- County director and tribal sovereignty training
County Director and tribal sovereignty training
Community Partnerships would like to share the following training videos that were recorded as part of the 2023 New Director Training:
- Adult Protective Services (APS) Video recording (36:17 min), Reference Sheet (08/23/23)
- Audit/Quality Assurance Video recording (22:13 min), Slide Presentation (07/19/23)
- Child Support Services, Office of Economic Security Video recording (38:39 min), Slide Presentation (08/21/23)
- Division of Child Welfare, Office of Children Youth and Families (7/26/23) Video recording (35:24 min), Slide Presentation (06/27/23)
- Community Partnerships Video recording (16:28 min) (6/22/23)
- Division of Economic and Workforce Support, Office of Economic Security Video recording (40:05 min), Slide Presentation (07/12/23)
- Emergency Management Video recording (26:56 min), Slide Presentation (08/15/23)
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Video recording (27:06 min), Slide Presentation (07/24/23)
- Finance
- Counties and CDHS Contracts and Procurement Video recording (12:27 min), Slide Presentation (12/13/23)
- County Finance CDHS, HCPF & County Partners Video recording (1:48:23 min), Slide Presentation (12/13/23)
- County Administration for Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) & Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) Video recording (18:02 min) (12/13/23)
- Colorado Works and Works Allocation Committee (WAC) Video recording (24:59 min) (12/13/23)
- Child Welfare Video recording (33:43 min) (12/13/23)
- Settlement Accounting Video recording (30:30 min) (12/13/23)
- Employment First and Section 20 Optional Workfare Programs Fiscal Overview Video recording ( 22:49 min), Slide Presentation
- Food & Energy Assistance Division (FEAD), Office of Economic Security Video recording (22:01 min), Slide Presentation (07/31/23)
- Homeless Initiatives Video recording (29:15 min), Slide Presentation (01/17/24)
- Legislative Video recording (29:29 min) (8/23/23)
- Tribal Sovereignty training coming in the future.
County Director resources
- Director Resource Guide - document that lists each program, the associated staff, training information, and other program-specific resources.
- Map of County Directors
- Important Deliverable Dates for County Directors
- Required Forms/Signage/Resource Information
- CDHS's commonly used acronyms
- Offices/Divisions:
- Office of Adult and Aging Disability Services
- Audit Division
- Office of Children, Youth and Family Services
- Division of Child Welfare
- Child First
- Colorado Chafee Program
- Domestic Violence Program
- Fostering Healthy Futures
- Functioning Family Therapy
- Healthy Families America
- Multisystemic Therapy
- Nurse-Family Partnership
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
- Parents as Teachers
- SafeCare
- Tony Grampsas Youth Services
- Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program
- Division of Child Welfare
- Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health
- Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind
- Community Partnerships
- Office of Economic Security
- Homeless Initiatives
- Division of Youth Services
Other training resources
- Burnout Session for County Directors and Staff - Video recording and Slides 2/9/22
- De-escalating Clients: A training for those with experience in client or customer facing roles who are looking for tips on working with highly escalated individuals. Slides. Please share with your staff and community partners!
- De-escalating Angry Clients training
- Preventing Workplace Violence training module*
- Psychological First Aid: A training on how stress impacts us all and the different tools we can use to manage it. Slides. Brief Handout. PFA Guide.
- Sexual Harassment training cloud module*
* Note: viewing the Preventing Workplace Violence training module and/or the Sexual Harassment training cloud module does not constitute an employment contract with the state of Colorado - Trauma-informed Resources for Counties
Google training recordings/resources
- General Google Training RECORDING (8.19.22)
- General Google Training RECORDING (9.30.22)
- Google Drive Foundations Training RECORDING
- Google Drive Foundations Slide Deck - For Counties
- Google Workspace YouTube Channel - On-demand short videos
- Google Training Center - Curated by Google, this website has tips and tricks for switching from Microsoft to Google.
HP Lease County Hardware Refresh Programs
CDHS County Computer Refresh Program supports county personnel and management with computers and accessories for efficient and effective service delivery. Currently, CDHS and OIT complete three HP Lease County Computer Refresh programs. These refresh programs occur on a three-year cycle. Read more here.
If you have any questions regarding county director training, please contact:
Laura Strother, Director of County Relations, laura.strother@state.co.us
Adelaide Naughton, adelaide.naughton@state.co.usIf you have any questions regarding Tribal and Sovereignty training, please contact:
Phil Gover, Tribal Affairs Specialist, phillip.gover@state.co.us
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Training Modules
Training Courses:
- Diversity University - virtual 2.5 day session. Certificate upon completion.
- Inclusive Leadership: The Power of Workplace Diversity
- Plain Language: Getting Started or Brushing Up Certificate upon completion.
- Digital Accessibility Workshop
Tools & Resources
- Accessibility Law for Colorado State and Local Government
- Addressing Bias in Feedback
- Implicit Bias Learning
- Inclusive Language
- DPA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion website
- Colorado Equity Alliance with resources
- Accessibility & Accommodations
Need additional support with EDI? Please complete the EDI Intake Form, and the member of the Central EDI Team best positioned to support you will reach out.
- Family Voice Council
Family Voice Council webpage: https://cdhs.colorado.gov/family-voice-council
Family Voice Compass (online how-to tool to create your own FVC): https://sites.google.com/state.co.us/familyvoicecompass/home
- Staff Development Division
About the Division
The Staff Development Division (SDD) exists to provide a complete training for eligibility specialists who work with families seeking public assistance (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medical Assistance, Long-Term Care, Adult Financial, and Colorado Works). The Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) is used to determine eligibility for these public assistance programs. The SDD is the training connection between the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), and the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT) to the 64 county Departments of Social/Human Services, and Medical Assistance (MA) sites throughout Colorado. The Staff Development Division is responsible for the oversight and training implementation for all assistance programs housed within the CBMS automated system. CBMS training requirements can be found here.
CBMS Access - The state of Colorado Departments of Human Services, Health Care Policy and Financing, and the Governor’s Office of Information Technology are responsible for ensuring that comprehensive training is provided for staff, including contract staff, getting access to and/or updating the CBMS Production Environment. Due to the sensitivity of information in CBMS and the functionality that allows benefits and services to be issued to Coloradoans, users must receive training prior to accessing or updating the CBMS Production Environment. The CBMS Access training is the first training component. Additional training courses may be required depending on the user’s role and level of CBMS access.
CBMS Build Training - Our Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) is always improving. Each CBMS Build targets issues and improvements you need to know about. Read more about the support guides for recent CBMS Builds provided by your Staff Development Division (SDD) here.
The Document Library is a public facing website where all training desk aids and materials can be located. Click here to navigate to the website to view all the materials available for eligibility workers.
COLearn is the Learning Management System (LMS) used to access the Health Care and Economic Security Staff Development Division’s instructor-led and web based training. Read more here.For assistance with training, please email: