization - ReleasesFeb. 23, 2018CWTrails, Modernization, Intake and Resource, Release, Module
IM-CW-2018-0011200% of Poverty - 2018 Poverty Guidelines (corrected copy)Feb. 26, 2018CW200%, TANF, Title XX, Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
IM-CW-2018-0012Child Welfare Funding for Private Insurance Co-Pay Costs and DeductiblesMarch 1, 2018CWChild Welfare Funding for Private Insurance Co-Pay Costs and Deductibles
IM-CW-2018-0013Family engagement meeting use in an open child welfare involvement tableMarch 1, 2018CWFamily engagement meeting, facilitated family engagement meeting
IM-CW-2018-0014Sustained Permanency Project - Update on Progress and County EngagementMarch 2, 2018CWSustained Permanency, Re-entry, Implementation Science, NIRN, Eckerd, Exploration Team
IM-CW-2018-0015Annual Report of Foster Parent Exit SurveysMarch 28, 2018CWfoster parent, adoptive parent, child specific, satisfaction factors, survey
IM-CW-2018-0016LGBTQ standards the ACAF sealApril 2, 2018CWbest practices, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth and families
IM-CW-2018-0017Child and Family Services Review FINAL ReportApril 10, 2018CWCFSR, Federal Partners, Report
IM-CW-2018-0018Introduction of New Re-entry MeasureApril 11, 2018CWRe-entry, permanency
IM-CW-2018-0019Title IV-E Waiver Year Five Implementation IndexApril 20, 2018CWIV-E Waiver, HSRI, Implementation Index
IM-CW-2018-0020Rate Negotiation Methodology ReviewMay 1, 2018CWRates, Negotiations, Methodology, County, Fiscal, Year
IM-CW-2018-0021Title XX Request for ApplicationsMay 1, 2018CWChild Welfare, Title XX, RFA
IM-CW-2018-00222018 Child Welfare Staffing SurveyMay 1, 2018CWChild Welfare, SB 15-242, Child Welfare Allocation Committee, CWAC, Joint Budget Committee, JBC,100 FTE, Child Welfare Staffing Survey
IM-CW-2018-0023Scholarships for 2017 Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Conference July 12th-14th, 2018May 15, 2018CWSex Offender Management Board Conference/ Scholarships
IM-CW-2018-0024FY 2017-18 Mitigation RequestsMay 16, 2018CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2018-0025Additional Information required to be collected for Foster Care and Adoption PopulationsMay 17, 2018CWAFCARS 2.0, New Data Elements, ICWA, AFCARS Final Rule
IM-CW-2018-0026Families First Feedback Sessions Regarding Residential CareMay 17, 2018CWFamilies First, Feedback Sessions, Residential Care
IM-CW-2018-0027State Fiscal Year 18-19 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human/Social ServicesJune 11, 2018CWCatastrophic, county foster care homes, insurance, liability
IM-CW-2018-0028Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Provider Rate IncreaseJuly 1, 2018CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2018-0029Coalition for AdoptionsJuly 5, 2018CWWendy's Wonderful Kids, WWK, Recruiters, Adoptions
IM-CW-2018-0030Teleconferences to solicit feedback regarding technical clean-up rule changesJuly 13, 2018CWrule, technical clean-up, teleconference
IM-CW-2018-0031Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Provider Rate IncreaseJuly 16, 2018CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2018-00322020-2024 Child &, Family Services PlanJuly 23, 2018CWCFSP, PIP, strategic plan
IM-CW-2018-0033Stakeholder Teleconferences Regarding Proposed Rule: Increasing the Capacity in Foster Homes and Technical Changes - Rule Package #18-06-21-01July 23, 2018CWCapacity, certification, foster home
IM-CW-2018-0034Support related to Trails Modernization July ReleaseJuly 26, 2018CWTrails, Trails Modernization, Training, Support
IM-CW-2018-0035Provider Rate Change for FY 2018-19July 27, 2018CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2018-0036Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) TrainingAug. 1, 2018CWInterstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Training
IM-CW-2018-0037Collaborative Management Incentive Fund County Site Distribution SFY 2017-18Aug. 9, 2018CWCollaborative Management Incentive Fund Distribution SFY 2017-18
IM-CW-2018-0038Parental FeesAug. 23, 2018CW2018, County, Parental, Fee, Refund, Memo, 1991
IM-CW-2018-0039Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) TrainingAug. 23, 2018CWICPC, interstate, training
IM-CW-2018-0040Provider Rate Change for FY 2018-19 - Implementation Guidance and Provider List UpdateAug. 29, 2018CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2018-0041Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding the Administration for Children and Families proposed national foster home standardsSept. 10, 2018CWFeedback, foster home, model, standards
IM-CW-2018-0042Chafee Foster Care Independence Program 2018-2019 Planning Package due on September 28, 2018Sept. 10, 2018CWChafee, Independent Living Program
IM-CW-2018-0043Training and Technical Assistance Services Available Through Credit Builders Alliance to Remediate Credit Record Inaccuracies and Education for Healthy Credit for Youth in Foster CareSept. 10, 2018CWConsultation, credit health, credit history, foster care, inaccuracies, remediation
IM-CW-2018-0044National Training and Development Curriculum for Foster and Adoptive Parents ProjectSept. 10, 2018CWFoster Care, Kinship Care, Training, Adoption
IM-CW-2018-0045Update on Post-Permanency Services Contract with The Adoption ExchangeSept. 13, 2018CWAdoption, coaching, guardianship, post-permanency, reunified, rural, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI)
IM-CW-2018-0046Independent Living Plan/Roadmap to Success and Emancipation Transition Plan C-Stat MeasureSept. 13, 2018CWC-Stat
IM-CW-2018-0047Family Search and Engagement Forum for Networking, Planning, and FeedbackSept. 17, 2018CWEngage, feedback, identify, search, support
IM-CW-2018-0048Division of Child Welfare Specialist- County AssignmentsSept. 18, 2018CWCounty Liaison
IM-CW-2018-0049Request for Stakeholder Participation on a Time-Limited Provider Rates and IDD RCCF Rules Task GroupSept. 26, 2018CWProvider Rates, IDD RCCF
IM-CW-2018-0050CY 2017 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation ReportOct. 2, 2018CWCY 2017 Core Services Program Annual Evaluation Report
IM-CW-2018-0051Training for Trails ModernizationOct. 10, 2018CWTraining, Trails Modernization
IM-CW-2018-0052Revised Kinship Care AgreementOct. 23, 2018CWKinship, kinship foster care, non-certified kinship care
IM-CW-2018-00532018-2019 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsOct. 30, 2018CWAdoption, Foster Care and Kinship, SAFE home studies, vendors
IM-CW-2018-0054Update and Opportunity to Participate in Teleconferences Regarding the Rollout of the Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS)Nov. 28, 2018CWAmerican BioIdentity, CABS, Colorado Fingerprinting, electronic fingerprints, Idemia, and IdentoGo
IM-CW-2018-0055Monthly Caseworker Visitation Grant ApplicationDec. 20, 2018CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation, grant funding
IM-CW-2018-0056Scholarships for 2019 National Adolescent Perpetration Network ConferenceDec. 20, 2018CWConference, Scholarships, National Adolescent Perpetration Network Conference
IM-CW-2018-0057Results of the Non-Certified Kinship Care ReviewsDec. 26, 2018CWCompliance, SNAP, Standard Medical Deduction (SMED), Review
IM-CW-2019-0001Kinship Care Brochures Available for DistributionJan. 2, 2019CWKinship, non-certified kinship care, brochure, options
IM-CW-2019-0002Non-Certified Kinship Care Reviews Supplemental InformationJan. 2, 2019CWKinship, non-certified kinship care, background checks, fingerprint based checks
IM-CW-2019-0003Revised Rule Changes- Contacts with Parents, Guardians, and Prospective Permanent CaregiversJan. 3, 2019CWFace-to-face, parent contact
IM-CW-2019-0004Request for Participation on a Time Limited Foster Care Task GroupJan. 4, 2019CWAdministrative, Foster Parent Steering Committee, Recommendations, Revisions, Rules
IM-CW-2019-0005Division of Child Welfare Adoption Information WebpageJan. 10, 2019CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Adoption Assistance Policy
IM-CW-2019-0006Annual Minimum Wage ChangeJan. 22, 2019CWMinimum wage, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2019-0007Approved Colorado Home Study Vendor ListJan. 29, 2019CWAdoption, Foster Care and Kinship, SAFE home studies, vendors
IM-CW-2019-0009Colorado Vital Information System (COVIS)Jan. 30, 2019CWCOVIS, birth records, birth data
IM-CW-2019-0011200% of Poverty - 2019 Poverty GuidelinesFeb. 19, 2019CW200%, TANF, Title XX, Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
IM-CW-2019-0012Kinship &, Foster Parent Curriculum OpportunityFeb. 20, 2019CWKinship care, foster care, training
IM-CW-2019-0013Trails Modernization Release 5 Training PlanFeb. 20, 2019CWTrails, Trails Modernization, training
IM-CW-2019-0014LGBTQ affirming home study questions and SAFE Compatibility InventoryFeb. 28, 2019CWbest practices, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth and families, home study, SAFE
IM-CW-2019-0015Annual Recertification RequirementsMarch 8, 2019CWtraining, pro-rating hours, recertification requirements, Trails Modernization
IM-CW-2019-0016Strategies and Alternatives Implemented to Reduce the Use of Congregate CareMarch 8, 2019CWcommunity, resources, review, structure, supervision, replicable
IM-CW-2019-0017Statewide Adoption Assistance Rate Actuarial AnalysisMarch 20, 2019CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Adoption Subsidy, Permanency, Adoption Stakeholders
IM-CW-2019-00187.305 Youth Services Rules Task GroupMarch 28, 2019CW7.305 Youth Services, Communications
IM-CW-2019-0019-01FY 2018-19 Mitigation RequestsApril 8, 2019CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2019-0020Scholarships for 2019 Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB) Conference July 9th-12th, 2019April 29, 2019CWSex Offender Management Board Conference, Scholarships
IM-CW-2019-0022Title Training Dollars for State Fiscal Year 2020April 30, 2019CW 
IM-CW-2019-0023Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Provider Rate IncreaseMay 9, 2019CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2019-0024Corrected Video Link Invitation to Participate in an Instructional Video and to Provide Feedback about an Electronic Inquiry Form to Promote the Recruitment of Foster HomesMay 13, 2019CWFeedback, Foster Parents, Inquiry Form, Recruitment, Webinar
IM-CW-2019-0025The Colorado Safety & Risk Assessment Tool InstructionsMay 13, 2019CWSafety Assessment, Risk Assessment, Tools
IM-CW-2019-0026Annual Survey: Candid Perspectives of Foster Parents and their Fostering ExperiencesMay 16, 2019CW 
IM-CW-2019-0027Legislative AuditMay 16, 2019CWFoster Care, Adoption, Title I-VE
IM-CW-2019-0028Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Provider Rate IncreaseMay 31, 2019CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2019-0029Title IV-E Waiver End DateJune 5, 2019CWIV-E Waiver, 45-day requirement
IM-CW-2019-0030Provider Rate Change for FY 2019-20June 7, 2019CWProvider Rate
IM-CW-2019-0031State Fiscal Year 2020 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human/Social ServicesJune 17, 2019CWCatastrophic, county foster care homes, insurance, liability
IM-CW-2019-0032Older Youth Case Closure and Re-Entry WorkgroupJune 19, 2019CWEmancipation, case closure, runaway, re-entry, older youth, court, workgroup, HB 1319
IM-CW-2019-0033Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19 Provider Rate IncreaseJune 28, 2019CWProvider Rate Correction of IM-CW-2019-0028
IM-CW-2019-0035Federal Approval of the Program Improvement Plan (PIP)July 3, 2019CWCFSR, PIP, Program Improvement Plan, Federal Measures
IM-CW-2019-0037Calendar Year 2018 Foster Parent Exit SurveysJuly 26, 2019CWFoster Care, Adoption, Child Specific, Satisfaction Factors, Survey
IM-CW-2019-0038Update on the Post-Permanency Services and Supports Contract with The Adoption Exchange and
Opportunities for Teleconferences to Discuss Options for Breaks/Respite Provided in the Post
Permanency Supports and Services Program
July 26, 2019CWBreaks, Contractor, Phase-in, PPSS, Respite
IM-CW-2019-0039Parental FeesJuly 31, 2019CW2019, County, Parental, Fee, Refund, Memo, 1991
IM-CW-2019-0040Licensed Facility Rates MeetingJuly 31, 2019CW 
IM-CW-2019-0041Reports Coming in Through Social MediaAug. 9, 2019CWFacebook, CO4 Kids Page, Hotline County Connection Center, Social Media
IM-CW-2019-0043Recruitment of membership for a time-limited task groupAug. 26, 2019CWFamily engagement meeting, re-entry, C-STAT
IM-CW-2019-0044Update to Driver's License for Foster Care YouthAug. 26, 2019CWdriver's license, youth, foster care, instruction permit, driving logs
IM-CW-2019-0061Prevention and Intervention fundingDec. 3, 2019CWPrevention, Intervention, Application
IM-CW-2019-0045Teleconferences for stakeholder feedbackSept. 4, 2019CWAdoption; Feedback
IM-CW-2019-0046Foster Care Requirements Sept. 6, 2019CWFoster care, Rules, Volume 7 Child Placement Agencies
IM-CW-2019-0047Workload Study, Caseload Study, Case to Caseworker FTE RatioSept. 6, 2019CWWorkload Study, Caseload Study, Case to Caseworker FTE Ratio
IM-CW-2019-0048Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) 2019-2020 Planning Package Due on September 25, 2019Sept. 10, 2019CWChafee, Independent Living Program
IM-CW-2019-0049Collaborative Management Incentive Fund County Site Distribution SFY 2018-19Sept. 12, 2019CWCollaborative Management Incentive Fund Distribution SFY 2018-19
IM-CW-2019-0050Email Address Request for County Departments and StakeholdersSept. 18, 2019CWFoster Care, Email, Child Placement Agency, Colorado Counties
IM-CW-2019-0051Predictive AnalyticsSept. 20, 2019CWAdoption, permanency, legally free, predictive analytics
IM-CW-2019-0052Child Welfare Educational Stability Allocations for SFY20Sept. 27, 2019CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306
IM-CW-2019-0053Program Improvement Plan (PIP)Oct. 2, 2019CWCFSR, PIP, Program Improvement Plan
IM-CW-2019-0054Phase 3: Follow-up Teleconference to Support Family Search and Engagement Activities CompletedOct. 15, 2019CWEngagement, FSE, Kinnect, Permanency, Phase 3, PIP, Teaming, Champions
IM-CW-2019-0055Title IV-E Waiver Intervention FundingOct. 15, 2019CWIV-E, Waiver, Intervention
IM-CW-2019-0056Training and Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy Credit Education for Youth in Foster Care in State Fiscal Year 2020Oct. 15, 2019CWConsultation, credit health, credit history, foster care, inaccuracies, remediation
IM-CW-2019-0057Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding proposed Family First Prevention Services Act Case Plan rule revisions (7.000-7.301.3)Oct. 18, 2019CWFFPSA, Family First, Feedback, Rules
IM-CW-2019-0058Substance Exposed Newborn UpdateNov. 7, 2019CWPlans of Safe Care, Substance Exposed Newborn, Toxicology Resource Guide, CARA, CAPTA, hotline
IM-CW-2019-0059Title IV-E Federal AuditNov. 15, 2019CWFederal Audit, IV-E, Administration for Children and Families
IM-CW-2019-0060Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding proposed adoption services rules (7.306.5 - 7.306.6)Nov. 27, 2019CWAdoption, feedback
IM-CW-2019-0062Annual Profile Justification ProceduresDec. 4, 2019CWAccess Control, Audit, Certification, OIT, Security, Trails
IM-CW-2019-0063Update to Early Intervention parent letter and 3-5 tableDec. 4, 2019CWEarly Intervention (EI), developmental screening
IM-CW-2019-0061 (CORRECTED)Prevention and Intervention FundingDec. 9, 2019CWPrevention, Intervention, Application
IM-CW-2019-0064Douglas County Included As Large CountyDec. 16, 2019CWLarge County, Douglas County
IM-CW-2019-0065Zoom Meetings to Report Findings of the 2019 S.A.F.E Â® Home Study Review and Provision of Refresher TrainingDec. 20, 2019CWConsistency, desk guide, practitioner, protocol, S.A.F.E Â® supervisor, training
IM-CW-2019-0066Access to Medicaid for Children/Youth that Reside In or Outside of ColoradoDec. 23, 2019CWAdoption, Foster Care, Guardianship, ICPC, Medicaid, Out-of-State, RGAP, Travel
IM-CW-2020-0001Adoption Assistance Program and Relative Guardianship Assistance Program as Opportunities to Support Stable Permanency for Children/Youth Exiting Foster CareJan. 14, 2020CWAdoption assistance, continuation of assistance, permanency, reimbursement, relative guardianship assistance, timely, stability, statute, support
IM-CW-2020-0002Teleconferences for Stakeholder Feedback Regarding Proposed Sibling Foster Youth Bill Rule Revisions(7.000 - 7.306.11)Jan. 16, 2020CWFoster, Sibling, Youth, Bill, Rights
IM-CW-2020-0003Foster and Adoptive Parents and Non-Certified Kinship Caregivers Training OpportunitiesJan. 21, 2020CWTraining credit, learning, requirements, and training
IM-CW-2020-0004Implementation and rollout of an electronic inquiry for timely responses to questions about foster care and adoption to be launched on January 27, 2020Jan. 21, 2020CWAdoption, certification, electronic inquiry, foster care, timely response
IM-CW-2020-0005DCW staff assigned to countiesJan. 23, 2020CWCounty Intermediary
IM-CW-2020-0006County holiday calculations in ROM (Results Oriented Management)Jan. 27, 2020CWCalculate, County Holidays, Data, ROM
IM-CW-2020-0007Update on Post-Permanency Services and Supports and the Phase-in of Metro Area CountiesJan. 27, 2020CWPhase-in, permanency, supports, services, stability
IM-CW-2020-0008Annual Minimum Wage ChangeJan. 28, 2020CWMinimum wage, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2020-0009IDD Stepdown ProvidersJan. 29, 2020CWLaradon, Calabrese, CYC, referral, placement, stepdown, waitlist, reimbursement, IDD, intellectual and development disabilities
IM-CW-2020-0010Monthly Caseworker Visitation Grant Memo and ApplicationFeb. 3, 2020CWface to face, monthly caseworker visitation,
grant funding
IM-CW-2020-0011Scholarships for 2020 National Adolescent Perpetration Network ConferenceFeb. 19, 2020CWConference/ Scholarships/ National Adolescent Perpetration Network Conference
IM-CW-2020-0012Replication of Pathways to Success for Summative EvaluationFeb. 19, 2020CWPathways to Success, Youth Services, Homelessness Prevention, Emancipation
IM-CW-2020-0013Increase of 200% of Poverty for 2020Feb. 25, 2020CW200%, TANF, Title XX, Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
IM-CW-2020-0014Adoption Assistance County Policy Request and Review, Information on new Adoption Statute and upcoming Volume 7 revisionsFeb. 25, 2020CWAdoption, Review, Statute
IM-CW-2020-0015Join a new time-limited task group to review RGAP rulesFeb. 27, 2020CWAdoption, Align, Eligibility, Extension, RGAP
IM-CW-2020-0016Provide an update on policies from the federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF) to allow video-conferencing for face-to-face monthly contacts in light of the current public health crisis, COVID-19.Mar. 18, 2020CWAdoption, Title IV-E Adoption Assistance
IM-CW-2020-0017FY 2019-20 Mitigation Requests and ProcedureApr. 7, 2020CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2020-2018Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding proposed adoption
services rules (7.306.5-7.306.6)
Apr. 22, 2020CWAdoption, Feedback
IM-CW-2021-0032FY 2021-22 Rate IncreaseJune 25, 2021CWProvider, Rate, Rate Increase
IM-CW-2020-0019Chafee Funding Methodology Task GroupJune 9, 2020CWChafee, funding methodology
IM-CW-2020-0020Calendar Year 2019 Foster Parent Exit SurveysJune 11, 2020CWFoster Care, Adoption, Child Specific, Satisfaction Factors, Survey
IM-CW-2020-0021ICPC placements and Trial Home Visits clarificationsJune 12, 2020CWInterstate Compact on the Placement of Children, ICPC, Out of State placements, Trial Home Visits, Visits out of state, ICPC Regulation 9
IM-CW-2020-0022Resuming Adoption and Non-Certified Kinship Care reviews in July 2020June 23, 2020CWAdoption, background checks, non-certified kinship care, reviews
IM-CW-2020-0023Contract with Foster Parent College ends June 30, 2020, and will not be renewedJune 23, 2020CWModules, online, training
IM-CW-2020-0024State Fiscal Year 2020 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human/Social ServicesJune 29, 2020CWCatastrophic, county foster care homes, insurance, liability
IM-CW-2020-0025FY2020-21 Provider Rate DecreaseJune 29, 2020CWProvider Rates
IM-CW-2020-0026Title XX Request for ApplicationsJuly 17, 2020CWChild Welfare, Title XX, RFA
IM-CW-2020-0028IDD Stepdown ProvidersJuly 22, 2020CWLaradon, Calabrese, CYC, referral, placement, stepdown, waitlist, reimbursement, IDD, intellectual and developmental disabilities
IM-CW-2020-0027Private Adoption Process when requesting Adoption Assistance from Colorado County Departments
 July 24, 2020
IM-CW-2020-0029Administration for Children and Families Letter Regarding Termination of Parental RightsJuly 28, 2020CWTermination of Parental Rights, 15 out of 22 months, permanency, COVID-19
IM-CW-2020-00312020 County Parental Fee RefundsAug. 6, 2020CWCounty, Parental, Fee, Refund, Memo, 1991
IM-CW-2020-0030Stakeholder Virtual Meetings for Comment on Proposed Rules Regarding National Model Foster Home Standards and Recommendation for Alternative Care by the Foster Parent Steering CommitteeAug. 8, 2020CWFeedback, Model Foster Home Standards, Rules, Stakeholders
IM-CW-2020-0032Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding proposed kinship services rules (7.304.21, D)Aug. 19, 2020CWKinship, feedback, director or their designee
IM-CW-2020-0033Predictive AnalyticsAug. 24, 2020CWAdoption, Permanency, Legally Free, Predictive Analytics
IM-CW-2020-0034Training and Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy Credit Education for Youth in Foster Care in State Fiscal Year 2021Aug. 26, 2020CWConsultation, Credit history, Foster care, Inaccuracies, Remediation
IM-CW-2020-0035Chafee Services ExpansionAug. 27, 2020CWChafee, Foster Care, Foster Youth
IM-CW-2020-0036Chafee Program Services Plan FFY21Aug. 27, 2020CWChafee, Annual Plan
IM-CW-2020-0037Trust Accounts for Children in Foster Care Receiving a Stimulus CheckAug. 27, 2020CWFoster Care, Trust Accounts, Stimulus Check, CARES Act
IM-CW-2020-0038Permanent Rules Supersede PM-CW-2020-0003: Modifications to Rules Conditionally Made for Certification and Recertification of Foster Homes During the COVID-19 PandemicSept. 3, 2020CWCPR/First Aid, Health Assessments, Pet Vaccinations
IM-CW-2020-0039Foster and Adoptive Parents and Non-Certified Kinship Caregivers Training Opportunities for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2021Sept. 3, 2020CWOnline Training, Professional Development, Training Opportunities
IM-CW-2020-0040Ongoing ResourcesSept. 8, 2020CWPermanency, Tools, Resources
IM-CW-2020-0041Collaborative Management Program Incentive Fund County Site 2020 Distribution of SFY 2019-20 Earned FundsSept. 8, 2020CWCollaborative Management, Incentive Fund
IM-CW-2020-0042Additional Stakeholder Virtual Meetings for Comment on Proposed Rules Regarding National Model Foster Home Standards and Recommendation for Alternative Care by the Foster Parent Steering CommitteeSept. 8, 2020CWAlternative Care, Model Foster Home Standards, Rules, Stakeholder Comments
IM-CW-2020-0043Roll-Forward of Underspent Balance of State (BOS) Prevention & Intervention Cash FundSept. 17, 2020CWSB18-254, BOS, FY 2020-21, Prevention & Intervention Cash Fund, Roll-Forward
IM-CW-2020-0044 CARES Act FY 2020-21 Sept. 25, 2020CWCARES Act, COVID-19, Federal Funds, Title IV-B Subpart 1, Pandemic 
IM-CW-2020-0045Child Welfare Educational Stability Allocations for SFY 21Oct. 6, 2020CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306, ESSA
IM-CW-2020-0046Adoption Stability - Section 26-7-103, C.R.S. Oct. 20, 2020CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance
IM-CW-2020-0047Practice Changes Regarding Non-certified Kinship CareOct. 20, 2020CWKinship Care, Certification, Non-certified, Penetration Rate
IM-CW-2020-0048Stakeholder Meetings to Comment on Draft Administrative Rules Regarding Immunizations for Foster Parents and Household Members, in Order to Protect the Well-Being of Children/Youth in Foster CareNov. 2, 2020CWFoster Care, Immunization, National Model Foster Care Standards, Well-Being
IM-CW-2020-0049Update to Practice Changes Regarding Non-certified Kinship CareNov. 6, 2020CWKinship Care, Certification, Non-certified, Penetration Rate
IM-CW-2020-0050Independent Living Rules UpdateNov. 23, 2020CWChafee Program, Supervised Independent Living Placement, Services for Successful Transition to Adulthood
IM-CW-2020-0051Visitation during COVID 19 PandemicDec. 22, 2020OCYFSafety, Permanency, Well Being, COVID 19
IM-CW-2021-0001Time-Limited Task Group to Increase Kinship Foster Care Resources and Reduce Certification and Permanency BarriersJan. 12, 2021CWBarriers, Certification, Kinship, Kinship Foster Care, Resources
IM-CW-2021-0002County Holiday Calculations in ROM (Results Oriented Management)Jan. 14, 2021CWCalculate, County Holidays, ROM, Initial Response
IM-CW-2021-0003Approved Colorado Home Study Vendor ListFeb. 2, 2021CWAdoption, Foster Care and Kinship, SAFE home studies, Vendors
IM-CW-2021-0004Prevention & Intervention Cash Fund – Uncommitted Balance for Certain Balance of State CountiesFeb. 5, 2021CWPrevention & Intervention Funding; 12 CCR 2509-5, Rule 7.425.1; Certain Balance of State Counties; Prevention & Intervention Cash Fund SFY 2020-21
IM-CW-2021-0005Update to Substance Exposed Newborn and Plans of Safe CareFeb. 19, 2021CWSubstance Exposed Newborn (SEN), Plans of Safe Care, CARA, CAPTA
IM-CW-2021-0006Consulate Memorandum of UnderstandingFeb. 19, 2021CWMOU, Consulate, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador
IM-CW-2021-0007Training Certification & Recertification MemoFeb. 22, 2021CWCertification, Recertification
IM-CW-2021-0008Annual Minimum Wage ChangeMar. 9, 2021CWTitle IV-E, Minimum Wage, 2021
IM-CW-2021-0009Kinship Care Rule TrainingMar. 9, 2021CWNon-Certified Kinship Care, Custody, Certification
IM-CW-2021-0010Feedback Requested Regarding Proposed LegislationMar. 9, 2021CWICWA, Federally Recognized Tribe, Foster Home
IM-CW-2021-0011Claiming Title IV-E for Youth 18 Years Old or Over During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Re-Entry Into Foster CareMar. 16, 2021CWTitle IV-E, Youth 18 Years of Age, COVID-19, Re-Entry, Foster Care
IM-CW-2021-0012Convening of Child Welfare Prevention Task GroupMar. 24, 2021CWPrevention, FFPSA, Family First, PA3
IM-CW-2021-0013SB 20-106 Implementation RulesApr. 13, 2021CWPA4, PA5, Homeless Youth, Unaccompanied Youth, Runaway Youth
IM-CW-2021-0014Convening of Safe Haven Rule Writing CommitteeApr. 13, 2021CWSafe Haven, Abandoned Infants
IM-CW-2021-0015Chafee Program Supplemental Funding FFY21Apr. 13, 2021CWChafee, Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act, Division X, Supplemental Funding, H.R. 133
​IM-CW-2021-0016IV-E Eligibility in Adoption Assistance for Children and Youth who were in the custody of relatives at the time of Termination of Parental RightsApr. 21, 2021CWAdoption, Medicaid
IM-CW-2021-0017Mitigation Applications FY 2021Apr. 26, 2021CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2021-00182021 200% of Poverty LevelApr. 28, 2021CW200% of Poverty Level, Title XX
IM-CW-2021-0019Human Trafficking Task GroupMay 3, 2021CWHuman Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, Human Trafficking Task Group (HTTG)
IM-CW-2021-0020Status of Child Welfare Training for 2021 and 2022May 7, 2021CWTraining, Certification, Recertification
IM-CW-2021-0021Independent Assessment (IA) Volume VII Rule Writing WorkgroupMay 14, 2021CWIndependent Assessment, Independent Assessor
IM-CW-2021-0022Plans of Safe CareMay 26, 2021CWSubstance Exposed Newborn (SEN), Plans of Safe Care, CARA, CAPTA
IM-CW-2021-0023Institutional Abuse Rule WritingMay 28, 2021CWReferral, Institutional Abuse and Neglect, Facility, Provider
IM-CW-2021-0024OOH & Congregate Care Information Sharing Policies and Processes Work GroupMay 28, 2021CWCongregate Care, Out-of-Home Placements, Placement Services
IM-CW-2021-0025Pfizer Vaccine 12 + Division of Child WelfareJune 1, 2021CWVaccine, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic
IM-CW-2021-0027Visitation GuidelinesJune 11, 2021CWVisitation, COVID-19, Parents, Caregivers, Youth, Children
IM-CW-2021-0026Additional General Fund for Core Services PA3 CountiesJune 11, 2021CWCore Services, General Fund, OEC, SafeCare, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21 Child Welfare Closeout
IM-CW-2021-0028Entering Multiple Service Types in Foster Care Provider RecordsJune 14, 2021CWFoster Care, Kinship, Kinship Foster Care, Provider
IM-CW-2021-0029HB 21-1094, Foster Youth
Transition Program Rules Task Group
June 16, 2021CWFormer Foster Youth, Extended Foster Care, Reentry
IM-CW-2021-0030Demographic Collection and Recording in Trails, Sex Assigned at BirthJune 16, 2021CWDemographics, LGBTQ+, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sex Assigned at Birth, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Data Collection
IM-CW-2021-0033Change of Venue Checklist and UpdatesJune 23, 2021CWVenue, Checklist, Change of Venue
IM-CW-2021-0034Clarification of the 3/1/21 Kinship Care RulesJune 23, 2021CWNon-certified Kinship Care, County Custody, Certification
IM-CW-2021-0035FY 2021-22 Rate Increase (Correction)June 25, 2021CWProvider, Rate, Rate Increase, Correction to IM-CW-2021-0032 (now archived)
IM-CW-2021-0036Approved Colorado Home Study Vendor ListJune 25, 2021CWAdoption, Foster Care and Kinship, SAFE home studies, Vendors
IM-CW-2021-0037SFY 2022 Permanency Incentive Fund (corrected version)July 2, 2021CWAdoption, Allocation of Parental Responsibilities, Guardianship, Permanency
IM-CW-2021-0031CORRECTION - Maximizing Medicaid for Children and Youth who enter Out of Home CareJuly 12, 2021CWMedicaid, Out-of-Home, Entitlement
IM-CW-2021-0038Resuming Adoption and Non-certified Kinship Care reviews in July 2021July 12, 2021CWAdoption, Background Checks, Non-certified Kinship Care, Reviews
IM-CW-2021-0039IDD Stepdown ProvidersJuly 15, 2021CWLaradon, Calabrese, CYC, Referral, Placement, Stepdown, Waitlist, Reimbursement, IDD, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
IM-CW-2021-0040Confidentiality Volume VII Rule Writing WorkgroupJuly 30, 2021CWConfidentiality
IM-CW-2021-0041SFY 2022 Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County Departments of Human/Social ServicesJuly 30, 2021CWCatastrophic, County Foster Care Homes, Insurance, Liability
IM-CW-2021-0042Training & Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy Credit Education for Youth in Foster Care in SFY 2022Aug. 2, 2021CWConsultation, Credit History, Foster Care, Inaccuracies, Remediation
IM-CW-2021-0043Foster and Adoptive Parents and Non-Certified Kinship Caregivers Online Training Opportunity SFY 2022Aug. 6, 2021CWOnline, Professional Development, Training
IM-CW-2021-0045HB 21-1094 Implementation Rules Public Feedback SessionsAug. 23, 2021CWFoster Youth in Transition Program, Rules, Feedback Sessions, HB 21-1094
IM-CW-2021-0046Adoption Assistance Worksheet Task GroupAug. 24, 2021CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Adoption Rates
IM-CW-2021-0047Chafee Program Services Plan FFY22Aug. 27, 2021CWChafee, Annual Plan
IM-CW-2021-0048Affidavit of Identity to Obtain Colorado Identification Cards for Foster YouthAug. 30,2021CWAffidavit of Identity, Identification Cards, DMV
IM-CW-2021-0049FY 2021 County Parental Fee RefundsAug. 31, 2021CW2021, County, Parental, Fee, Refund, 1991
IM-CW-2021-0050Predictive AnalyticsSept. 3, 2021CWAdoption, Permanency, Legally Free, Predictive Analytics
IM-CW-2021-0051Child Welfare Educational Stability Allocations for SFY22Sept. 3, 2021CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306, ESSA
IM-CW-2021-0052Prevention and Intervention Cash Fund - BOSSept. 3, 2021CWPrevention, Funds, BOS
IM-CW-2021-0053*Correction* Collaborative Management Program Incentive Fund County Site 2021 Distribution of SFY 2020-21 Earned FundsSept. 28, 2021CWCollaborative Management, Incentive Fund, CMP
IM-CW-2021-0054Foster Youth in Transition Program Office Hours and Peer-to-Peer LearningOct. 5, 2021CWFoster Youth in Transition Program, HB 21-1094, Office Hours
IM-CW-2021-0055Driver Education Course Reimbursement for Foster YouthOct. 6, 2021CWFoster Care, Driver Education, Reimbursement, County Financial Management System (CFMS) Codes
IM-CW-2021-0056Statewide Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) Rate Setting RecommendationsOct. 18, 2021CWFamily First, QRTP, Provider Rates
IM-CW-2021-0057Time-Limited Task Group Regarding Improving Placement StabilityOct. 19, 2021CWPlacement Stability, Youth, Children, PIP, CQI
IM-CW-2021-0058Plans of Safe Care (PoSC)Oct. 22, 2021CWSubstance Exposed Newborn (SEN), Plans of Safe Care, CARA, CAPTA
IM-CW-2021-0059Supervisors Learning ExchangeOct. 26, 2021CWSupervisor Learning Exchange, SLC, CWTS
IM-CW-2021-0060Foster Youth in Transition ResourcesOct. 28, 2021CWFoster Youth in Transition, Voluntary Services Agreement, Spanish, Office of the Child’s Representative
IM-CW-2021-0061Adoption Stability - Section 26-7-103, C.R.SOct. 28, 2021CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance
IM-CW-2021-0062Entering Correct Dates & Times in Out-of-Home Service AuthorizationsNov. 4, 2021CWFoster Care, Kinship, Kinship Foster Care, Provider
IM-CW-2021-0063Pfizer VaccineNov. 10, 2021CWVaccine, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, Children
IM-OCYF-2021-0002Annual Profile Justification ProceduresNov. 16, 2021CWAccess Control, Audit, Certification, OIT, Security, Trails
IM-CW-2021-0064Notification of a New ROM Report Regarding Length of Stay in Non-certified Kinship HomesNov. 17, 2021CWCounty Custody, Length of Stay, Non-certified Kin, ROM Report
IM-CW-2021-0065ICPC Placements & Trial Home Visits ClarificationsNov. 24, 2021CWInterstate Compact on the Placement of Children, ICPC, Out-of-State Placements, Trial Home Visits, Visits out-of-State, ICPC Regulation 9
IM-CW-2021-0066Secondary Trauma Resources for County Child Welfare StaffNov. 30, 2021CWTrauma, Secondary, Resources, Monthly Caseworker Visit (MCV), Retention
IM-CW-2021-0067County Holiday Calculations in ROM (Results Oriented Management)Nov. 30, 2021CWCounty Holidays, ROM, Initial Response, Calculate, Hotline, HCCC
IM-CW-2021-0068HB 21-1094 IV-E Rules Public Feedback SessionsDec. 1, 2021CWFoster Youth in Transition Program, Rules, Feedback Sessions, HB 21-1094
IM-CW-2021-0069C-Stat Reunification GoalsDec. 15, 2021CWFamily Engagement Meeting, Safety Assessment, Reunification
IM-CW-2021-0070Core Services Program Rule Review WorkgroupDec. 22, 2021CWCore Services Program
IM-CW-2022-0001HB 21-1094 Notice of Rules PublicationJan. 14, 2022CWFoster Youth in Transition Program, Rules, HB 21-1094
IM-CW-2022-0002Institutional Referral & Assessment Rules Feedback SessionsJan. 25, 2022CWChild Welfare, Institutional Referral, Assessment Practice, Public Feedback
IM-CW-2022-0003Pressley Ridge TrainingFeb. 10, 2022CWPermanency, Providers, Learning, Development; Foster Parents
IM-CW-2022-0004Kinship Evaluation TemplateFeb. 14, 2022CWNon-certified Kinship Care, Evaluation, Rule Requirement
IM-CW-2022-0005IV-E Prevention Plan – Third VersionFeb. 15, 2022CWPrevention Plan, Family First
IM-CW-2022-0006Timeliness of Initial Response ToolkitFeb. 16, 2022CWTimely Initial Response, C-Stat, Program Improvement Plan, PIP
IM-CW-2022-00072022 200% of Poverty LevelMar. 3, 2022CW200% of Poverty Level; Title XX
IM-CW-2022-0008New Child Welfare Training Certification ProcessesMar. 3, 2022CWCertification, Recertification, Non-CWTS Tracking, Transfer of Learning Activities, TOL
IM-CW-2022-0009Health Care Policy and Financing Resources for Children & Youth in County CustodyMar. 3, 2022CWHealth Care, Medicaid, Accountable Care Collaborative, County Custody
IM-CW-2022-0010Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood Grant Program ApplicationMar. 7, 2022CWChafee, House Bill 21-1094
IM-CW-2022-0011SB 21-071 Public Feedback SessionsMar. 8, 2022CWLimit the Detention of Juveniles, Feedback Sessions, SB 21-071
IM-CW-2022-0012Annual Minimum Wage ChangeMar. 17, 2022CWTitle IV-E, Minimum Wage, 2022
IM-CW-2022-0013Balance of State County Family Voice Project GrantsMar. 17, 2022CWFamily Voice, Underserved, Overrepresented, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
IM-CW-2022-0014Monthly Case Contact Rule ChangeMar. 28, 2022CWMonthly Case Contact Requirements, Face-to-face Contact, Rule Change
IM-CW-2022-0015Child Welfare County Workload StudyApr. 13, 2022CWWorkload Study, Case Management, Staffing Levels
IM-CW-2022-0016Chafee Pandemic Funds - Non-taxableApr. 14, 2022CWChafee, Pandemic Funds, Division X, Non-taxable, Youth, Young People
IM-CW-2022-0017PRANS Under 18 Rule WorkgroupApr. 19, 2022CWPersons Responsible for Abuse and/or Neglect, Substantiated Findings for Minors, Volume 7 Rule Workgroup
IM-CW-2022-0018Mitigation Applications FY 2021-22Apr. 19, 2022CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2022-0019Approved Colorado Home Study Vendor ListApril 28, 2022CWAdoption, Foster Care, Kinship, SAFE Home Studies, Vendors
IM-CW-2022-0020*Correction* Qualified Residential Treatment Program Lifetime Limit Waiver Request FormMay 4, 2022CWQRTP Lifetime Limit, Long-Term Placement, Length of Stay, QRTP, Waiver
IM-CW-2022-0021County Custody and Residing with ParentsMay 17, 2022CWCounty Custody, Parent, Removal, Trails
IM-CW-2022-0022FY 2022-23 Provider Rate IncreaseJune 7, 2022CWProvider, Rate, Rate Increase
IM-CW-2022-0023Reasonable IndependenceJune 9, 2022CWAssessment, Abuse, Neglect, Prudent Parenting, HB 22-1090
IM-CW-2022-0024Announcement of an Updated User Interface for the Results Oriented Management (ROM) Reporting WebsiteJune 13, 2022CWROM, New User Interface, Data, C-Stat
IM-CW-2022-0025SB22-144 Ride Share ContractsJuly 11, 2022CWSchool Stability, Transportation, BIDs, Ride Shar
IM-CW-2022-0026Higher Education Support for Foster Youth (SB22-008)July 11, 2022CWFoster Youth, Higher Education, Financial Assistance, Cost of Attendance
IM-CW-2022-0027Update Regarding Providers Contracted with CDHS for Acute Residential ServicesJuly 12, 2022CWAcute Residential, Contracted Providers, Application, PRTF
IM-CW-2022-0028Training and Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation and Promoting Healthy Credit EducationJuly 28, 2022CWConsultation, Credit History, Foster Care, Inaccuracies, Remediation
IM-CW-2022-0029Foster, Adoptive Parents, and Non-Certified Kinship Caregivers Online TrainingJuly 28, 2022CWOnline, Professional Development, Training
IM-CW-2022-0030RMS Survey Changes – Family First CandidacyAug. 1, 2022CWRMS, RMTS, SSRMS, Family First, Admin Costs
IM-CW-2022-0031FY 2021-22 County Parental Fee RefundsAug. 15, 2022CW2022, County, Parental, Fee, Refund
IM-CW-2022-0032Implementation of New Father Engagement C-Stat MeasureAug. 23, 2022CWC-Stat, Father Engagement, Permanency, Training
IM-CW-2022-0033Child Welfare Educational Stability Allocations for SFY23Aug. 29, 2022CWSchool Stability, Transportation, Education, HB 18-1306, ESSA
IM-CW-2022-0034Review, Evaluate, Direct Team Rule WritingSept. 6, 2022CWRED Team, Rule Writing
IM-CW-2022-0035Approval for Alternative Initial Training for ProvidersSept. 12, 2022CWOut-of-home, Prudent, Reasonable, Standard, Web-based
IM-CW-2022-0036Collaborative Management Program Incentive Fund County Site 2022 Distribution of SFY 2021-22 Earned FundsOct. 4, 2022CWCollaborative Management, Incentive Fund
IM-CW-2022-0037Child Welfare Qualifications and Certification Requirements 7.603.1Oct. 6, 2022CWMinimum Education Requirements, Social Caseworker, Trainee, Supervisor
IM-CW-2022-0038Placement Stability Work Group Updates & Request for Pilot CountiesOct. 10, 2022CWPlacement Stability, Disruption, Pilot, Placement Provider, Children & Youth
IM-CW-2022-0039Stakeholder feedback for Senate Bill 1038 Youth Right to CounselOct. 31, 2022CWYouth Counsel, Volume 7 rules
IM-CW-2022-0040Teleconferences for stakeholder feedback regarding proposed adoption assistance rules (7.306.4-7.306.48)Nov. 1, 2022CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Rates, Feedback
IM-CW-2022-0042Clarification of Available Child Care Assistance for Families Involved with Child WelfareNov. 9, 2022CWChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Child Welfare Child Care, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP
IM-CW-2022-0041Adoption Stability Report SFY 2021-22Nov. 8, 2022CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance
IM-CW-2022-0043Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) Intervention 3.3.3 Regarding Redesign of the Foster Care SystemNov. 21, 2022CWFoster Parent, Engagement, Supporting Parents
IM-CW-2022-0044Training Opportunities for New Adoption Assistance Negotiation WorksheetNov. 21, 2022CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Rates, Negotiation, Training
IM-CW-2022-0045County Holiday Submissions for Child WelfareDec. 7, 2022CWCounty Holidays, Hotline, HCCC, ROM, Initial Response, Assessments
IM-CW-2022-0046Clarification Regarding Processes for Medicaid ID Cards For Child Welfare Children and YouthDec. 29, 2022CWChild Welfare, Medicaid, Medicaid ID Card, Trails
IM-CW-2023-0001SANCA/ICON Functionality in Trails LegacyJan. 10, 2023CWICON, Colorado Courts, SANCA, Courts, Trails Legacy
IM-CW-2023-0002Fostering OpportunitiesJan. 25, 2023CWSB 22-1374, Education, School Program, Foster Care Success Act
IM-CW-2023-0003Adoption Assistance Review ProcedureJan. 26, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Review, Title IV-E, Training
IM-CW-2023-0004Chafee and Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood Grant Program Combined ApplicationJan. 30, 2023CWChafee, State Grant Program, House Bill 21-1094
IM-CW-2023-0005Annual Minimum Wage ChangeFeb. 1, 2023CWTitle IV-E, Minimum Wage, 2023
IM-CW-2023-0006Foster Youth Transition Program Cleanup Rules Public Feedback SessionsMar. 6, 2023CWFYiT, Youth, HB 21-1094, Rules
IM-CW-2023-0007Child and Family Services Review Round 3 - Program Improvement PlanMar, 8, 2023CWPIP, CFSR
IM-CW-2023-0008Substance Use Disorder and Substance Exposed Newborn Work GroupApr. 18, 2023CWSubstance Use Disorder (SUD), Substance Exposed Newborn (SEN), Sub-PAC, Plan of Safe Care, POSC, Youth Substance Use, Caregiver Substance Use
IM-CW-2023-0009Mitigation Applications FY 2022-23May 1, 2023CWAllocation, Mitigation, BOS Counties, Mitigation Form
IM-CW-2023-0010Child and Family Services Review Round 3 - Program Improvement PlanMay 2, 2023CWPIP, CWAC, CFSR
IM-CW-2023-0011Discontinuation of the Affidavit for
Lawful Presence when Certifying County Foster Care Homes
May 4, 2023CWAffidavit, Certification, County Foster Care Home, Lawful Presence
IM-CW-2023-0012Adoption FormsMay 9, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Rates, Negotiation, Adoption Paperwork
IM-CW-2023-00132023 200% of Poverty LevelMay 10, 2023CW200% of Poverty Level, Title XX
IM-CW-2023-0014Prevention Practice SurveyMay 11, 2023CWPrevention, Family First
IM-CW-2023-0015Institutional Medical Neglect Referral and Assessment Time-Limited WorkgroupMay 17, 2023CWMedical Neglect, Institutional Abuse and Neglect, Institutional Facility
IM-CW-2023-0016Stakeholder Review of Adoption Assistance Rules (7.306.4-7.306.48)May 18, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Rates, Rules, Feedback
IM-CW-2023-0017Time-limited Kinship Rule Writing Work GroupMay 18, 2023CWKinship, Legislation, Navigator, Rules, Review, Work Group
IM-CW-2023-0018QRTP Lifetime Limits Waiver Request of Non-IV-E Children/Youth PilotMay 24, 2023CWLifetime Limit Reviews IV-E and Non-IV-E, QRTP, RCCF, Group Home
IM-CW-2023-0019Reissue Change of VenueMay 24, 2023CWVenue, Change of Venue
IM-CW-2023-0020Time-limited SB23-039 Rule Writing Work GroupJune 1, 2023CWReduce Child and Incarcerated Parent Separation, Permanency Task Group (PTG), Legislation, Rules, Review, Stakeholder
IM-CW-2023-0021FY 2023-24 Rate IncreaseJune 21, 2023CWProvider, Rate, Rate Increase
IM-CW-2023-0022Consulate Memorandum of UnderstandingJune 27, 2023CWMOU, Consulate, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador
IM-CW-2023-0023Approved Colorado Home Study Vendor ListJuly 28, 2023CWAdoption, Foster Care, SAFE Home Studies, Vendors
IM-CW-2023-0024Title IV-E Federal ReviewJune 29, 2023CWIV-E Federal Audit, Administration for Children and Families
IM-CW-2023-0025Special Education Services for Students in Foster Care (HB 23-1089)July 12, 2023CWFoster Youth, Education
IM-CW-2023-0026Private Adoption Process when Requesting Adoption Assistance from Colorado County DepartmentsJuly 18, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Private Adoption, Title IV-E Assistance
IM-CW-2023-0027High-Quality Family Time Rules Work GroupJuly 24, 2023CWParenting Time, Visitation, Family Time, HB23-1027
IM-CW-2023-0028Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County DepartmentsJuly 31, 2023CWCounty Foster Care Home, Insurance, Liability
IM-CW-2023-0029Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program Rules Feedback SessionsAug. 7, 2023CWHousing Vouchers, Chafee Program, Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood State Grant Program.
IM-CW-2023-0030Updated Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance (ICAMA) System ReleaseAug. 7, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Relative Guardianship, RGAP, ICAMA, Title IV-E, Medical Assistance, Medicaid
IM-CW-2023-0031FY 2023 County Parental Fee RefundsAug. 10, 2023CW2023, County, Parental, Fee, Refund
IM-CW-2023-0032Reasonable and Prudent Parent Task GroupAug. 10, 2023CWReasonable and Prudent Parent, Youth Voice
IM-CW-2023-0033Human Trafficking Task GroupAug. 24, 2023CWHuman Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, Human Trafficking Task Group
IM-CW-2023-0034Training & Technical Assistance for Credit Remediation & Credit Education for Young People in Foster CareSept. 11, 2023CWConsultation, Credit History, Foster Care, Inaccuracies, Remediatio
IM-CW-2023-0035Preventive Measures to Protect Young People in Foster Care Under the Age of 18 from Identity TheftSept. 11, 2023CWCredit Freeze, Consumer/Credit Reporting Agency (CRA), Credit Report Records, Foster Care, Fraud Alert, Security Freeze
IM-CW-2023-0036Revisions to Section 7.500 - Resource Development for County Foster Care & Adoption ServicesSept. 12, 2023CWAdoption Resources, Certification, Foster Care, Recertification
IM-CW-2023-0037Support Plan ToolkitSept. 25, 2023CWDifferential Response, Support Plan, Templates, Tools, Best Practice
IM-CW-2023-0038NEICE Secure Document Portal and Rollout PlanSept. 25, 2023CWNational Electronic Interstate Compact Enterprise (NEICE), Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), NEICE Secure Document Portal (SDP), Portal, Clearinghouse, Out-of-State
IM-CW-2023-0039Child Welfare Educational Stability Allocations for SFY24Sept.. 27, 2023CWFoster Youth, Education, School Stability, Transportation, HB 18-1306, ESSA
IM-CW-2023-0040Foster & Adoptive Parents and Non-Certified Kinship Caregivers Online TrainingOct. 5, 2023CWOnline, Professional Development, Training
IM-CW-2023-0041Adoption Stability Report SFY 2022-2023Nov. 6, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance
IM-CW-2023-0042Automated Adoption Assistance Negotiation Worksheet - Now LiveNov. 9, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Negotiation
IM-CW-2023-0043County Holiday Submissions for Child Welfare - Due date 12/28/23Nov. 16, 2023CWCounty Holidays, Hotline, HCCC, ROM, Initial Response
IM-CW-2023-0044Title IV-E Training RequirementsNov. 21, 2023CWIV-E Training, Title IV-E
IM-CW-2023-0045Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program Application for SFY24 *Due Date 12/29/23Nov. 21, 2023CWChafee, State Grant Program, Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program, SB23-082
IM-CW-2023-0046 Child Welfare Training System: Learning Management System UpgradeNov. 29, 2023CWChild Welfare Training System, CWTS, Learning Management System, LMS,
Training Database
IM-CW-2023-0049Extension of Adoption & Relative Guardianship Assistance ProgramsDec. 19, 2023CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Relative Guardianship Program (RGAP), Extension
IM-CW-2023-0048Kinship Guidance/Template from Parent & Child Family Time HB23-1027Dec. 18, 2023CWKinship, Family Time, Rights of Relative & Kin Supervising Family Time
IM-CW-2023-0047HB 23-1307 - Funding to Reduce
Barriers for Child Welfare Youth who are
Eligible for Release
Dec. 11, 2023CWDetention, Child Welfare, Out of Home Placement, Barriers, Kinship
IM-CW-2024-0001Transition Age Youth Services Office Hours for FYiT, Housing Vouchers, and Other Supportive ProgramsJan. 3, 2024CWFoster Youth in Transition, FYiT, Housing Voucher, Rental Assistance, Chafee, SB23-82
IM-CW-2024-0002Training Steering Committee Time-limited WorkgroupsJan. 4, 2024CWCaseworker Competencies, Training, Volume VII, Ethics
IM-CW-2024-0003Relinquishment ProcedureJan. 4, 2024CWAdoption, Counseling, Relinquishment, Child Placement Agencies (CPA)
IM-CW-2024-0004General Rules for Child Care Facilities Partner Engagement SessionsJan. 8, 2024CWRule Changes, Child Care Facilities, Partner
IM-CW-2024-00057.705 Rules Regulating Residential Child Care Facilities & 7.714 Quality Standards for Twenty-Four Hour Child Care Partner EngagementJan. 8, 2024CWRule Changes, Child Care Facilities, Engagement, Partner
IM-CW-2024-0006*CORRECTION* High-Quality Family Time Rules Vested Partners MeetingJan. 11, 2024CWParentingTime, Visitation, Family Time, HB23-1027
IM-CW-2024-0007Adoption Assistance Review ProcedureJan. 17, 2024CWAdoption, Adoption Assistance, Review, TitleIV-E, Training
IM-CW-2024-0008Agency Response GuideJan. 23, 2024CWDispositioning Referrals, RED Team, Intrafamilial Abuse and Neglect, Third Party Abuse and Neglect, Response Timeframes, Track Assignment
IM-CW-2024-00097.714 Quality Standards for Twenty-Four Hour Child Care Partner Engagement Feedback SessionsFeb. 6, 2024CWRule Changes, Child Care Facilities, Engagement, Partner
IM-CW-2024-0010National Training and Development Curriculum State-wide RolloutFeb. 15, 2024CWPlacement Continuum, Foster Care, Training, Certification, NTDC
IM-CW-2024-0011Pressley Ridge Train-the-Trainer Cohort ApplicationFeb. 20, 2024CWPressley Ridge, Treatment Foster Care, Permanency, Providers, Foster Parents
IM-CW-2024-0012Out-of-State Former Foster Care Medicaid GuidanceFeb. 21, 2024CWFormer Foster Care Medicaid, Medicaid, Former Foster Youth
IM-OCYF-2016-0001Youth in Detention ReportingJuly 28, 2016OCYFDetention Utilization Reporting
IM-OCYF-2016-0002Updates to Stakeholders on Trails ModernizationSept. 8, 2016OCYFTrails, Modernization, Update, Stakeholder, Information
IM-OCYF-2016-0003SFY17 Recruitment &, Retention GrantNov. 1, 2016OCYFfoster care, recruitment, retention, grant
IM-OCYF-2016-0004Colorado Crisis ServicesDec. 7, 2016OCYFmental health, crisis, hotline, mobile response, respite, walk-in centers
IM-OCYF-2016-0005CCW Psychiatric Consultation LineDec. 16, 2016OCYFFoster Care, Consent, Psychotropic Medication, Psychiatric Consultation
IM-OCYF-2017-00012016 Research Update: Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness CampaignJan. 12, 2017OCYFChild Abuse, Neglect, Hotline, Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Campaign, Awareness, Child Abuse Prevention, Prevention
>IM-OCYF-2017-0002Newly Formed Task Group to Examine Colorado's Children's CodeMarch 2, 2017OCYFChildren's Code, Committee, Children's Code Task Group, statute
IM-OCYF-2017-0003Colorado Foster Parent Market ResearchMarch 20, 2017OCYFFoster parent, recruitment, retention, market research
IM-OCYF-2017-0004Guidelines Regarding Definitions of Routine, Urgent and Emergent mental Health Needs for Children/Youth in County CustodyMarch 21, 2017OCYFRoutine, Urgent, Emergent, Mental Health, Child Welfare
IM-OCYF-2017-0005Youth in Detention Reporting UPDATED MEMO IM-OCYF-2016-0001July 11, 2017OCYFDetention Utilization Reporting
IM-OCYF-2017-0006Updates to stakeholders on trails modernizationJuly 25, 2017OCYFTrails, Modernization, Update, Stakeholder, Information, Release 1
IM-OCYF-2017-0007National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Program UpdatesAug. 7, 2017OCYFNYTD, NYTD Review
IM-OCYF-2017-0008Media outreach to recruit foster parentsOct. 13, 2017OCYFfoster parents, recruitment, media outreach
IM-OCYF-2017-0010Posting 2017 Colorado Guidelines for Psychotropic Medication Use for Children and Adolescents on the CDHS website.Oct. 30, 2017OCYFPsychotropic Medication, Consent for Treatment, Adverse Rating Scales, Psychotropic Prescribing Oversight, Drug Utilization Review, Decision Tree for Mental Health Treatment, Treatment Algorithms, Medicaid, RCCOs, Data Sharing, Training and Questions about Treatment, CCIS, TRAILS
IM-OCYF-2017-0011No Cost Co-branded and Localized Foster and Adoptive Parent Recruitment MaterialsNov. 1, 2017OCYFfoster care, adoption, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment, marketing
IM-OCYF-2017-0012SFY18 Recruitment & Retention GrantsNov. 8, 2017OCYFgrants, foster parents, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment
IM-OCYF-2017-0013Newly Formed Work Group to Discuss Trails Access for Child Welfare Staff and Division of Youth Services (DYS) StaffNov. 7, 2017OCYFTrails, Division of Youth Services, Division of Child Welfare, County Caseworkers, Workgroup
IM-OCYF-2017-0014Consent for Medical and Behavioral Health TreatmentDec. 11, 2017OCYFConsent, Psychiatric, Mental Health, Health Care
IM-OCYF-2018-0001Age of Consent for Release of RecordsJan. 19, 2018OCYFConsent, Health Care, Age, Release
IM-OCYF-2018-0002Child Welfare Allocation Committee Child Welfare Services New Allocation Formula Draft for FY 2018-19Jan. 25, 2018OCYFChild Welfare Block Allocation, Funding Formula, CWAC Finance Subcommittee, Allocation Model
IM-OCYF-2018-0003Provider Release of Clinical Records, without Written ConsentMarch 8, 2018OCYFClinical Records, Provider Release, Written Consent
IM-OCYF-2018-00042018 Child Abuse Prevention Month toolkit and media outreachMarch 28, 2018OCYFmedia outreach, public awareness
IM-OCYF-2018-00052018 National Foster Care Month toolkit and media outreachApril 23, 2018OCYFmedia outreach, public awareness
IM-OCYF-2018-0006SB 18-154 Crossover Youth PlansMay 22, 2018OCYFCrossover Youth, SB 94/CDYC, delinquent, SB 154, JSPC, CMP
IM-OCYF-2018-0007Review of Data Usage Outside of CDHS ApplicationsMay 30, 2018OCYFChild Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS), Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES), Trails, CCWIS Review, Data Security, Data Handling
IM-OCYF-2018-0008Child Welfare Block Allocation Formula for FY 2017-18 with SupplementalJune 29, 2018OCYFChild Welfare Block Allocation, Funding Formula, Allocation Model, Supplemental Appropriations Bill
(HB 18-1162)
IM-OCYF-2018-0009FY 2017-18 County Year-End Closeout ChangesJuly 2, 2018OCYFCounty Year-End Closeout, Accounting, SB18-254
IM-OCYF-2018-0010Trails Modernization - ReleasesJuly 24, 2018OCYFTrails, Trails Modernization, CCWIS Review, End User System Access
IM-OCYF-2018-0011Planned Campaign Partner and Foster Care and Adoption Information Updated on CO4Kids.orgAug. 1, 2018OCYFCO4Kids.org, recruitment and retention, foster care, adoption, public awareness, Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Public Awareness Campaign Partners
IM-OCYF-2018-0012Trails Modernization Intake and Resource, Assessment and Commitment, Case, and Fiscal IRACCF R1 Release Notes and FAQ DocumentAug. 16, 2018OCYFTrails Modernization, FAQ Document, Release Notes, CWTS, Trails Users
IM-OCYF-2018-0013SFY19 Recruitment &, Retention Local Innovation Fund, formerly known as Recruitment and Retention GrantsAug. 23, 2018OCYFgrants, foster parents, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment
IM-OCYF-2018-0014The Extension of Core Services for Former Foster Youth between the Ages of Eighteen and Twenty-oneAug. 28, 2018OCYFChafee Foster Care Independence Program, Core Services Program, Foster Care, Services
IM-OCYF-2018-0015Impact of July 28, 2018 release of Trails Modernization (TM) on C-STAT and other county reported dataSept. 18, 2018OCYFTrails Modernization, C-STAT
IM-OCYF-2018-0016Trails Background Checks - CDHS Background Investigation UnitSept. 27, 2018OCYFBackground checks, Trails, Statutory authority
IM-OCYF-2018-0017October is Domestic Violence Awareness MonthOct. 11, 2018OCYFDomestic Violence, DV Practice Guide
IM-OCYF-2018-0018Indian Child Welfare Act formsOct. 12, 2018OCYFIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA, Notification to tribes, Family Ancestry Chart
IM-OCYF-2018-00192018 National Adoption Month toolkit and media outreachOct. 23, 2018OCYFRecruitment of adoptive and foster parents, communications and marketing, National Adoption Month
IM-OCYF-2018-0020No cost co-branded and localized promotional magnets for foster and adoptive parent recruitmentNov. 29, 2018OCYFfoster care, adoption, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment, marketing
IM-OCYF-2019-0002Statute Review Group for the Families First Prevention and Services ActJan. 15, 2019OCYFMental health therapy guidelines
IM-OCYF-2019-0003SAVE THE DATE May 9, 2019: Program Improvement Plan (PIP) Strategy EventMarch 28, 2019OCYFConnections, Engagement, Family, Kinnect, Length of Stay, National Practice, Permanency, PIP
IM-OCYF-2019-0004Division of Youth Services and Child Welfare Transition Time Limited Task GroupApril 8, 2019OCYFDYS, DCW, Transition, Parole, Older Youth, Emancipation, Independent Living, rules
IM-OCYF-2019-0005Indian Child Welfare Act Annual Update of Pertinent ResourcesJune 5, 2019OCYFIndian Child Welfare Act, ICWA, Qualified Expert Witness, QEW, Federally Recognized Tribes
IM-OCYF-2019-0006Colorado Sexual Health Initiative (CoSHI) Transition and Training OpportunityJune 28, 2019OCYFComprehensive Sexuality Education, HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), and Pregnancy Prevention
IM-OCYF-2019-0007IM-OCYF-2017-0005 UpdateJuly 23, 2019OCYFDetention, Reporting, Direct files,
IM-OCYF-2019-0008SFY20 Recruitment &, Retention Local Innovation FundAug. 27, 2019OCYFgrants, foster parents, recruitment, retention, dilligent recruitment
IM-OCYF-2019-0009Family First Prevention Services Act Implementation and Division of Youth ServicesSept. 30, 2019OCYFFamilies First Prevention and Services Act; DYS; Chafee, Medicaid, FUP, Delinquent
IM-OCYF-2020-0001Remaining SFY20 Recruitment &, Retention Local Innovation FundsJan. 21, 2020OCYF

grants, foster parents, recruitment, retention,

diligent recruitment

IM-OCYF-2020-0002Social Media Recruitment TrainingFeb. 18, 2020OCYFadoption, foster care, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment
IM-OCYF-2020-0003Foster and kinship family placement stabilization fundingApr. 17, 2020OCYFfoster care, kinship care, coronavirus, COVID-19, placement stabilization
IM-OCYF-2020-0004SFY20-21 Local Innovation Fund Oct. 19, 2020OCYFfoster parents, recruitment, retention, diligent recruitment
IM-OCYF-2020-0005Statute/Rule Review GroupNov. 16, 2020OCYFStatute Review, Family First Prevention and Services Act, Rules, SubPac workgroup
IM-OCYF-2020-0006Annual Profile Justification ProceduresDec. 3, 2020OCYFAccess Control, Audit, Certification, OIT, Security, Trails
IM-OCYF-2021-0001SFY 21-22 Local Innovation FundAug. 3, 2021OCYFLocal Innovation, Funding, Grants, Recruitment and Retention
IM-OCYF-2021-0003Foster Care & Adoption Certification SpecialtiesDec. 8, 2021OCYFFoster Care, Adoption, Recruitment, Retention, Certification, Child Placement Agencies, Licenses
IM-OCYF-2022-0001PRTF Transition FundsApr. 4, 2022OCYFPRTF, Transition Funds, Placement
IM-OCYF-2022-0002Documentation in Trails When a Placement is not LocatedMay 3, 2022OCYFPlacement, Office, Documentation, Trails, Child Welfare Information System
IM-OCYF-2022-0003Training in the use of the Structured Analysis Family Evaluation (SAFE™) Compatibility InventoryJune 6, 2020OCYFCompatibility Inventory, Foster Care, Well-being
IM-DVP-2020-0001Domestic Violence and Child Welfare Task GroupAug. 26, 2020DVPDomestic Violence, Child Welfare
IM-OBH-CBH-2021-0006CYMHTA and COACT HFW Collaboration Information MemoJuly 19, 2021OBH-CBHThe Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act (CYMHTA), COACT Colorado/High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW)
IM-OCYF-2022-0004Catastrophic Liability Insurance for Foster Care Homes Certified by County DepartmentsNov. 10, 2022OCYFCounty Foster Care Homes, Insurance, Liability
IM-OCYF-2022-0005Annual Profile Justification ProceduresNov. 22, 2022OCYFAccess Control, Audit, Certification, OIT, Security, Trails
IM-OCYF-2023-0001Documentation in Trails When a Placement is not LocatedJan. 11, 2023OCYFPlacement, Office, Documentation, Trails, Child Welfare Information System
IM-OCYF-2023-0002Alternatives to Youth Detention Working Group ReportJuly 14, 2023OCYFCrossover, Youth, SB21-071, Alternatives, Youth Detention
IM-OCYF-2023-0003Repeal of Citizen Review PanelsAug. 8, 2023 Citizen Review Panel, Conflict Resolution, Grievance
IM-OCYF-2023-0004Collaborative Management Program Incentive Fund County Site 2023 Distribution of SFY 2022-23 Earned FundsSept. 26, 2023OCYFCollaborative Management, Incentive Fund, CMP

Collaborative Management Program Rule-Change Stakeholder Engagement 

Note: meeting scheduled for
November 9th at 10am has been canceled.

Oct. 16, 2023OCYFCollaborative Management Program, Rule Change, Stakeholder
IM-OCYF-2023-0006Annual Profile Justification ProceduresNov. 20, 2023OCYFAccess Control, Audit, Certification, OIT, Security, Trails
IM-OCYF-2023-0007Collaborative Management Program
Model Information Form
Dec. 4, 2023OCYFCollaborative Management Program, Rule Change, Stakeholder

Early Childhood archives

Policy memos
Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateDivisionKeywords
PM-ECL-2017-0001Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) Application/Redetermination RevisionAug. 8, 2017ECLCCCAP, Application, Redetermination, Counties, Revised, child care assistance program
PM-ECL-2018-0001CCCAP Parent Fee Adjustment PolicyMarch 30, 2018ECLColorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Parent Fee, Co-payment
PM-ECL-2020-0001Increased Support for CCCAP Families in
Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
Apr. 23, 2020ECLCOVID-19, CCCAP, Job Search, Redetermination,
CHATS, Extended eligibility period
Operation memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
OM-ECL-2015-0001FFY 2016 Federal Poverty Guidelines/State Median Income GuidelinesDec. 30, 2015ECLFederal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), child care assistance program
OM-ECL-2015-0002 (superseded by PM-ECL-2017-0001)Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)Application RevisionDec. 29, 2015ECLCCCAP, Application, Counties, Revised, child care assistance program
OM-ECL-2016-0001 (superseded by PM-ECL-2017-0001)Spanish-Language Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) ApplicationFeb. 12, 2016ECLCCCAP, Application, Counties, Revised, child care assistance program
OM-ECL-2016-0003CCCAP State-Established Recommended Provider Reimbursement (Part I)April 15, 2016ECLCCCAP, child care, provider reimbursement rate
OM-ECL-2016-0004Quality Discounted Parent FeeAug. 8, 2016ECLCCCAP, Parent Fee, Counties, Child Care Assistance Program
OM-ECL-2016-0005Child Support Exemption for CCCAPAug. 8, 2016ECLCCCAP, Child Support Exemptions, Counties, Child Care Assistance Program
OM-ECL-2016-0006Provider Electronic CorrespondenceAug. 8, 2016ECLCCCAP, PSSP, Electronic, Correspondence, Portal
OM-ECL-2016-0007FFY 2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines/State Median Income GuidelinesSept. 28, 2016ECLFederal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), child care assistance program
OM-ECL-2016-0008 (superseded by PM-ECL-2017-0001)Revised Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Client Responsibilities Agreement FormSept. 28, 2016ECLCCCAP, CRA, Client Responsibilities Agreement, Form
OM-ECL-2016-0009Child Care Development Fund Requirement: Consumer Education BrochureSept. 30, 2016ECLCCCAP, Early Childhood, Family Support Programs, Brochure, Consumer Education, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, State Plan
OM-ECL-2016-0002Use of Electronic Attendance Records for CCCAP Manual ClaimsMarch 15, 2016ECLattendance records, sign in/out, manual claim, child care
OM-ECL-2016-0003 (superseded by PM-ECL-2017-0001)CCCAP Redetermination FormJune 22, 2016ECLCCCAP, Redetermination, Counties, Revised, Child Care Assistance
OM-ECL-2017-0001CCCAP Child Support ExemptionJan. 23, 2017ECLCCCAP, Child Support Exemptions, Counties, Child Care Assistance Program, Teen Parents
OM-ECL-2017-0002CCCAP Quality Improvement Expenditures Through TANF Block GrantAug. 7, 2017ECLCCCAP, Quality Improvement, TANF, Child Care Assistance Program, TANF Transfer
OM-ECL-2017-0003FFY 2018 Federal Poverty Guidelines/State Median Income GuidelinesOct. 1, 2017ECLFederal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), child care assistance program
OM-ECL-2017-0004Rules for the Attendance Tracking System (ATS)Nov. 22, 2017ECLattendance tracking system, child care assistance program, swipe card, POS
OM-ECL-2018-0001Instructions for the use of the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) WaiverApril 16, 2018ECLattendance tracking system, child care assistance program, manual claim, reimbursement, payment
OM-ECL-2018-0002Instructions for the use of the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) WaiverJune 19, 2018ECLHB18-1335 legislation, child care assistance program, CCCAP, allocation, eligibility, FPL, waitlist, job search
OM-ECL-2018-0003Clarification of available child care assistance for families involved with child welfareOct. 15, 2018ECLChild Care, Child Welfare, Protective Services, Child Welfare Child Care, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)
EM-ECL-2018-0004CCCAP Application/Redetermination RevisionDec. 14, 2018ECLCCCAP, Application, Redetermination, Counties, Revised, Child Care Assistance Program, CHATS
OM-ECL-2019-0001CCCAP State Established Provider Reimbursement Rates (SFY 2019-20)Mar. 1, 2019ECLCCCAP, child care, provider reimbursement rate
OM-ECL-2020-0001Implementation of Temporary State-Wide Policy Changes Due to COVID-19Apr. 30, 2020ECLCOVID-19, CCCAP, Job Search, Re-determination, CHATS, Extended eligibility period, Authorization
OM-ECL-2021-0001CHATS Data SharingApr. 6, 2021ECLCHATS, CCCAP, API, Interoperability, Data Sharing
​OM-ECL-2021-0002CCCAP Child Citizenship and Age​ ​Verification RequirementsApr. 21, 2021ECL​CCCAP, Citizenship, Qualified Alien, Lawful Permanent Resident, Legal Resident Child’s Age, Date of Birth, Verification
OM-ECL-2021-0003Electronic Colorado Works Child Care Referral FormApr. 30, 2021ECLCCCAP, Child Care, Referral, Colorado Works
OM-ECL-2021-0005Internal Controls for Child Care
Assistance Program – Supervisory Review
June 4, 2021ECLSupervisory Reviews, Case File Reviews, County Case Reviews, Quality Assurance (QA), Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Improper Payment
OM-ECL-2021-0004Child Support Exemption for CCCAPJune 11, 2021ECLCCCAP, Child Support Exemptions, Good Cause, Counties, Child Care Assistance Program
OM-ECL-2021-0006CCCAP State-Established Licensed Provider Daily Tiered Reimbursement Rate Maximums IncreaseJune 16, 2021ECLCCCAP, increase, State-Established, licensed, provider, tiered, maximums, Regular Rate Type, ceiling rate, tiered, reimbursement, rates
OM-ECL-2021-0007Implementation of 7/1/21 Parent Fee Formula ChangesJuly 1, 2021ECLCCCAP, Parent Fee, Formula, Rule
OM-ECL-2021-0008Implementation of CCCAP State Tax Intercept FunctionalitySept. 15, 2021ECLseparate, keywords, with, commas
OM-ECL-2021-0009CCCAP Quality Improvement Expenditures Through TANF Block GrantNov. 19, 2021ECLCCCAP, Quality Improvement, TANF, Child Care Assistance Program, TANF Transfer
Information memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
IM-CFS-2015-0001Use of the Colorado Family Support Assessment Version 2 (CFSA) in PSSF ProgramsNov. 9, 2015CFSPromoting Safe and Stable Families, PSSF, evaluation tools, funding
IM-CFS-2016-00012017 Promoting Safe and Stable Families Request for ApplicationSept. 15, 2016CFSPromoting Safe and Stable Families, PSSF, funding, RFA
IM-CFS-2016-0002Release of Promoting Safe and Stable Families Request for ApplicationDec. 29, 2016CFSPromoting Safe and Stable Families, PSSF, funding, RFA
IM-ECL-2015-0001Public Notice and Comment: Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State PlanDec. 23, 2015ECLchild care assistance program, child care and development block grant, state plan
IM-ECL-2016-00012015 Market Rate SurveyJan. 5, 2016ECLChild Care Assistance Program, state plan, provider reimbursement rates
IM-ECL-2016-0002Opting out of State Recommended Provider Reimbursement RatesJan. 5, 2016ECLChild Care Development Fund, State Plan, Provider Reimbursement Rates, Equal Access
IM-ECL-2016-0003Update on County CCCAP Allocation SpendingFeb. 11, 2016ECLCCCAP, surplus distribution, allocation
IM-ECL-2016-0003 (Part II)CCCAP State-Established Recommended Provider Reimbursement (Part II)Feb. 11, 2016ECLCCCAP, surplus distribution, allocation
IM-ECL-2016-0004Outreach to Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) Recipients Eligible for Additional ServicesFeb. 19, 2016ECLchild care assistance program, supplemental nutrition assistance program, SNAP, two generation strategies, food assistance program, benefits, eligibility
IM-ECL-2016-0005Update on County CCCAP allocation spendingJune 2, 2016ECLCCCAP, surplus distribution, allocation, CHATS
IM-ECL-2016-0007CHATS Legacy System Official Code FreezeSept. 28, 2016ECLCCCAP, CHATS, Help desk, System, Modernization
IM-ECL-2016-0008Revised Child Care Development Block Grant RegulationsNov. 16, 2016ECLCCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG
IM-ECL-2016-0009Child Care Development Fund Requirement: Consumer Education BrochureNov. 4, 2016ECLCCCAP, Early Childhood, Family Support Programs, Brochure, Consumer Education, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, State Plan, Spanish Translation
IM-ECL-2017-0001Implementation of new requirements for Child Care Assistance Program Qualified Exempt Out-of Home Non-Relative child care providersJan. 23, 2017ECLQualified Exempt Out of Home Non-relative OTN, CCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG, Health and Safety
IM-ECL-2017-0002Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Policy and Procedure ManualJan. 27, 2017ECLCCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG, Health and Safety, Policy and Procedure Manual, P&,P Manual
IM-ECL-2017-0003Attendance Tracking Replacement Project CommunicationsMarch 8, 2017ECLCCCAP, POS, Point of Service, Attendance Tracking, Child Care Assistance Program
IM-ECL-2017-0005CCCAP Supplemental DisbursementMarch 20, 2017ECLCCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG, Allocations
IM-ECL-2017-0006The Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS) Legacy System Official Code FreezeOct. 24, 2017ECLCCCAP, CHATS, Help desk, System, Modernization
IM-ECL-2018-0001CCCAP Supplemental DisbursementApril 12, 2018ECLCCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG, Allocations
IM-ECL-2018-0002CCCAP Direct Service Allocation TransfersMay 30, 2018ECLCCCAP, Allocation Transfer, Buy/Sell
IM-ECL-2018-0003CCCAP Federal Poverty Guidelines - Emergency Rule adoptedJune 15, 2018ECLCCCAP, Child Care Development Fund, CCDF, Child Care Development Block Grant, CCDBG, Allocations, Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
IM-ECL-2019-0001Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income updatesOct. 1, 2019ECLColorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), State Board of Human Services, Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS), Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
IM-ECL-2020-0001County flexibility within the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) to address the impacts of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) on local communities.Mar. 18, 2020ECLDECL, CCCAP, Child Care Providers, CCCAP Families, County Policies, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS)
IM-OEC-2018-0001CDHS Prevention Steering Committee Sunset - August 9, 2018July 30, 2018OECChild Welfare, Prevention, Child Abuse and Neglect, Safe Care Colorado, Colorado Community Response, Nurse-Family Partnership
IM-ECL-2020-0002County Child Care Assistance Program allocation transfer processes for SFY2019-20
and SFY 2020-21
May 1, 2020ECLDECL, CCCAP, Allocation transfer, Buys/Sells, County MOE, Coronavirus (COVID-
IM-ECL-2020-0003County Child Care Assistance Program extended absence payments -- fundingMay 11, 2020ECLDECL, CCCAP, absence payments, allocation, county MOE, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
IM-ECL-2020-0004County Child Care Assistance Program extended absence payments -- fundingMay 20, 2020ECLDECL, CCCAP, absence payments, allocation, county MOE, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
IM-ECL-2020-0005County Child Care Assistance Program extended absence payments -- fundingJune 30, 2020ECLDECL, CCCAP, absence payments, allocation, county MOE, Coronavirus (COVID-19)
IM-ECL-2020-0006CCCAP Rule and County TrainingAug. 5, 2020ECLCounty, Department, CCCAP, CCDBG, CCDF, Rules, Training
IM-ECL-2020-0007Colorado Child Care Assistance Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income UpdatesSept. 24, 2020ECLColorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), State Board of Human Services, Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS), Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
IM-ECL-2020-0008Supporting COVID-19 Temporary Closures & Increased Child AbsencesNov. 24, 2020ECLCCCAP, COVID-19, Hold Slots, Isolated, Widespread, Absence Payments, County Rate Plan
IM-ECL-2021-0001Licensed Provider Monthly Absence Payment IncreaseJuly 12, 2021ECLCCCAP, Child Care Provider, Absences
IM-ECL-2021-0002Colorado Child Care Assistance Federal Poverty Guidelines and State Median Income UpdatesSept. 13, 2021ECLColorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), State Board of Human Services, Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG), State Median Income (SMI), Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS), Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
IM-ECL-2021-0003CCCAP Performance MeasuresDec. 15, 2021ECLPerformance, Monitoring, Measures, Program, Administration, CCCAP
IM-ECL-2021-0004CCCAP Rule Public Comment PeriodDec. 30, 2021ECLCCCAP, Rules, Public Comment
IM-ECL-2022-0001Continued Support of COVID-19 Temporary Provider Closures & Increased Child AbsencesFeb. 3, 2022ECLCCCAP, COVID-19, Hold Slots, Isolated, Widespread, Absence Payments, County Rate Plan
IM-ECL-2022-0002CCCAP Impact of Child Support Services Application Fee ChangesMay 6, 2022ECLCCCAP, Child Support Services, Application Fee
IM-ECL-2022-0003County Child Care Assistance Program Allocation Transfer ProcessMay 31, 2022ECLCCCAP, Allocation transfer, Buys/Sells, County MOE

Economic Security archives

Policy memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
PM-EBD-2016-0001Employment First - Inclusion of homelessness to exemption, "Mentally or Physically Unfit to Work" without medical verificationDec. 21, 2016EBDEmployment First, exemptions, chronic homeless, physically or mentally unfit for employment
PM-FEA-2017-0001 (superseded by PM-FEA-2017-002)County Professional Services Contracts and Purchasing Orders Cap of $2,500June 6, 2017FEAFood and Nutrition Service, FNS, 7 CFR Appendix A, Part277, Professional Services, Approval Required
PM-OES-2017-0001SB 16-190 Incentives and Sanctions DisbursementsMay 23, 2017FEAFederal Nutrition Service, FNS, SB 16-190, Incentives, Sanctions
PM-OES-2017-0002Two-Parent Household changesSept. 20, 2017OESTwo-Parent Households (2PHH), Colorado Works (CW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Work Participation Rate (WPR), County Maintenance of Effort, NR-Segregated Funding activity code (NR)
PM-FEA-2017-0002County Professional Services Contracts and Purchasing Orders Process RevisionNov. 14, 2017FEAFood and Nutrition Service, FNS, 7 CFR
Appendix A, Part 277, Professional Services
PM-OES-2018-0002Colorado Works Basic Cash Assistance Grant IncreaseAug. 15, 2018OESColorado Works, TANF, Basic Cash Assistance (BCA), Grant Increase
PM-OES-2018-0001Aid to the Needy Disabled - State Only and Home Care Allowance Grant IncreasesAug. 15, 2018OESAid to the Needy Disabled - State Only (AND-SO), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Special Populations Home Care Allowance (SP-HCA), Grant Increase
PM-FEA-2018-0001SNAP Policy Volume 4B Amendments and UpdatesSept. 1, 2018FEASupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Allotment, Periodic Reporting, Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers, Group Living Arrangements, GLA, Authorized Representative, Dependent Care Expense, Exempt Resources, Reported Changes, Notice of Match, Request for Contact
PM-OES-2018-0003Aid to the Needy Disabled- State Only (AND-SO) Program Rule Changes, Cover Letter and Med-9Oct. 15, 2018OESAid to the Needy Disabled-State Only (AND-SO), Determination, Financial Eligibility Requirements, Medical Certification Form, Disability Requirements, Definitions
PM-FEA-2019-0001County Administrative Expenditure ReviewsMarch 5, 2019FEASupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, County Administration, 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Guidance
PM-FEA-2019-0002Food Assistance Policy Volume 4B Technical CleanupMarch 15, 2019FEASupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Volume 4B, Policy, Technical Cleanup, Updates, Wildly Important Goal (WIG), Changes, Food Assistance
PM-FEA-2019-00032020 Census Demonstration ProjectApril 24, 2019FEA2020 Census, Demonstration Project, SNAP, Earned Income, Temporary employees
PM-FEA-2019-0004Food Assistance Comprehensive Updates- Part 1, FFY20 COLA, and 2014 Farm Bill UpdatesOct. 1, 2019FEAFood Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Reinstatement Waiver, Treasury Offset Program, TOP, Hearings, Office of Administrative Courts, Initial Decision, Substantial Gambling and Lottery Winnings, 2014 Farm Bill, Felony Convictions, Food and Nutrition Service, FNS
PM-OES-2019-0001County Administrative Expenditure ReviewsDec. 16, 2019OESSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, County Administration, 2 CFR Part 200,Uniform Guidance
PM-FEA-2020-0001Food Assistance Regulations Updates from February 2020 Emergency RuleFeb. 20, 2020FEAFood Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP,
Employment First, Work Requirements, ABAWD, Recipient Claims,
Food and Nutrition Service, FNS
PM-OES-2020-0001Food Assistance COVID-19 Temporary Policy ModificationsApr. 9, 2020OESFood Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Pandemic, COVID-19, Food and Nutrition Service, FNS
PM-OES-2020-0002Crowdfunding Impacts to CDHS Program EligibilityApr. 24, 2020OESAdult Financial, Colorado Works, Food Assistance, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Resources, Crowdfunding, GoFundMe, Kickstarter, Indie GoGo, Liquid Asset, Countable Unearned Income
PM-OES-2020-0003Treatment of Direct Economic Assistance Payments Authorized Under the CARES ActMay 12, 2020OESAdult Financial, Colorado Works, Food Assistance, Unemployment Insurance (UI), Economic Stimulus, Compensation, CARES Act, COVID-19 Pandemic
Operation memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
OM-CSS-2016-0002 (superseded by OM-CSS-2017-0001)Changes to Medical Support per House Bill 16-1165Nov. 9, 2016CSSMedical Support, Child Support, ACSES, HB 16-1165
OM-CSS-2016-0001ACSES Access Security RequirementsOct. 13, 2016CSSACSES, Security Access, ACSES Security Designees
OM-EBD-2016-0001Electronic Benefit Transfer EBT Car Prohibited Us EBDEBT, Penalties, Misuse, Prohibited Locations
OM-EBD-2016-0002County Allocation LetterNov. 10, 2016EBDEmployment First, Employment First Budget
OM-EBD-2016-0003Colorado Works Work Participation RateDec. 20, 2016EBDWork Participation Rate (WPR), Employment, Engagement
OM-EBD-2017-0002ABAWD Requirements/Mandatory vs. Voluntary Work RegistrantsNov. 21, 2017EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Employment First, EF, ABAWD, county-choice service delivery model
OM-EBD-2017-0003Verification of CitizenshipDec. 4, 2017EBDVerification, Citizenship, Client Statement, CBMS, Colorado Works
OM-EBD-2017-0004Subsidized Employment Rule ChangeDec. 29, 2017EBDColorado Works (CW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Subsidized, Employment, Income, Exempt
OM-EBD-2018-0003Assessing Good CauseFeb. 7, 2018EBDEmployment First, Good Cause, Non-Compliance
OM-EBD-2018-0002Med-9 Cover LetterFeb. 7, 2018EBDAid to the Needy Disabled - State Only (AND-SO), Med-9, Cover Letter
OM-EBD-2018-0004CBMS Security Best Practices Workbook &, Audit ChangesMar. 28, 2018EBDCBMS security
OM-EBD-2018-0005SFY 17-18 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Colorado Works/TANF and Colorado Child Care Assistance ProgramMay 9, 2018EBDColorado Works, TANF, Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, MOU
OM-EBD-2019-0002Employment First Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Program DiscussionJuly 1, 2019EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training(E&,T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Mountain Plains Regional Office (MPRO), Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD)
OM-FEA-2015-00012015-2016 LEAP Administrative and Outreach AllocationsNov. 4, 2015FEALEAP
OM-FEA-2015-0002FEA 2015 Nondiscrimination StatementDec. 11, 2015FEAFederal Nutrition Service, FNS, Nondiscrimination Statement, NDS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA
OM-FEA-2016-0001LEAP Memorandum of UnderstandingJan. 19, 2016FEALEAP
OM-FEA-2016-0002New Order Form for EBT Buck slipsFeb. 19, 2016FEAEBT, JP Morgan, SNAP, buck slips, brochure
OM-FEA-2016-0003Claim Calculation Form (FS-14)Feb. 3, 2016FEAFS-14, Claim Calculation Form, Overpayment, Claim, CBMS
OM-FEA-2016-0004Tax Refund Intercept ProgramAug. 8, 2016FEAIncome Tax Intercept, Food Assistance, Colorado Works, Adult Financial
OM-FEA-2016-0005Civil Rights Complaints ProceduresDec. 15, 2016FEAFederal Nutrition Service, FNS, Civil Rights, Complaint
OM-FEA-2017-0002Prohibited LocationsFeb. 17, 2017FEAEBT, Prohibited Use Responsibilities, Prohibited Retailer, ATM Exemption, Retailer Exemption
OM-FEA-2017-0003Gift Cards and SNAP EligibilityMarch 31, 2017FEAFederal Nutrition Services, SNAP, Eligibility, Income, CBMS, Gift Cards
OM-FEA-2017-0004Memorandum of Understanding - Procedure for Counties to Participate in Statewide LEAP ContractMarch 31, 2017FEALEAP, Discover Goodwill, Low Income Energy Assistance Program
OM-FEA-2017-0005Retirement Accounts & SNAP EligibilityApril 26, 2017FEAFederal Nutrition Services, SNAP, Eligibility, Income, CBMS, Retirement Account
OM-FEA-2017-0006Tax Intercept ProgramJune 23, 2017FEAIncome Tax Intercept, Food Assistance, Colorado Works, Adult Financial
OM-OES-2016-00012016-2017 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsNov. 18, 2016OESLEAP
OM-OES-2017-0001SB 15-012 Child Support Pass-through County Customer Service ScriptMarch 21, 2017OESChild Support, Direct support for children, Colorado Works, Payment, pass-through
OM-FEA-2017-0008EBT Conversion & OutageJuly 10, 2017FEAEBT, Conversion, Outage
OM-CSS-2017-0002Income Withholding Order "Other" AmountJuly 10, 2017CSSChild Support, Income Withholding, IWO, Wage Assignment, WA, Other,
OM-FEA-2017-0008EBT Outage Conversion & Outage SignJuly 10, 2017FEA 
OM-EBD-2017-0001Employment with Wages Program ImplementationJuly 10, 2017EBDEmployment with Wages Program, Senate Bill 17-292
OM-FEA-2017-0007AmeriCorps Income UseJuly 10, 2017FEAAmeriCorps, Food Assistance, Colorado Works, CBMS entry, VISTA
OM-OES-2017-0002SFY17-18 Memorandum of Understanding (Colorado Works Program and Colorado Child Care Assistance Program)Aug. 3, 2017OES and OECMemorandum of Understanding, MOU, CW, CCCAP, Annual Performance Contract, Federal Work Participation Rate, FWPR, Policy Advisory Committee, PAC
OM-OES-2017-003Procedures for Processing an Application from Hurricane Harvey EvacueesSept. 20, 2017OESColorado Works, CW, TANF, Food Assistance, SNAP, D-SNAP, hurricane, Harvey
OM-FEA-2017-0009County Administrative CostsOct. 18, 2017FEACounty Allocation, County Administration, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP
OM-FEA-2017-00102017-2018 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsNov. 3, 2017FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, allocation, outreach, budget
OM-FEA-2017-0011FS36A ReportNov. 14, 2017OESFS36A, Fraud, Food Assistance, IPV
OM-FEA-2017-0012FS-3L Certification and Reporting Requirements Notice Sent to Households in ErrorNov. 16, 2017FEAFS-3L, Recertification, Noticing Issue, Timely Processing, CBMS
OM-CSS-2018-0001Changes to case closure criteria for Non-Public Assistance casesJan. 3, 2018CSSFinal Rule, Non-Public Assistance Cases, ACSES, $500.00 balance
OM-FEA-2018-0001County Responsibilities for Maintaining and Analyzing Client ComplaintsJan. 12, 2018FEAClient, complaint, pattern, records, reporting, SNAP, trend
OM-FEA-2018-0002Insuring EBT Card Issuance CoverageFeb. 2, 2018FEAElectronic Benefits Transfer, EBT, EBT card, issuance, coverage, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP
OM-FEA-2018-0003Goodwill MOU - LEAPMar. 28, 2018FEALow Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Discover Goodwill, MOU
OM-FEA-2018-0004SNAP Mandatory Race Reporting in CBMSMay 14, 2018FEASNAP, Data, Ethnicity, Race, Reporting, CBMS
OM-FEA-2018-0005Requesting Postponements for SNAP Fair HearingsJune 13, 2018FEASNAP, Client, Continuance, Fair Hearing, Postponement, Request, Timeline
OM-FEA-2018-0006Advertising Reasonable Accommodation in County OfficesJune 15, 2018FEAADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights, Disability, Reasonable Accommodation
OM-FEA-2018-00072018 Second Party Review ContractsJune 21, 2018FEAElectronic Benefits Transfer, EBT, EBT card, eligibility, issuance, separation of duties, second party review, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP
OM-FEA-2018-0008Tax Intercept ProgramJune 28, 2018FEAIncome Tax, Intercept, Food Assistance, Colorado Works, County Diversion, Adult Financial
OM-FEA-2018-0009Outreach Plan for 2018-19 LEAP SeasonJuly 10, 2018FEALow-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Outreach
OM-EBD-2018-0006Additional Option for Employment FirstJuly 2, 2018EBDEmployment First, CBPP, EF, Federal Waiver, Labor Surplus Areas, ABAWD, 15% exemptions, county options, EF, SNAP, SNAP Employment and Training, USDA, FNS
OM-EBD-2018-0007Returned Mail ProcessJuly 13, 2018EBDReturned Mail, Colorado Works, Adult Financial, VCL
OM-OES-2018-0001CDLE/CUBS/UI System Print ProcessJuly 20, 2018OESColorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Colorado Unemployment Benefits System(CUBS), Unemployment Insurance (UI), Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)
OM-FEA-2018-0010Revised Single Purpose ApplicationAug. 10, 2018FEASingle Purpose Application (SPA), Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), Connect For Health Colorado, form revision, eligibility, training
OM-CSS-2018-0002Fingerprinting Background Check RequirementAug. 22, 2018CSSFingerprinting Background Checks, IRS Publication 1075, ACSES access 
OM-FEA-2018-0011DAA and GLA Handbooks for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) ParticipationOct. 10, 2018FEADrug &, Alcohol Treatment Centers, DAA, Group Living Arrangement, GLA, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Food Assistance, residential center, institution, mental health, retailer, Food and Nutrition Service, EBT
OM-OES-2018-0003CW STEP Referral, Enrollment, and Placement OutcomeOct. 29, 2018OES 
OM-OES-2018-0004CW STEP Supportive ServicesOct. 29, 2018OES 
OM-CSS-2018-0003Changes to Timeframes for CCCAP CooperationOct. 29, 2018CSSCCCAP rule change, non-cooperation, Child Support Services
OM-FEA-2018-0012Equipment Purchased Directly with Food Assistance FundsOct. 31, 2018FEASupplemental Food and Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Food and Nutrition Service, FNS, 2 CFR Parts 200.33, 200.48, 200.313, 200.333 and 200.439, Equipment, General Purpose Equipment, Useful Life, Retention Requirements.
OM-FEA-2018-0013FNS Incentive Payment ProcessOct. 31, 2018FEASNAP, Food Assistance, CAPER, Timeliness, Incentive, Bonus
OM-FEA-2018-00142018-2019 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach Allocations OfficeNov. 7, 2018FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, allocation, outreach, budget
OM-EBD-2018-0008Old Age Pension, Aid to the Needy Disabled Colorado Supplement, and Adult Foster Care Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Increases for 2019Nov. 26, 2018EBDCost of Living Adjustment (COLA), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Adult Foster Care (AFC), In-kind Support and Maintenance (ISM), Grant Increase, Adult Financial
OM-FEA-2018-0015SNAP 2018 Nondiscrimination StatementDec. 17, 2018FEAFood and Nutrition Service, FNS, Nondiscrimination Statement, NDS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA
OM-FEA-2018-0016EBT Annual Second Party Review ContractsDec. 17, 2018FEAElectronic Benefits Transfer, EBT, EBT card, eligibility, issuance, separation of duties,
Second Party Review, SPR, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP
OM-EBD-2018-000950/50 ReimbursementDec. 18, 2018EBDEmployment First, EF, 50/50 reimbursement funds, Federal Match, Third party partners
OM-FEA-2019-0001Statewide Contract with Discover GoodwillMar. 7, 2019FEALow-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Discover Goodwill, MOU
OM-FEA-2019-0002FNS Performance Incentive Bonus FundsMar. 7, 2019FEASNAP, Food Assistance, CAPER, Timeliness, Incentive, Bonus
OM-FEA-2019- 0003Civil Rights Complaints ProceduresApril 24, 2019FEACivil Rights, Complaint, Food and Nutrition Service, Food Assistance, FNS, SNAP
OM-FEA-2019-0004Transition to Annual CAP Review Cycle for CountiesMay 7, 2019FEACompliance, Corrective Action Plan (CAP), Food Assistance, Management Evaluations, SNAP
OM-FEA-2019-0005KeyBank Disclosure Requirements
Download enrollment form (English)
Download enrollment form (Spanish)
May 30, 2019FEAKeyBank, KeyBank Prepaid Debit Card, Disclosure, Prepaid Rule, Child Care Assistance, Child Welfare
OM-FEA-2019-0006Notice of Intent to File a Hearing ExceptionJune 3, 2019FEAAppeals, Exceptions, Fair Hearings, Federal Compliance, Food Assistance, Initial Decision, IPVs, Office of Appeals, Office of Administrative Courts, SNAP
OM-EBD-2019-0001Address Confidentiality ProgramJune 26, 2019EBDACP, Address Confidentiality Program, Domestic Violence
OM-EBD-2019-0002Employment First Program Operations for FFY 2020MemoJuly 26, 2019EBTSNAP E&,T, Employment First, Funding, Federal Waiver, Labor Surplus
Areas, ABAWD, 15% exemptions, 100% funds, enhanced funding, 50/50 match funding
OM-FEA-2019-0007Posting the "Right to File" NoticeAug. 15, 2019FEACompliance, Food Assistance, Management Evaluation, Right to File, SNAP
OM-EBD-2019-0003Referral Process between Colorado Works and Child Support Services for Non-parent Caretaker Cases and Application of Good CauseAug. 15, 2019EBDColorado Works, Child Support Services, Cooperation, Kinship, Non-parent Caretaker, Good Cause, Referral
OM-FEA-2019-0008EBT Mail Card IssuanceSept. 9, 2019FEAEBT, EBT Mail Card Issuance, over-the-counter, initial, replacement, eligibility staff, EBT clerk
OM-FEA-2019-0009LEAP Outreach Incentive Program PilotSept. 9, 2019FEAOutreach, Inventive, LEAP, Energy Assistance, Heat, Home
OM-OES-2019-0001Verification of Non-Citizen Status in SAVEOct. 22, 2019OESSystematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE), United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Non-Citizens, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, Food Assistance, Verification, Colorado Works, Adult Financial
OM-FEA-2019-0010Quality Assurance Education during Eligibility InterviewsOct. 24, 2019FEACompliance, Food Assistance, Interviews, Management Evaluation, Rights and Responsibilities, SNAP, Quality Assurance (QA)

FFY2020 SNAP Claims ReviewNov. 1, 2019FEAClaims, Change Reporting, Compliance, Management Evaluations, Overpayment, Review, SNAP
OM-FEA-2019-00122019-2020 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsNov. 14, 2019FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, LIHEAP, allocation, outreach, budget, pilot, heat, heating
OM-EBD-2019-0004Maintenance of Effort (MOE) 12/2019Dec. 5, 2019EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF)
OM-EBD-2019-0005Old Age Pension, Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement, and Adult Foster Care Cost of Living Adjustment(COLA) Increase for 2020Dec. 5, 2019EBDCost of Living Adjustment (COLA), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Adult Foster Care (AFC), In-kind Support and Maintenance (ISM), Grant Increase, Adult Financial (AF)
OM-EBD-2019-0006Locating Supportive Service Requests Submitted in Salesforce/CBMS Through My CO BenefitsDec. 5, 2019EBDSupportive Services, Issuing, Salesforce, Colorado Works, Employment First
OM-OES-2019-0002Internal Controls for Colorado Works - County ProcessDec. 13, 2019OESQuality Assurance (QA), Quality Improvement (QI), Colorado Works (CW), Case Reviews, Work Verification Plan (WVP)
OM-FEA-2020-0001EBT Direct Deposit Enrollment FormsFeb. 4, 2020FEACBMS, CCCAP, Trails, LEAP, KeyBank, ACH, EBT, Direct Deposit, Cash benefits
OM-EBD-2020-0001Timeframe to Enter Applications / Redeterminations (RRRs) into CBMSFeb. 5, 2020FEAApplication Initiation (AI), Colorado Benefits Management
System (CBMS), Redetermination (RRR)
OM-EBD-2020-0002Adult Financial ModernizationFeb. 10, 2020EBDAdult Financial (AF) Modernization, Adult Financial Modernization Roadshow, Adult Financial, Quality Assurance (QA) Process
OM-FEA-2020-0002Statewide Contract with Goodwill - LEAPMar. 10, 2020FEALow-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Goodwill, MOU
OM-OES-2020-0001Electronic and Telephonic Signatures for Adult Financial, Colorado Works, and Food AssistanceMay 1, 2020OESAdult Financial, Colorado Works, Food Assistance, Signature, Electronic Signature, Telephonic Signature, COVID-19 Pandemic
OM-FEA-2020-0003Revised 2019-2020 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsMay 29, 2020FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, CARES, LIHEAP, allocation, outreach, budget, pilot, heat, heating
OM-CSS-2020-0001ACSES Access Security RequirementsJune 12, 2020CSSACSES, Security Access, ACSES Security Designees
OM-AAS-2020-0002APS Allocation for FY 2020-21June 23, 2020AASAPS, Allocation
OM-EBD-2020-0003Discontinuing the Disability Navigator Program
(AND Navigator)
June 24, 2020EBDDisability Navigator, Aid to the Needy Disabled - State Only (AND-SO), House Bill 19-1223 (HB 19-
OM-OAS-2020-0001Records Retention and ManagementJune 29, 2020OASRecords, Retention, Management, Archives
OM-EBD-2020-0004Supplemental Security Income Reimbursement for the Colorado Works ProgramJuly 13, 2020EBDSupplemental Security Income (SSI), Colorado Works (CW), Social Security Administration (SSA)
OM-ECL-2020-0002Colorado Child Care Assistance
Program (CCCAP)
July 14, 2020ECLExecutive Order, Department, CCCAP, Parent fee, Formula, Rule, Implementation
OM-EBD-2020-0005Tax Intercept ProgramJuly 29, 2020EBDIncome Tax, Intercept, SNAP, Colorado Works, County Diversion, Adult Financial
OM-ECL-2020-0003Child Care for School-Age ChildrenAugust 11, 2020ECLCCCAP, Child Care, Authorize, Schedule, Rule, School-Age Children
OM-OBH-CBH-2020-0001CMHC Contract Compliance-Inability to serve Individuals with high behavioral health needsAugust 5, 2020OBHOBH, CBH, Colorado Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), Assertive CommunityTreatment (ACT), C.R.S. 27-66-105 2.e. and 3, Momentum, Transition Specialist, Forensic Community Based Services, Outpatient Competency Restoration, Permanently Incompetent to Proceed, Compliance, Contract, Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT, Dartmouth scale, Emergency/Crisis Services, fidelity monitoring, SB 19-222
OM-EBD-2020-0006Electronic and Recorded Telephonic Signatures for Adult Financial and Colorado Works programsAugust 17, 2020EBDAdult Financial (AF), Colorado Works (CW), Signature, Electronic Signature, Recorded Telephonic Signature
OM-FEA-2021-0004Counties may opt in to the LEAP Outreach Incentive Program, unlocking additional funding.August 17, 2020FEAOutreach, Incentive, Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Energy Assistance, Heat, Home
OM-ECL-2020-0004To provide counties with additional guidance on covering the cost of care for school-age children enrolled in CCCAPAugust 21, 2020ECLCCCAP, Child Care, Authorize, Schedule, Rule, School-Age Children, Remote Learning
OM-CSS-2023-0001Contesting an Acknowledgement of ParentageApr. 10, 2023CSSContesting Paternity, Parentage, Paternity, Genetic Testing, Acknowledgement of Parentage, AOP
OM-FEA-2020-0005Race Ethnicity Data CollectionSept. 11, 2020FEASNAP, Ethnicity, Race, Data, Reporting
OM-FEA-2020-0006FFY21 COLA, Work Registration Updates, Waiver of Recertification Interviews for 24-month SNAP HouseholdsSept. 11, 2020FEASNAP, Cost of Living Adjustments, COLA, Work Registration, Employment First,
Waiver, Elderly, Disabled, 24-month certifications, Interviews
OM-ECL-2020-0006Revised Colorado Works Child Care FormsSept. 18, 2020ECLCCCAP, Colorado Works Child Care, Client Responsibilities Agreement, Colorado Works Referral Form
OM-EBD-2020-0007Internal Controls for Adult Financial & Colorado Works - County Case Review ProcessOct. 14, 2020EBDQuality Assurance (QA), Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), County Case Reviews, Work Verification Plan (WVP)
OM-EBD-2020-0008FFY21 Food Assistance and Employment First UpdatesOct. 15, 2020EBDFood Assistance, FA, Employment First, EF, Able-Bodied Adult without Dependents, ABAWD
OM-EBD-2020-0010Sponsor ReimbursementNov. 6, 2020EBDsponsor, sponsor reimbursement, qualified non-citizens, SAVE, I-864, Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), cash assistance, Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS)
OM-OES-2020-0002Referral Process between Colorado Works and Child Support Services for Non-parent Caretaker Cases and Application of Good CauseNov. 23, 2020OESColorado Works, Child Support Services, Cooperation, Kinship, Non-parent Caretaker, Good Cause, Referral
OM-FEA-2020-00072020-2021 Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsDec. 3, 2020FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, LIHEAP, allocation, outreach, budget, heat, heating
OM-EBD-2020-0011Old Age Pension, Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Increase for 2021Dec. 10, 2020EBDCost of Living Adjustment (COLA), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), In-kind Support and Maintenance (ISM), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Social Security Administration (SSA), Maintenance of Effort (MOE), State Verification Exchange System (SVES), Eligibility Determination Benefit Calculation (EDBC), State Board of Human Services (SBHS)
OM-EBD-2020-0012Request for Additional Employment First Supportive ServicesDec. 10, 2020EBDEmployment First (EF), Employment and Training (E&T), Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Third-Party Partners (TPP), Employment First Program Operators (POs), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
OM-EBD-2020-0013Employment First Dual EnrollmentDec. 10. 2020EBDEmployment First (EF), Colorado Works (CW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Employment and Training (E&T), Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Third-Party Partners (TPP), Enhanced Funding, Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS),
Workforce Development (WFD), Program Operators (POs)
OM-FEAD-2020-0009EBT Card Education & PIN SafetyDec. 18, 2020FEAEBT, card, PIN, education, cloning, skimming, fraud
OM-OES-2020-0003Income Withholding Order Issuance for Direct Pay OrdersDec. 22, 2020OESIncome Withholding Order, IWO, Income Assignment, IA, Child Support Services,
Withholding, Notice, Direct Pay, Obligation, Objection
OM-FEA-2020-0008County Responsibilities for Maintaining and Analyzing Client Complaints
Client Complaint Log Template 2021
Dec. 29, 2020FEAClient, Complaint, Pattern, Records, Reporting, SNAP, Trend
OM-EBD-2021-0001Noncompliance Closure Due to Not Completing Workforce Individualized Plan and Conciliation ProcessJan. 12, 2021EBDNoncompliance closure, CBMS, Colorado Works, Individualized Plan
OM-CSS-2021-0001Excess Child SupportJan. 21, 2021CSSChild Support, IV-E Excess, Line 11B on MM-627 ASCES Report
OM-OES-2021-0001Addressing Reports of Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)
Fraud and Program Action
Feb. 26, 2021OESAdult Financial (AF), Colorado Works (CW), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP), unemployment, UIB, fraud, CDLE interface
OM-EBD-2021-0002FY 2020-21 County Block Grant Support Fund Request ProcessApr. 14, 2021EBDColorado Works, TANF, County Block Grant Support Fund, Balance of State
​OM-OBH-CBH-2021-001​FFPSA and CYMHTA AssessmentsApr. 21, 2021OBH​The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), The Children and Youth Mental Health Treatment Act (CYMHTA), Assessments
OM-OES-2021-0002SFY 21-22 Memorandum of Understanding Colorado Works and Colorado Child Care Assistance ProgramMay 17, 2021OESColorado Works (CW), Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
OM-FEAD-2021-0001Statewide Contract with Goodwill for Administration of LEAPJune 14, 2021FEADLow-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Goodwill, MOU, heating, assistance, administration
OM-EBD-2021-0003Employment First Program Operations for FFY 2022June 29, 2021EBDSNAP E&T, Employment First (EF), Funding, Federal Waiver, ABAWD, the Act, 100% funds, enhanced funding, 50/50 match funding
OM-EBD-2021-0005Colorado Works Workforce Development Multi-Generational ActivitiesJuly 26, 2021EBDTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Colorado Works (CW); workforce development (WD); multi-generational; multi-gen; 2-Gen; life skills; client declaration; Work Verification Plan (WVP); work activities; Individualized Plan (IP)
OM-EBD-2021-0004Returned Mail ProcessJuly 26, 2021EBDReturned Mail, Colorado Works, Adult Financial, Verification Checklist, Whereabouts Unknown, Out of State, Out of Country
OM-EBD-2021-0006Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) DOLE/CUBS/UI/MyUI+ Print ProcessAug. 4, 2021EBDColorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Colorado Unemployment Benefits System (CUBS), Unemployment Insurance (UI), Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB), MyUI+, SNAP
OM-EBD-2021-0007Exempt Income Related to the COVID-19 PandemicAug. 5, 2021EBDChild Tax Credit, Jumpstart, Plus-Up, exempt, emergency assistance, CDLE, IRS
OM-FEA-2021-0002LEAP Outreach Incentive ProgramAug. 13, 2021FEAOutreach, Incentive, Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Energy Assistance, Heat, Home
OM-EBD-2021-0008Prevailing Wage for Colorado Works (CW) Subsidized Employment ActivitiesAug. 24, 2021EBDPrevailing Wage, Subsidized Employment, Colorado Works Workforce Development, Work Verification Plan
OM-OES-2021-0003Treatment of Income from the Denver Basic Income Project and Women Achieving Greater Economic Security (WAGES)Aug. 27, 2021OESWAGES, income, Denver Basic Income Project
OM-OES-2021-0004Subsidized Work-based learningSept. 13, 2021OESSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training (E&T), Employment First (EF), Work-based learning (WBL), Employment First Program
Operators (EF PO)
OM-FEA-2021-0003FFY22 SNAP COLA UpdatesSept. 24, 2021FEASNAP, Cost of Living Adjustments, COLA, income, allotment, resources, deductions
OM-EBD-2021-0009Single Entry Point (SEP) Agency Home Care Allowance (HCA) Monitoring and Review ProcessOct. 14, 2021EBDAdult Financial (AF), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Single Entry Point (SEP) Agency, Monitoring
OM-FEA-2021-00042021-2022 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) and Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) Administrative and Outreach AllocationsOct. 21, 2021FEAlow-income energy assistance, LEAP, LIHEAP, allocation, outreach, budget, heat, heating, water, drinking water, waste water, Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, LIHWAP
OM-OES-2021-0005Colorado Chafee Program and the Education and Training Voucher Program (ETV)Oct. 22, 2021OESChafee Program, education, training, foster care, income
OM-FEA-2021-0005Civil Rights Training RequirementsOct. 29, 2021FEAFederal Nutrition Service, FNS, Civil Rights, Nondiscrimination,
Training, Staff Development Center, SDC
OM-FEA-2021-0006Lawful Presence Identification for the Low
Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) FFY 2022
Nov. 2, 2021FEALow-Income Energy Assistance Program, LEAP, Energy Assistance, Heat, Home
OM-EBD-2021-0010Old Age Pension, Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Increase for 2022Nov. 24, 2021EBDCost of Living Adjustment (COLA), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), In-kind Support and Maintenance (ISM), Grant Increase, Adult Financial
OM-CSS-2021-0002Changes to Timeframes for CCCAP CooperationAug. 27, 2021CSSCCCAP rule change, non-cooperation, Child Support Services
OM-CSS-2021-0003ACSES Access Security RequirementsAug. 27, 2021CSSACSES, Security Access, ACSES Security Designees
OM-EBD-2021-0011Afghan Non-Citizen UpdatesDec. 23, 2021EBDColorado Works, Adult Financial, Afghanistan, Afghan Humanitarian Parolee, Parolee, Special Immigrant, Refugee, Colorado Benefits Management System(CBMS)
OM-ECL-2021-0010Instructions for the use of the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) WaiverDec. 20, 2021ECLattendance tracking system, child care assistance program, manual claim, reimbursement, payment
OM-EBD-2022-0001Data Entry of Supportive Services in
the Colorado Benefits Management System
Jan. 5, 2022EBDColorado Works Workforce Development, Employment First, Supportive Services, Data Entry, CBMS, Assessment, Family needs, Documentation
OM-FEA-2022-0001EBT Forms & Desk AidsJan. 6, 2022FEAEBT card, forms, logs, accountability, security
OM-EBD-2022-0002Requirement to Offer Good Cause for Non-Referral to Child Support ServicesJan. 7, 2022EBDColorado Works, Child Support Services, Good Cause, Referral
OM-FEA-2022-0002Annual Second Party Review ContractsJan. 11, 2022FEAElectronic Benefits Transfer, EBT, EBT card, eligibility, issuance, separation of duties, Second Party Review, SPR, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP
OM-FEA-2022-0003Excessive Card Replacement for Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)Jan. 12, 2022FEAEBT card, replacement, excessive, four, 365 days, fraud
OM-EBD-2022-0003Colorado Works Rule RevisionJan. 18, 2022EBDColorado Works (CW), Workforce Development (WD), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Training, CW Revisioned
OM-FEA-2022-0004SNAP County Management
Evaluation Reviews for FFY2022
Jan. 31, 2022FEAFFY2022, Management Evaluations, SNAP
OM-FEA-2022-0004SNAP County Management
Evaluation Reviews for FFY2022
Jan. 31, 2022FEAFFY2022, Management Evaluations, SNAP
OM-FEA-2022-0005LEAP Program County Fraud Training
Feb. 10, 2022FEAFraud Prevention Training, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
OM-FEA-2022-0006SNAP Technical Cleanup 2021Feb. 17, 2022FEASNAP, Food Assistance, technical, definitions, revision history
OM-FEA-2022-0007CDHS Employment Verification/Loss of Income FormFeb. 17, 2022FEAEmployment, Income, Verification, Form, Adult Financial, Colorado Works, SNAP
Information memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
IM-CSS-2016-0001Child Support Resource FairFeb. 19, 2016CSSChild Support, Community, Resources, Resource Fair, Rural Counties, Metro Area, Arapahoe County Human Services, Veterans, Homeless, Obligors
IM-CSS-2016-0002SB15-012 Pass-Through ProjectJune 21, 2016CSSChild Support, Pass-Through, Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), Colorado Works, SB 15-012, Basic Cash Assistance (BCA), ASCES, CBMS
IM-CSS-2016-0003Development of a Two-Generation model for providing Child Support Services in ColoradoJune 23, 2016CSSChild Support Services, Child Support, IV-D, Two-Generation, Two-Generation Lens, Office of Child Support Enforcement
IM-CSS-2018-0001CSS Authority to Print Department of Labor and Employment RecordsJuly 19, 2018CSSDepartment of Labor and Employment, CDLE, printing records, modification, MOU
IM-CSS-2021-0001Reissuance of CSS printing authority memo from 2018July 14, 2021CSSDepartment of Labor and Employment, DLE UI, printing records, modification, MOU.
IM-CSS-2022-00012022 Child Support Services Communication ScheduleApr. 4, 2022CSSIV-D Administrators, Task Force, Child Support Services Program, Guidelines, APA Certification, Supervisor, Enforcement
IM-CSS-2022-0002Reissuance of CSS Printing Authority Memo from 2018June 28, 2022CSSDepartment of Labor and Employment, DLE UI, printing records, modification, MOU
IM-CSS-2022-0003Child Support Basics CourseOct. 3, 2022CSSChild Support, Training, Basics
IM-CSS-2022-0004Child Support Data Intelligence
System (CSDIS)
Oct. 24, 2022CSSChild Support, Data, Data Intelligence, System
IM-CSS-2023-0001ACSES Needs Assessment SurveyFeb. 6, 2023CSSChild Support, System, ACSES, Development
IM-CSS-2023-00022023 Child Support Services Communication ScheduleFeb. 6, 2023CSSIV-D Administrators, Task Force, Child Support Services Program, Guidelines, APA Certification, Supervisor, Enforcement
IM-CSS-2023-0003Child Support Strategic PlanFeb. 13, 2023CSSChild Support, Strategic Plan, Empowering Families
IM-CSS-2023-0004IRS Issue of Sharing FTI with ContractorsMar. 27, 2023CSSchild support, federal tax information, FTI, safeguarding, contractors
IM-CSS-2023-0005Child Support Commission Recommendations LegislationJune 20, 2023CSSChild Support, Commission Recommendations Legislation, Senate Bill (SB) 23-173
IM-CSS-2023-0006DCSS Training Curriculum GuideJuly 5, 2023CSSDCSS Training Curriculum Guide
IM-CSS-2024-00012024 Child Support Services Communication ScheduleJan. 12, 2024CSSIV-D Administrators, Task Force, Child Support Services Program, Guidelines, APA Certification, Supervisor, Enforcement
IM-EBD-2015-00012012 Work Participation Rate NotificationJune 9, 2015EBDWork Participation Rate, Office of Economic Security
IM-EBD-2015-0002TANF Employment Focused Funds ApplicationJuly 16, 2015EBDEmployment Focused Funds, Works Allocation Committee, Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2015-0003Colorado Works GuideOct. 15, 2015EBD 
IM-EBD-2016-0001TANF Employment Focused Funds ApplicationMay 3, 2016EBDEmployment Focused Funds, Works Allocation Committee, Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2016-0002Work Participation Rate Task groupDec. 7, 2016EBDWork Participation Rate (WPR), WPR Recommendations
IM-EBD-2016-0003Employment First Task groupDec. 7, 2016EBDEmployment First, Employment First Recommendations
IM-EBD-2016-0004New rule interpretation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment & Training ProgramDec. 16, 2016EBDEmployment First (EF), SNAP E &, T, Enhanced Funding, Workfare, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), First Participation, Once in a lifetime
IM-EBD-2017-0001Colorado Works/TANF Employment Focused FundsJan. 17, 2017EBDEmployment Focused Funds, Works Allocation Committee (WAC), Short-term Workgroup, Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2017-0002Mandatory Adult Financial Web Based TrainingFeb. 28, 2017EBDAdult Financial, Web Based, Mandatory, Training, Staff Development Center (SDC), Webinar, CBMS Access
IM-EBD-2017-00032017 Professional Development AcademyJuly 10, 2017EBDAdult Financial, Case Management, Coaching, Colorado Works, Eligibility, Employment, Employment First, Refugee, Training
IM-EBD-2017-0004EBT Regional Training_ebtEdgeJuly 26, 2017EBDEBT, Fidelity Information Services (FIS), ebtEDGE, training
IM-EBD-2017-0005SNAP Employment & Training Reporting RequirementsAug. 7, 2017EBDCBMS, Employment First, Requirements, Reporting Measures, FNS
IM-EBD-2017-0006Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Maintenance of EffortSept. 20, 2017EBDTemporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Maintenance of Effort, Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2018-0001CW STEP (Colorado Works and Subsidized Training and Employment Program)Jan. 5, 2018EBDCW STEP, RFA, VSS
IM-EBD-2018-0002TANF State PlanSept. 7, 2018EBDTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Colorado Works, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), State Plan
IM-EBD-2018-0003Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Maintenance of EffortOct. 9, 2018EBDTemporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Maintenance of Effort, MOE Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2019-0001Fiscal Year 2018-19 TANF TransfersJune 6, 2019OESClose out, TANF Preference, TANF Transfers
IM-EBD-2019-0002Employment First Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Program DiscussionJuly 1, 2019EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training(E&,T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Mountain Plains Regional Office (MPRO), Able Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD)
IM-EBD-2019-0003Employment First Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Program Discussion Webinar Questions & AnswersJuly 26, 2019EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&,T),
Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents
(ABAWD), State-operated Model, Voluntary Program
IM-EBD-2019-0004Administrative implementation of SB 19-258 TANF transfer to Child WelfareAug. 20, 2019EBDSB 19-258, Title IV-E Waiver, TANF Transfers
IM-EBD-2019-0005Colorado Works Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Sept. 10, 2019EBDTemporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Maintenance of Effort, MOE, Colorado Works
IM-EBD-2019-0006FFY2020 Employment First TrainingSept. 13, 2019EBDEmployment First, Training
IM-EBD-2019-0007Employment First Federal Fiscal Year Allocation LetterNov. 15, 2019EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training(E&,T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD), State-operated Model, Voluntary Program
IM-EBD-2020-0001Employment First Federal Fiscal Year Allocation LetterApr. 20, 2020EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training
(E&,T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Able-Bodied Adults without
Dependents (ABAWD), State-operated Model, Voluntary Program, Program Operator
IM-EBD-2020-0002Fiscal Year 2019-20 TANF TransfersMay 14, 2020EBDClose out, TANF Preference, TANF Transfers
IM-EBD-2020-0004Misuse of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families FundsJuly 1, 2020EBDColorado Works (CW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), funding, fraud
IM-EBD-2020-0003Fiscal Year 2020-21 Colorado Works Preliminary Initial AllocationJuly 2, 2020EBDColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Allocations
IM-EBD-2020-0006Federal Fiscal Year 2020 TANF Maintenance of Effort ExpendituresAug. 27, 2020EBDColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Maintenance of Effort, MOE
IM-EBD-2020-0007Employment First Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Allocation LetterSept. 17, 2020EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD), State-operated Model, Voluntary Program, Program Operator (PO), Federal Fiscal Year 2021 (FFY21)
IM-EBD-2020-0008Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) FormsDec. 1, 2020EBDIntentional Program Violation (IPV), Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH), Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
IM-EBD-2021-0001Updated Employment First Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Allocation LetterApr. 5, 2021EBDSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD), State-operated Model, Voluntary Program, Program Operator (PO), Federal Fiscal Year 2021 (FFY21)​ 
IM-EBD-2021-0002Fiscal Year 2020-21 County TANF Transfer Preference MemoApr. 15, 2021EBDClose-out, TANF Preference, TANF Transfers
IM-EBD-2021-0003Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
June 2021
May 13, 2021EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF)
IM-EBD-2021-00072022 Employment and Benefits
Division Communication Schedule
Dec. 8, 2021EBDColorado Works, Colorado Works Workforce Development, Adult Financial, Employment First, Forums, ET Phone-in, Employment and Training, Revisioned rule, training schedule
Colorado Works Leavers Survey StudyDec. 21, 2021EBDColorado Works (CW), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), survey, study
IM-EBD-2022-0001Agreement Not To Sponsor (ANTS) Form Not RequiredJan. 5, 2022EBDNon-Citizen, Sponsor, Affidavit of Support, Agreement not to Sponsor (ANTS)
IM-EBD-2022-0002Adult Financial Modernization Phase IIMar. 7, 2022EBDAdult Financial (AF), Aid to the Needy Disabled - State Only (AND-SO), Aid to the Needy Disabled - Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Disaster assistance, Home Care Allowance (HCA), child support
Colorado Works County Policies - County Action NeededMar. 9, 2022EBDColorado Works (CW), Workforce Development (WD), CW County Policies
IM-EBD-2022-0004Employment and Training (E&T) Success StoriesApr. 11, 2022EBDSuccess stories, Colorado Works Workforce Development, Employment First, Third-Party Partners, county staff, Employment Entry, ReHire, CW STEP
IM-EBD-2022-0005Maintenance of Effort (MOE) June 2022May 9, 2022EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled- Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
IM-EBD-2022-0006Disability Navigator Client Survey IncentiveMay 23, 2022EBDAdult Financial (AF), Disability Navigator, State Fiscal Year (SFY), Aid to the Needy Disabled Supplement Only (AND-SO), Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
IM-EBD-2022-0007Adult Financial Disaster AssistanceMay 31, 2022EBDAdult Financial (AF), Disaster assistance, and Colorado Benefits Management System
Fiscal Year 2021-22 County TANF Transfer
Preference Memo
June 6, 2022EBDColorado Works, Colorado Works Workforce Development, Adult Financial, Employment First, Forums, ET Phone-in, Employment and Training, Revisioned rule, training schedule
IM-EBD-2022-0009Amended 2022 Employment and Benefits Division Communication ScheduleJuly 5, 2022EBDClose-out, TANF Preference, TANF Transfers
EBD Listening Sessions on County MonitoringJuly 5, 2022EBDColorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), Employment First(EF), County Monitoring, Management Evaluations, Quality Assurance, Reports
IM-EBD-2022-0011Temporary Modification of Employment and Benefits County Case ReviewsAug 15, 2022EBDCounty case reviews, Colorado Works, Adult Financial, and quality assurance
IM-EBD-2022-0012Maintenance of Effort (MOE) October 2022Aug 29, 2022EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
Federal Fiscal Year 2022 TANF Maintenance of Effort ExpendituresSept. 12, 2022EBDColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Maintenance
of Effort, MOE
IM-EBD-2022-0014Case Management Introduction TrainingSept. 12, 2022EBDHome Care Allowance (HCA), Colorado Works (CW), ReHire program, and Employment First (EF), Training, Case Management, Coaching
IM-EBD-2022-0015Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
December 2022
Oct. 19, 2022EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
AND Navigator Evaluation ResultsJan. 17, 2023DEWSAid to the Needy and Disabled, evaluation, survey
Colorado Works Leavers Survey FindingsFeb. 13, 2023DEWSColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, survey, findings
IM-DEWS-2023-0003Maintenance of Effort (MOE) June 2023May 1, 2023DEWSMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled- Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
IM-DEWS-2023-0004House Bill 22-1259 Rule TrainingMay 8, 2023DEWSHouse Bill (HB) 22-1259; Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) 26-2-725; Advocacy
Groups; Trauma-informed Care; Family Voice Council (FVC); Colorado Kids; Key Stakeholders; Integration Meetings; Colorado Works (CW); Earned Income Disregard, Colorado Works Extensions, Sanctions, Individuals with a Drug Felony, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 9 CCR 2503-6
IM-DEWS-2023-0005Colorado Works Leavers Survey FindingsMay 15, 2023DEWSColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, survey, findings
IM-DEWS-2023-00062023/2024 Employment First Program PlansMay 15, 2023DEWSEmployment First (EF), Third Party Partners (TPPs), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training (E&T), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), EF components, Employment and Training (E&T), work based learning
IM-DEWS-2023-0007DEWS Case Management TrainingJune 5, 2023DEWSHome Care Allowance (HCA), Colorado Works (CW), ReHire program, and
Employment First (EF), Training, Case Management, Coaching
Colorado Works Leavers Survey
Aug. 15, 2023DEWSColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, survey, findings
IM-DEWS-2023-0009Maintenance of Effort (MOE)
October 2023
Sept. 5, 2023Sept. 5, 2023Maintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
IM-DEWS-2023-0010Employment First Launch PartySept. 12, 2023DEWSEmployment First (EF), Third Party Partners (TPP) Employment &
Training (E&T)
IM-DEWS-2023-00112023/2024 Employment First County AllocationsSept. 25, 2023DEWSSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training
(E&T), Employment First (EF), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (FFY2024), County Financial Management System (CFMS)
IM-DEWS-2023-0012County Collaborative WorkgroupsSept. 27, 2023DEWSEmployment First (EF), Employment & Training (E&T)
Federal Fiscal Year 2023 TANF
Maintenance of Effort Expenditures MOE template
Oct. 5, 2023DEWSColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Maintenance of Effort, MOE
IM-DEWS-2023-0014DEWS Case Management Leadership Module and County Planning ToolNov. 2, 2023DEWSHome Care Allowance (HCA), Colorado Works (CW), ReHire program, and
Employment First (EF), Training, Case Management, Coaching
IM-DEWS-2023-0015Maintenance of Effort (MOE) December 2023Nov. 17, 2023DEWSMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-
Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), Eligibility Determination Benefits Calculation (EDBC), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Administration (SSA)
IM-DEWS-2024-0001Colorado Works and Employment First Activity Maintenance WorkgroupFeb. 21, 2024DEWSColorado Works, Colorado Works Workforce Development, Employment First
Colorado Works Leavers Survey FindingsFeb. 29,
DEWSColorado Works, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, survey, findings
IM-FEA-2015-0001LEAP Contract for 2015-2016July 8, 2015FEALEAP
IM-FEA-2015-0002Employment First County PlanAug. 18, 2015FEAEmployment First
IM-FEA-2016-0001Fair Hearings Corrective ActionMay 23, 2016FEAFair hearings, USDA, FNS, CDHS, counties, Code of Federal Regulations
IM-FEA-2016-0002CFMS (Colorado Financial Management System) OutageSept. 14, 2016FEACFMS Outage, EBTS, SNAP, Cash
IM-FEA-2016-0003Outreach Partner MapSept. 16, 2016FEAOutreach, application assistance, SNAP applications
IM-FEA-2016-0004CFMS (Colorado Financial Management System) Server Migration and EBT processing Outage 11/11/16 - 11/13/16Oct. 24, 2016FEACFMS Outage
IM-FEA-2017-0001Statewide and Local-Level Management EvaluationsJan. 13, 2017FEAManagement Evaluations, ME, SNAP, FNS, CDHS
IM-FEA-2017-0002USDA National Hunger ClearinghouseFeb. 9, 2017FEAHunger Free America, USDA National Hunger Clearinghouse, National Hunger Hotline
IM-FEA-2017-0003EBT Fraud Prevention GuidanceFeb. 14, 2017FEAFraud Prevention, Internal Fraud, Prevention Reports
IM-FEA-2017-0004SNAP Outreach Map, 2017 1st Quarter UpdateMarch 6, 2017FEASNAP Application Assistance, Outreach
IM-FEA-2017-0005Smartphone applications that advertise the ability for recipients to retrieve their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card balanceMarch 21, 2017FEASmartphone App, EBT Card Balance, SNAP Balance
IM-FEA-2017-00062017 SNAP Training SummitApril 24, 2017FEASNAP, Event, Training Summit
IM-FEA-2017-0007Clarification on immigration status in determining SNAP eligibilityMay 17, 2017FEASupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, Eligibility, Undocumented Non-Citizens, Immigration
IM-FEA-2017-0008Food Assistance Volume 4B Technical RevisionsJuly 10, 2017FEAFood Assistance, Income Conversion Factors, Fleeing Felons, Verified Upon Receipt
IM-FEA-2017-0009Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) ConversionAug. 25, 2017FEAEBT, Fidelity Information Services (FIS), ebtEDGE
IM-FEA-2017-0010Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) After Conversion to FISAug. 28, 2017FEAEBT, Fidelity Information Services (FIS), ebtEDGE, Conversion
IM-FEA-2017-0011Unlocking the Quality Mystery - A County and State Collaborative SummitOct. 16, 2017FEAQuality Assurance, Summit, Collaborate, Quality Improvement, COFAM, Error Rates
IM-FEA-2017-0012Postponed Announcement of CAPER and APT Rates and Associated BonusesNov. 28, 2017FEACAPER, APT, payment error rate, SNAP, quality control, QC, review, reliability, data
IM-FEA-2017-0013SNAP Outreach PartnersNov. 28, 2017FEAOutreach, application assistance, SNAP applications
IM-FEA-2018-0001Expansion of Allowable Activities for Non-Merit System PersonnelJan. 24, 2018FEASNAP, customer service, call center, integration, merit system personnel, certification, eligibility, efficiency, coordination, human service programs, FNS approval, FEAD
IM-FEA-2018-0002Permissibility of Food and Beverage ChargesJuly 31, 2018FEAFood and Nutrition Service, FNS, 2 CFR Parts 200.432 and 200.306(b), Food and Beverages, Food Purchases, Food and Beverage Expenses
IM-FEA-2018-0003SNAP Resource GuideNov. 6, 2018FEASupplemental Food and Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, County Practices, Resource Guide
IM-FEA-2018-0005Statewide Standard Medical Deduction ReviewNov. 29, 2018FEACompliance, SNAP, Standard Medical Deduction (SMED), Review
IM-FEA-2019-00012019 SNAP Training SummitApril 12, 2019FEASNAP, Event, Training Summit
IM-FEA-2019-0002Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Outreach Incentive Pilot ProgramJuly 26, 2019FEAlow-income, energy assistance, outreach, incentive, pilot, LEAP
IM-FEA-2019-0003Food Assistance County Management Evaluation Reviews for FFY2020Aug. 30, 2019FEAFood Assistance, FFY2020, Management Evaluations, SNAP
IM-FEA-2020-00012020 SNAP Training SummitJan. 23, 2020FEASNAP, Event, Training Summit
IM-FEA-2020-00032020 SNAP Training SummitMay 13, 2020FEASNAP, Event, Training Summit
IM-FEA-2020-0004Deprovisioning User AccessJune 30, 2020FEARevoke, Online Request (OLR), County Security Administrator (CSA)
IM-FEA-2021-0001Additional Funding Available for the Extended LEAP Heating SeasonApr. 12, 2021FEAlow-income, energy, assistance, LEAP, LIHEAP, allocation, outreach, budget, heat, heating, season, extension, COVID-19, pandemic
IM-FEA-2022-0001SNAP Incentive Funds ReallocationJan. 12, 2022FEASupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
IM-FEA-2022-0002Pandemic - Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Finance ImpactFeb. 14, 2022FEAP-EBT, Settlement Accounting, CFMS, Spending Authority
IM-FEA-2022-00032022 SNAP Meeting ScheduleFeb. 28, 2022FEASNAP, Quarterly Administrators Meeting, Error Resolution Committee (ERC), SNAP Regulation Workgroup, SNAP Weekly County Calls
IM-FEA-2022-0004EBT FraudJune 27, 2022EBDEBT, card, PIN, education, cloning, skimming, fraud
IM-FEA-2023-0001Summer - Electronic Benefit
Transfer (S-EBT) Finance Impact
Dec. 14, 2023FEAS-EBT, Settlement Accounting, CFMS, Spending Authority
IM-OES-2015-0001Work Number Pilot for Statewide ContractAug. 18, 2015OESWork Number
IM-OES-2015-0002SNAP Program IntegrityOct. 26, 2015OESSNAP, Food Assistance, CBMS, C-STAT, Change and Innovation Agency, SNAP Assessment Report, RFP
IM-OES-2015-0003Client Correspondence and C-Stat MeasuresDec. 4, 2015OESClient correspondence, Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS), C-Stat, counties
IM-OES-2015-0004Expiration of Work Number pilotDec. 4, 2015OESWork Number, counties, Equifax, pilot
IM-OES-2015-0005Professional Development Academy Coming in May 2016Dec. 11, 2015OESProfessional Developmental Academy, PDA, Employment and Benefits Division, Adult Financial, Colorado Works, Vail
IM-OES-2016-0001Improving SNAP Compliance - A Statewide InvitationJune 23, 2016OESSNAP compliance, improvement, study, webinar, error rates, IMPAQ, counties
IM-OES-2016-0002Colorado Works Annual MOUApril 13, 2016OESColorado Works, MOU SFY17
IM-OES-2016-0003Work Number Agreement for 2017Nov. 18, 2016OESWork Number, IGA
IM-OES-2016-0004Memorandum of Understanding TaskgroupDec. 15, 2016OESMemorandum of Understanding (MOU), MOU Recommendations
IM-OES-2016-0005SB 16-190 Continuous Quality Improvement SurveyDec. 23, 2016OESContinuous Quality Improvement, County Survey, SB 16-190, CQI
IM-OES-2016-0006SB 15-012 Child Support Pass Through Project TrainingDec. 29, 2016OESTraining Updates for the Child Support Pass Through
IM-OES-2017-0001A new policy that provides Direct Support for ChildrenMarch 28, 2017OESChild Support, Pass-Through, Temporary Aid to Needy Families, TANF, Colorado Works, SB 15-012, Basic Cash Assistance, BCA, ASCES, CBMS
IM-OES-2017-0002Mandatory SNAP Civil Rights TrainingJuly 26, 2017OESCivil Rights, Mandatory Training, SNAP, FNS, CDHS, 4.904.2
IM-OES-2017-0003Notifying counties of new rates and other changes to the pricing agreement for the Work Number services provided by Equifax and present the immediate next steps required to amend Work Number agreementsOct. 25, 2017OESWork Number, Equifax, EVS
IM-OES-2018-0001Work NumberFeb. 5, 2018OESWork Number, Equifax, EVS, pricing, Intergovernmental Agreement, IGA
IM-OES-2020-0001State Program Staff Contacts for County DisastersFeb. 5, 2020OESDisaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP), Low Income Energy Assistance Programs (LEAP),
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Colorado Works,
disaster, USDA Foods
IM-OES-2020-0002Maintenance of Effort (MOE) June
May 8, 2020OESMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF)
IM-OES-2020-0005Emergency Basic Cash Assistance Supplemental PaymentAugust 4, 2020OESColorado Works (CW), Basic Cash Assistance (BCA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Emergency Payment, Supplemental Payment, Senate Bill 20-029
IM-OES-2020-0002Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) FormsAugust 6, 2020OESIntentional Program Violation (IPV), Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH), Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Food Assistance
IM-OES-2020-0006 Administrative Implementation of JBC Initiated TANF Transfer to Child WelfareSept. 23, 2020OESColorado Works, TANF Transfers, Child Welfare
IM-OES-2021-0001Creation of a Time-Limited Work Group to Explore Elimination or Changes to the Child Support Referral Process from Child WelfareMar. 9, 2021OESchild support, debt, establishment, foster care child support order, foster care fee order, IV-D, IV-E
IM-EBD-2021-0005The Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund (PEAF)Aug. 5, 2021EBDColorado Works (CW), Basic Cash Assistance (BCA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Emergency Payment, Supplemental Payment, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Pandemic Emergency Assistance Fund (PEAF)
IM-EBD-2021-0006Maintenance of Effort (MOE) December 2021Oct. 29, 2021EBDMaintenance of Effort (MOE), Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Needy Disabled-Colorado Supplement (AND-CS), Home Care Allowance (HCA), Adult Financial (AF)
IM-OES-2023-0001Administrative Disqualification
Hearing (ADH) Waiver Update
Aug. 28, 2023OESIntentional Program Violation (IPV), Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH), Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Waiver

Performance Management, Budget and Administrative archives

Policy memos

There are no archived policy memos for Performance Management, Budget, and Administrative.

Operation memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
OM-OPSO-2015-0001State Fiscal Year 2015-16 Preliminary County AllocationsJune 12, 2015OPSOCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-OPSO-2016-0006State Fiscal Year 2016-17 Preliminary County AllocationJune 28, 2016OPSOCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-OPSO-2017-0001SNAP Quality Assurance RequirementsFeb. 1, 2017OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, Rebuttal
OM-OPSO-2017-0003CCCAP Quality Assurance RequirementsJune 9, 2017OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, Rebuttal
OM-OPSO-2017-0005Child Fatality Review Team - County Department Notification RequirementsAug. 23, 2017OPSOAdministrative Review Division, fatal, near fatal, egregious, reporting to the state, notification
OM-OPSO-2018-0001SNAP Quality Assurance RequirementsJan. 9, 2018OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, Rebuttal
OM-OPSO-2018-0002Child Fatality Review Team- County Department Notification Requirements regarding Near Fatal Incidents which are suspicious for abuse and/or neglectMarch 2, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Near Fatal, Reporting to the State, Notification Requirements
OM-OPSO-2018-0003Criteria for determining appropriate level of careJune 21, 2018OPSOLevel of care, fiscal, sanction, administrative review
OM-OPSO-2018-0006CSS Quality Assurance RequirementsNov. 28, 2018OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, rebuttal
OM-OPSO-2018-0004State Fiscal Year 2017-18 Preliminary County AllocationsJune 29, 2018OPSOCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-OPSO-2018-0005SNAP Quality Assurance RequirementsNov. 13, 2018OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, Rebuttal
OM-OPSO-2019-0001State Fiscal Year 2019-20 Preliminary County AllocationsJuly 16, 2019OPSOCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-OPSO-2019-0001FY 2019 County BudgetJuly 16, 2019OPSOFY 2019 County Budget
OM-PSO-2019-0001SS Quality Assurance RequirementsNov. 18, 2019OPSOQuality Assurance, Finding, Rebuttal
OM-CFO-2019-0001Unliquidated Obligations of Administrative CostsSept. 5, 2019CFOUnliquidated Obligations, Accruals, Period of Performance
PM-PSO-2020-0001Administrative Review InvitationsApr. 15, 2020PSOAdministrative Review, Invitations
OM-PSO-2020-0001Child Fatality Review Team (CFRT) CaseSpecific Reports Distribution to County Board of Human ServicesMar. 13, 2020PSOAdministrative Review Division, Child Fatality Review Team, Reports
OM-CFO-2020-0001State Fiscal Year 2020-21 Preliminary County Allocations
County Budget Attestation letter
Aug. 31, 2020CFOCounty Allocation, Accounting
OM-CFO-2021-0001State Fiscal Year 2020-21 Child Welfare AllocationJan. 27, 2021CFOCounty Allocation, Child Welfare Block Allocation, Accounting
OM-CFO-2021-0001State Fiscal Year 2021-22 Preliminary County Allocations (*Updated)June 4, 2021*CFOCounty Allocation, Financial Services
OM-CFO-2021-0001State Fiscal Year 2021-22
Preliminary County Allocations CORRECTED VERSION POSTED
June 24, 2021CFOseparate, keywords, with, commasCounty Allocation, Financial Services
OM-CFO-2022-0001State Fiscal Year 2021-22 Child Welfare AllocationJan. 7, 2022CFOCounty Allocation, Child Welfare Block Allocation, Accounting

Implementation of Vaccination Requirements required by CDHS, Public Health Order and Board of Health Rule

County Departments of Human/Social Services Information for Vaccine Requirements

Oct. 12, 2021EDOVaccination Requirements
Information memos
Memo #Memo titleIssue dateDivisionKeywords
IM-CP-2015-0001C-Stat Video ConferencingOct. 9, 2015CPC-Stat, video conferencing
IM-CP-2016-0001Implementation of the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2016CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular
IM-CP-2016-0002Compliance with the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2016CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular, Subrecipient Monitoring
IM-CP-2016-0003Approval of cost allocation plans or indirect cost rates in accordance with the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2016CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular, Cost Allocation Plans, Indirect Cost Rates
IM-CP-2017-0001Implementation of the new Uniform Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2017CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular
IM-CP-2017-0002Compliance with the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2017CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular, Subrecipient Monitoring
IM-CP-2017-0003Approval of cost allocation plan or indirect cost rates in accordance with the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal AwardsJune 30, 2017CPOffice of Management and Budget Circulars, Uniform Grant Guidance, Super Circular, Omni Circular, Cost Allocation Plans, Indirect Cost Rates
IM-CP-2021-0001Federal  COVID Relief: Impact to the Colorado Department of Human ServicesJan. 8, 2021CPCOVID, COVID-19, Federal, COVID Relief, Federal COVID Relief Impact, Impact, COVID Relief Funds, legislation
IM-CP-2021-0002COVID Vaccine Interest for Human
Service Workers
Mar. 4, 2021CPCOVID, COVID-19, vaccine, interest, Human services, Children’s Hospital
IM-OAS-2015-0001C-Stat Videoconferencing Pilot InstructionsOct. 16, 2015OASVideo Conferencing, C-Stat
IM-OPSO-2015-0001ARD Pilot Assessment Review InstrumentJuly 24, 2015OPSOAssessment, Review, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2015-0002ARD Assessment Review InstrumentOct. 15, 2015OPSOAssessment, Review, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2015-00032015 Screened Out Referral ReviewOct. 19, 2015OPSO2015 Screened Out Referral Review
IM-OPSO-2015-0004Child Fatality Review Team Work Group Participation RequestDec. 2, 2015OPSOCFRT, mandatory participation, work group
IM-OPSO-2015-0005New Administrative and Quality Assurance Review InstrumentsDec. 29, 2015OPSOAdministrative Review, out-of-home review, in-home review
IM-OPSO-2016-0001Administrative Review Division Changes to Assessment Review InstrumentFeb. 1, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review Assessment Instrument tool
IM-OPSO-2016-0002Overview and discussion of New ARD Review InstrumentsFeb. 4, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review Instruments
IM-OPSO-2016-00032016 Screened Out Referral ReviewApril 25, 2016OPSO2016 Screened Out Referral Review
IM-OPSO-2016-0004Changes to ARD Quality Assurance Review ScheduleJune 1, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review, Quality Assurance, Schedule
IM-OPSO-2016-0005C-Stat Video ConferencingJune 10, 2016OPSOC-Stat, video conferencing
IM-OPSO-2016-0006Administrative Review Division (ARD) Child Welfare Hotline ReviewsAug. 10, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review, Hotline, Reviews
IM-OPSO-2016-0007Issuance of Certificates of Appreciation at the Conclusion of Administrative Review Division ReviewsOct. 26, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Certificate, Reviews
IM-OPSO-2016-0008Updates to Administrative Review Division's Assessment Review Instrument, Administrative Review Instrument, and In-Home InstrumentNov. 9, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Assessment, Administrative, Review
IM-OPSO-2017-0001Administrative Review Division (ARD) 2017 Screen Out ReviewFeb. 15, 2017OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Screen-Out, Reviews, referrals
IM-OPSO-2017-0002Reporting of County Theft or EmbezzlementMarch 22, 2017OPSOState Fiscal Rule 1-9, Volume 5 Rule 5.800, Fraud, Theft, Embezzlement
IM-OPSO-2017-0003Administrative Review Division (ARD) 2017 Screen Out Review Instrument DevelopmentMarch 22, 2017OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Screen-Out, Reviews, referrals
IM-OPSO-2017-0004Updated ARD Assessment Review Instrument and InstructionsAug. 7, 2017OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Assessment, Reviews, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2017-0005Updated Hotline Review Instruments and InstructionsNov. 9, 2016OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Assessment, Administrative, Review
IM-OPSO-2017-0006New Institutional Abuse Screen Out Review ProcessOct. 25, 2017OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Institutional Abuse, Screen Out, Reviews, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2017-0007State Fiscal Year 2017-18 Final County Allocations-Child Welfare ServicesJan. 11, 2018OPSOCounty Allocation, Accounting, Child Welfare
IM-OPSO-2018-0001Institutional Abuse Screen Out, Second Level Review ProcessFeb. 2, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Institutional Abuse, Screen Out, Reviews, Second Level
IM-OPSO-2018-0002Updated ARD Review Instrument and InstructionsApril 4, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Assessment, Out-of-Home, Reviews, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2018-0003Administrative Review Division (ARD) 2018 Screen Out ReviewApril 30, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Screen-Out, Reviews, referrals
IM-OPSO-2018-0004Inform Counties of Revised CDHS Fraud PolicyApril 19, 2018OPSOEmployee Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, Reporting Procedures, False Reporting, Confidentiality of Investigations
IM-OPSO-2018-0005Revisions to the Institutional Abuse Screen Out ProcessMay 17, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Institutional Abuse, Screen Out, Reviews
IM-OPSO-2018-0007Revisions to the APS Quality Assurance Review ProcessJune 6, 2018OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Adult Protective Services, Quality Assurance, Reviews
IM-OPSO-2019-0001Risk Assessment Questions on ARD Assessment InstrumentMarch 25, 2019OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Assessment, Reviews, Instrument
IM-OPSO-2019-0002ARD Quality Assurance ReviewsJune 3, 2019OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Quality Assurance, In-Home, Assessment, Screen Out, Reviews
IM-OPSO-2019-0003Pause in ARD APS Quality Assurance ReviewsJuly 1, 2019OPSOAdministrative Review Division, Adult Protective Services, Quality Assurance, Review Instruments
IM-PSO-2019-0001Hotline Quality Assurance Reviews- Issues for AdministrationNov. 18, 2019PSOAdministrative Review Division, Hotline, Reviews, Issues for Administration
IM-PSO-2019-0002Hotline Quality Assurance Reviews- Certificates of AppreciationNov. 18, 2019PSOAdministrative Review Division, Hotline, Reviews, Certificates
IM-PSO-2019-0003Resume ARD Quality Assurance Reviews for APSNov. 19, 2019PSOAdministrative Review Division, Adult Protective Services, Quality Assurance, Review Instruments
IM-PSO-2019-0004County Participation for Administrative Review Division (ARD) 2020 Screen-Out Review for Adult Protective Services (APS)Dec. 9, 2019PSOAdministrative Review Division, Adult Protective Services, Quality Assurance, Screen-Out, Review
IM-PSO-2020-0001SNAP Quality Assurance (SNAPQA)May 27, 2020PSOSNAP, Quality Assurance, QA, reviews
IM-PSO-2020-0002Administrative Review Division Workgroups for APS Screen Out and Guardianship Review InstrumentsJuly 27, 2020PSOAdministrative, Review, Adult Protective Services, Screen Out, Guardianship, Quality Assurance, Instrument
IM-PSO-2020-0004Child and Adult Mistreatment Dispute Review Section (CAMDRS) Records RequestDec. 29, 2020PSOColorado Department of Human Services, CAMDRS, Child Welfare, Appeals, Records Request
IM-QAQI-2021-0001Administrative Review Division - Adult Protective Services Screen-Out ReviewMar. 9, 2021QAQIColorado Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services, APS, Quality Assurance, Screen-Out
IM-QAQI-2021-0002Administrative Review Division Review Participation Guideline and Confidentiality AgreementApr. 16, 2021QAQIAdministrative, Review, Confidentiality, Agreement, Quality Assurance
IM-QAQI-2021-0003A Guide for Internal Reviews for
Fatal, Near Fatal, or Egregious Incidents
of Child Maltreatment
Apr. 28, 2021QAQIAdministrative Review Division, Child Fatality Review Team, Internal Review, Written Reports
IM-QAQI-2021-0004Child and Adult Mistreatment Dispute Review Section - Electronic File Sharing MOVEitJuly 9, 2021QAQIColorado Department of Human Services, Quality Assurance, ARD, File Sharing, eFile. MOVEit, CAMDRS
IM-QAQI-2021-0005Administrative Review Division Qualified Residential Treatment Program Placement ReviewsDec. 3, 2021QAQIColorado Department of Human Services, Quality Assurance, ARD, QRTP, Family First Prevention Services Act, FFPSA, Placement, Review
IM-QAQI-2022-0001Administrative Review Division Foster Youth in Transition Review InstrumentJuly 26, 2022QAQIAdministrative, Review, Division, Instrument, Instructions, FYiT, Foster, Youth, Transition

Changes to Administrative Review Scheduling Methodology and Review Instrument

Administrative Review Instrument v. 13.0
Administrative Review Instructions v. 13.0

Oct. 12, 2022QAQIAdministrative, Review, virtual, scheduling, in-person
IM-QAQI-2023-0001Revised ARD APS Review InstrumentsJan. 13, 2023QAQIARD, APS, QA, Review, Compliance, Adult Protective Services, Quality Assurance
IM-QAQI-2023-0003CAMDRS: Changes to Notice of Founded/Substantiated FindingFeb. 1, 2023QAQIARD, CAMDRS, county, notice, founded, finding, child, welfare, appeals
IM-QAQI-2023-0002CFRT Trend Alert- Fentanyl CrisisFeb. 24, 2023QAQICFRT, Child Welfare, Fatal, Near Fatal, Substances,Fentanyl
IM-QAQI-2023-00042023 ARD Child Welfare Screen Out ReviewApr. 7, 2023QAQIARD, Screen Out, Review
IM-QAQI-2023-0005ARD Assessment and In-Home Service ReviewsDec. 28, 2023QAQIARD, Assessment, In-Home, Review
IM-QAQI-2024-0001Administrative Review FindingsFeb. 14, 2024QAQIARD, Assessment, In-home, Review