Finance, legislation and audits


Settlement Accounting works with counties and CDHS program staff to record and report expenditure activity as it relates to the county allocations.

More information

Settlement Accounting works with counties and CDHS program staff to record and report expenditure activity as it relates to the county allocations.  The Settlement Accounting staff reconcile monthly expenditures reported by CDHS sub-systems (Trails, CBMS, CHATS, ACSES and Salesforce(LEAP)) and administrative items entered by the counties to the County Financial Management System (CFMS) to the state's financial system CORE.  The Allocation Tracker workbook is sent out every month after close to give updates on the counties expenditure activity related to their allocations for each program.  Annually Settlement Accounting works with program staff to identify the close out process for each allocation and makes any adjustments necessary based on final closeout standing and any available mitigating funds if available.

Contact information: cdhs_settlementaccounting@state.co.us

Meetings and financial resources

  • ​​Financial Officers Group (FOG) — Meets every third Friday except Conference month and December
  • Provide Monthly Settlement Allocation Tracker Reports for County Administration, Adult Protective Services, Child Care, Colorado Works, Child Welfare, Employment First, LEAP, and various other allocated grants
  • Provide final annual allocation close out reports for County Administration, Adult Protective Services, Child Care, Colorado Works, Child Welfare, and Employment First and LEAP


CDHS's Legislative Affairs office develops the agency's legislative agenda in coordination with the executive director, deputy executive directors and executive management team. The office coordinates relationships with the legislative branch, community stakeholders and Colorado's counties.

More information

Visit the Legislative Affairs page to view legislative reports from CDHS offices and Joint Budget Committee requests for information.


The Audit Division at CDHS is a group of professionals responsible for internal audit functions dealing with risk management, regulatory compliance, performance analysis, fraud and county support.

More information
Audit team
  • Adam Blach, audit director
  • Junko Billheimer, audit manager
  • Patrick Wheat, audit manager
  • Dawn Olson, auditor
  • Ian Kilpatrick, auditor
  • Alec Gildner, auditor
  • Dora Grace, auditor
  • Andrea Goldstein, fraud investigator
Contact us

Got an audit tip? Drop us a line:

Document resources
Other resources
Fraud reporting

​​CDHS is committed to discovering and addressing fraud, waste and abuse. CDHS’s jurisdiction encompasses inappropriate activity by internal employees, contractors and grant recipients, which may include counties as well as private businesses and nonprofit entities. Learn more on the Report fraud to Colorado Department of Human Services page.