Everyday Eats is a food support program for qualifying Coloradans age 60+ to help keep healthy food staples in their kitchens. Known nationally as the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Everyday Eats is quick, it's easy, and it's healthy. Participants can pick up a monthly package of cereal, canned goods and dairy with plenty of low-sodium, diabetic-friendly options to make nutritious, complete meals.
Do you qualify for Everyday Eats?
If you answer yes to the following questions, then you qualify for the Everyday Eats program.
- Do you live in Colorado?
- Are you 60 years or older?
- Is your income at or below what is shown in the table below?
Household size | Monthly maximum household income | Annual maximum household income |
1 | $1,957 | $23,475 |
2 | $2,644 | $31,725 |
3 | $3,332 | $39,975 |
4 | $4,019 | $48,225 |
5 | $4,707 | $56,475 |
6 | $5,394 | $64,725 |
Add per extra family member | $688 | $8,250 |
How does Everyday Eats work?
Simply find your closest pickup point on this map or call 303.866.5106 or toll free 888.467.0418 for help locating one. Bring in a photo ID. Your pick up point will have an application for you to complete there or you may print and fill out the application to bring with you.
If you want family, friends or neighbors to be able to pick up your food for you in the future, be sure to list them on a proxy form (available in English, Spanish and Russian) to ensure you never miss a month!
We value your opinion! Please call us at 303.866.5106 or toll free at 888.467.0418 or email us at CDHS_FDP@state.co.us to tell us about your experience or give us feedback. Contact information for our local agencies and the counties they serve can also be found here.
Want to help us?
If you're an individual looking to volunteer or a non-profit, government or faith-based organization interested in helping us ensure older adults across Colorado are connected with monthly food, please see the opportunities below.
- Opportunities for organizations
Thank you for your interest in helping us ensure older adults across Colorado are connected with monthly food. We appreciate you!
You can help in three main ways
- Become a distribution point for Everyday Eats
- Volunteer at a distribution point for Everyday Eats
- Spread the word through outreach
Thinking you may want to be a distribution point for Everyday Eats? First, please look at our map of current sites. Is there one very close to your location already? If not, start by reaching out to the regional food bank or county that serves your area of the state. Browse this map for locations and contact information.
- Opportunities for individuals
Our food bank and county partners often need help packing boxes, delivering to homebound participants or with administrative tasks. We encourage you to reach out to them directly:
- Food Bank of the Rockies
- Care & Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado
- Weld Food Bank
- Pueblo County
- Conejos County
The pick-up locations often need volunteers on pick-up days to carry food boxes to older adults’ cars, sign up participants or assist with administrative tasks. Check out this map for locations near you.
Maybe your talent is spreading the word. We need you! Help us to ensure that every eligible older adult knows about Everyday Eats. Email us at CDHS_FDP@state.co.us, contact a food bank or county office or pick up locations. We will all welcome your help and ideas.
Resources and toolkit
Do you already contract with us and are looking for business resources such as applications and forms? We have compiled all the current resources you need to implement Everyday Eats, as well as a branding toolkit for helping spread the word about the program. Expand the sections below.
- Partner resources
- Applications
- Notice of Action form
- Civil rights complaint process
- State Plan
- Policy and Procedure
- USDA FNS Guidance and Policy Memos
- Non-Discrimination Statement in a variety of languages
- Civil Rights Training Log
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Beneficiary Referral Request Form
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Short-Version Civil Rights Training (Volunteers) - English
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Short-Version Civil Rights Training (Volunteers) - Spanish
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Cleaning Log
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Complaint Form
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Pest Control Log Template
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Proxy Form (English)
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Proxy Form (Spanish)
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Proxy Form (Russian)
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Temperature Tracking Log
- Everyday Eats and TEFAP Food Loss Report Form
- Everyday Eats Recertification Form
- Everyday Eats Temporary Certification
- Everyday Eats Waiting List
- Everyday Eats Waiting List Notification
- Branding toolkit
Equal access for all
Ensuring equal access to Everyday Eats is a top priority for us. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, you have options on how to report it. Expand the section below for details.
- How to report discrimination
If you believe you have been discriminated against because of the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, you have options on how to report it.
While you don’t need to have every detail, please include to the extent possible: the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation.
You may file a complaint verbally or in writing:
- Directly to the USDA via email: program.intake@usda.gov or by mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442
- To the State by providing us with some information here.
- To a staff or volunteer at the Everyday Eats location you visit.
If you have witnessed discrimination or have received a participant’s complaint, please email it to us at CDHS_FDP@state.co.us within 24 hours or report it directly to the USDA.
Within five days of receiving your information, we will send it to the USDA and they will investigate it. They will provide us with an action plan or resolution.
If you would like more details, our Standard Operating Procedure for Civil Rights complaints can be found here.
Download a copy of the poster below here.