Policy Advisory Committee

The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) was created by CDHS to provide a formal forum for counties and the state to work together to make recommendations to the CDHS executive director about policy changes that improve service delivery for children, families and adults throughout Colorado. The PAC discusses and votes on policy changes and submits those recommendations to the CDHS executive director. The PAC values collaboration, cooperation and communication.

PAC membership is intended to be multi-disciplinary to encourage broad policy analysis across many complex programs. There are three PAC co-chairs who represent CDHS, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, and counties. In addition to the co-chairs, membership includes seven CDHS representatives and seven county representatives — one from each of the six regions in Colorado and an at-large member.

Four subcommittees specializing in specific program areas report to the PAC. These sub-PACs have similar membership composed of state and county representatives.


PAC meetings are held the first Thursday of the month after the first Wednesday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Please note: Due to the ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, all PAC meetings will be held virtually until further notice.

There are two ways to join the meeting:

  • Using the dial-in number and PIN to join by phone.
  • Clicking on the meeting link to join using your computer's audio and video.

Meeting link: meet.google.com/ozp-mqcv-dqs

Dial-in number: (617) 675-4444

PIN: 625 197 331 0674#

Minna CastilloCo-chair, Colorado Department of Human Services
Rachel ReiterCo-chair, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Megan BurchCo-chair, CHSDA 
Mary Alice CohenCo-chair, Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Jamie UlrichMetro Region
Deb RuttenburgNorthwest Region
Kara HooverNortheast Region
Catherine SalazarSan Luis Valley
Kim MautheSoutheast Region
Jill CalvertSouthwest Region
Donna RohdeMember at large
PAC Voting Members
Minna CastilloCo-chair, Colorado Department of Human Services
Megan BurchCo-chair, CHSDA
Jamie UlrichMetro Region
Kara HooverNortheast Region
Deb RuttenburgNorthwest Region
Catherine SalazarSan Luis Valley
Kim MautheSoutheast Region
Jill CalvertSouthwest Region
Donna RohdeMember at laarge
Telly BeltonFinancial Services
Erin WesterOffice of Adult, Aging and Disability Services
Debbie OldenettelOffice of Children, Youth and Families
Shelley BankerOffice of Economic Security
Alexa SalstrandPerformance Management Division
Agendas and minutes



There are four sub-PACs that generate policy and practice recommendations about a specific program area and submit those recommendations to the PAC. Each sub-PAC has a county co-chair and a state co-chair, and membership of the sub-PACs includes both state and regional county representatives.

Adult and Aging Sub-PAC


The Adult and Aging Sub-PAC meets virtually monthly on the first Thursday of the month after the first Wednesday. Details on date, time and Zoom information of these meetings can be found on the public meetings calendar at the bottom of this page and are included in the agendas posted below.

Agendas and minutes
Lori MetzLarimer CountyMetro Region
Whitney NettletonDenver CountyMetro Region
Jill ColavolpeWeld CountyMetro Region
Lori LundgrenPhillips CountyNE Region
Melissa GossettLincoln CountyNE Region Rep
Sharon Longhurst-PrittGarfield CountyNW Region
Joanne SprouseSummit CountyNW Region
Andrew BunnEl Paso CountySE Region
Corrina CarcelleroPueblo CountySE Region
Michael AragonLas Animas CountySLV Region
Donna RohdeOtero CountySLV Region
Malynda EvansDolores CountySW Region
Crystal HollingsheadMontezuma CountySW Region
Jill SchnathorstHCPFAging Policy Advisor
Stefanie Woodard (Interim)CDHSAging and Adult Services
Jamie MaloneCDHSOES
Bettina Morrow (Interim)CDHSAPS Program
Chellie VossCDHSOBH
Sheannette Worden O'DellCDHSARD

* This group includes a variety of stakeholders, but the membership list above includes only voting members.

Task groups

Adult Protective Services Task Group

Child Welfare Sub-PAC


The Child Welfare Sub-PAC meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month after the first Wednesday at the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services, 14980 E. Alameda Drive, Aurora, CO, 80012. Details on date, time and location of these meetings can be found on the public meetings calendar at the bottom of this page and are included in the agendas posted below.

Agendas and minutes


Click here to download a membership list.

Task groups

Economic Security Sub-PAC


The Economic Security Sub-PAC meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month after the first Wednesday at the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services, 14980 E. Alameda Drive, Aurora, CO, 80012. Details on date, time and location of these meetings can be found on the public meetings calendar at the bottom of this page and are included in the agendas posted below.

Agendas and minutes


For a list of members, please click here.

Task groups


Financial Management Sub-PAC


The Financial Management Sub-PAC meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month after the first Wednesday at the Arapahoe County Department of Human Services, 14980 E. Alameda Drive, Aurora, CO, 80012. Details on date, time and location of these meetings can be found on the public meetings calendar at the bottom of this page and are included in the agendas posted below.

Agendas and minutes

For a list of members, please click here.

Task groups
  • Adult Protective Services Task Group
  • Colorado Child Care Assistance Program Task Group
  • County Administration Task Group

CDHS Public Meetings Calendar