About LEAP
The Colorado Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a federally funded program that helps eligible hard-working Colorado families, seniors and individuals pay a portion of their winter home heating costs. Our goal is to help bring warmth, comfort and safety to your home and family by assisting with heating costs.
The LEAP program works to keep our communities warm during the winter (November through April) by providing assistance with heating costs, equipment repair and/or replacement of inoperable heating tools. While the program is not intended to pay the entire cost of home heating, we aim to help alleviate some of the burdens that come with Colorado's colder months.
In most cases, the energy assistance benefit is paid directly to the household energy supplier. In most cases, if you are approved for LEAP, payments are made directly to your primary heating fuel vendor and a notice will be sent to you informing you of the benefit amount. Other benefits provided by LEAP include repair or replacement of a home’s primary heating system, such as a furnace or wood-burning stove. The program does not provide financial assistance for any type of temporary or portable heating.
LEAP eligibility
If your income is up to 60% of the state median income level, you may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The state median income level used for the 2024-25 LEAP season was released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in April 2024. The amount of the energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating fuel costs and income.
- Learn more about LEAP program eligibility
You may qualify for LEAP benefits if you:
- Pay home heating costs, either directly to a utility company or to a landlord as part of rent.
- Earn a maximum family household income that does not exceed 60% of the state median income level.
- Provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S., for you and household members born outside of the U.S. Valid forms of identification include:
- Naturalization Certificate, or
- Born Abroad Certificate, or
- U.S. Passport
- Permanent Resident Card, or
- Documentation of Refugee or Asylee status
Use the table below to determine your monthly gross income according to your household size. Household refers to all people living with you and for whom you are financially responsible. The table below will displays updated income guidelines for the 2024-2025 season that begins November 1, 2024 and ends April 30, 2025.
Household Size
Maximum Gross Monthly Income
1 $3,382 2 $4,423 3 $5,464 4 $6,505 5 $7,545 6 $8,586 7 $8,781 8 $8,977 Each Additional Person $195
How to apply
LEAP accepts applications between November and April. Click below to learn more about applying for LEAP benefits, including a checklist to help you prepare your application. If you're looking for assistance outside of LEAP season, it may be available. Please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) for more information.
- Learn more about applying for LEAP benefits
To apply for LEAP, you can submit an application several ways from Nov. 1 to April 30:
- Apply online on the Colorado PEAK website
- Click on the links listed below to access the application in a new window to download a LEAP application:
- Applications can be mailed or emailed to the county addresses listed on the linked document:
- Applications may also be picked up and dropped off at your local county human services office.
- To request a paper application mailed to you, please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435)
- If you are having a heating emergency please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to apply over the phone.
Application checklist
Delays in processing time most often relate to incomplete applications. Use the checklist below to ensure you submit all necessary information and paperwork.
- I have answered all the questions in each section of the application.
- I have enclosed a readable copy of lawful presence documentation for myself and my household members born outside of the U.S.
- Social Security numbers and birth dates for all members of my household have been included on the application.
- Proof of all monthly household income (pay stubs, award letters, loans, etc.) has been attached with the application.
- I have attached receipts for all expenses claimed on my profit and loss statement for self-employment income.
- A copy of my most recent heating bill has been enclosed with the application (if you pay your heat as part of your rent, include a copy of your most recent rent receipt).
- I have signed my application.
- I have double-checked that I am submitting my application to the correct county LEAP office.
- If my county LEAP office can accept email, I have scanned my application and all required paperwork and have attached the files to the email.
Frequently asked questions
Where do I send my completed application and paperwork? How long does it take to process my application? Can I apply for LEAP even if I participate in other government programs? We're here for you and to answer any questions you may have as you look into applying for heat assistance. Get the answers to these questions and many more below.
- Click here to view the FAQ section
When are applications accepted?
Applications are accepted from Nov. 1 through April 30.
Where do I send my completed application and paperwork?
We recommend anyone interested in applying for LEAP to use the online and telephone options listed below to submit an application.
- Submit an application online through the Colorado PEAK website.
- Call to apply over the phone
- An interview is not required for LEAP.
How long does it take to process my application?
It is essential that you complete the entire application and answer all questions as well as attach all requested information. If you fail to do this, your application will be delayed because LEAP will have to send you a letter(s) to request this information which typically causes delays in case processing times. Most non-emergency applications are processed within 10-25 days.
My heat is about to be shut off or I am running out of propane. Can LEAP help?
Yes. If you qualify for assistance, LEAP may be able to expedite your application in just 10 days. Please call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to learn more.
Can I stop paying my heat bill while my application is being processed?
No. Continue to pay your bills while waiting for a decision on your application. If your bills are overdue or you are in danger of running out of fuel, contact your heat or utility company to set up a payment agreement or budget billing, if available.
I need to purchase a portable heater. Can LEAP help me with that?
No. The LEAP program does not provide financial assistance for any type of temporary or portable heating source, such as electric heaters or portable heaters.
How do I check on the status of my application?
Call 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to check on the status of your application.
How often can I receive heat assistance through LEAP?
You can receive heat assistance only once each season through LEAP. The season runs from Nov.1 to April 30. Please plan accordingly.
How is the LEAP assistance amount calculated?
The energy assistance benefit varies depending on a variety of factors, including the primary heating costs of your home, total household income, the amount of the LEAP Program funding and applications received. LEAP pays the highest benefits to those with the highest primary heating fuel costs.
Is the LEAP assistance amount sent directly to me?
In most cases, the payment is sent directly to your primary heating fuel company. You will receive a letter indicating your LEAP assistance amount and where your benefit is being sent.
Do I qualify if my heat is included in my rent?
If heat is included in your rent and you do not live in subsidized housing, you may qualify for LEAP. Please be sure the proper documentation is included with your application.
Can I apply for LEAP even if I participate in other government programs?
Yes. Your participation in other programs, including Medicare, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Colorado Works/TANF, food stamps, Old Age Pension (OAP), and Aid to Needy Disabled (AND)/Aid to the Blind (AB), will not be impacted in any way if you participate in LEAP.
Can I apply for LEAP if I do not live in the home?
No. You must reside in the dwelling stated on your application.
How do I report my household monthly gross income?
Attach copies of all pay stubs and proof of other income (seasonal, self-employed, public assistance, veteran's benefits, etc.) received the month prior to the month you sign your application for all members of the applicant household.
If I qualify for LEAP but still need assistance with my utilities, are there any other programs available to help my family?
Yes. Please call HEAT HELP (1-866-432-8435) and ask if there is other utility payment assistance available to you.
If I do not qualify for LEAP, what should I do?
If you do not qualify for LEAP, help may still be available. Please call 1-866-HEAT- HELP (1-866-432-8435) for more information on ways to get help with your energy needs.
Can I get assistance if my primary heating system is not working?
Yes. If you qualify for LEAP you may also qualify for our heating system repair/replacement program. Please call FOR MY HEAT (1-855-469-4328) for additional information.
Contact information
The Colorado LEAP program is federally funded. If you received your LEAP application in the mail, please use the return envelope included to submit your application. Otherwise, please contact 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435) to find the address of your county contact.
- Contact information for county staff
If you are a LEAP staff person or technician administering the LEAP program in your county, this information is for you! Various files, more information and helpful links can be found below and should prove a valuable resource to you. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via email.
Managing LEAP in your county
Helpful web resources
- More heating help for Coloradans
If you are eligible for LEAP, you may also qualify for other benefits listed below.
- The Crisis Intervention Program operates year-round and provides assistance with the repair or replacement of the home's primary heating system such as a furnace or wood-burning stove.
- The Weatherization Program is offered through the Governor's Energy Office and is designed to improve the energy efficiency in homes throughout Colorado, helping to permanently reduce heating costs.
- Colorado also offers a rebate of property tax, rent and heat expenses to low-income seniors and disabled persons. Known as the Property Tax/Rent/Heat Credit (PTC) rebate, the maximum property tax rebate is $660 and the maximum heat expenses rebate is $192. The Colorado Department of Revenue administers the rebate.
Other helpful links:
If you do not qualify for LEAP, you may still qualify for heating assistance through Energy Outreach.
- Marketing materials for our partners
Colorado community partners are invited to join county agencies to help us reach Colorado families and individuals with information about the LEAP program, so that Coloradans understand what the program offers, who is eligible to participate and how to apply.
Below are the latest marketing materials. Contact the state LEAP office at 303.861.0269 or cdhs_leap_program@state.co.us if you have any questions.
- LEAP logo suite
- LEAP visual identity guidelines (if you'd like to use the LEAP logo, please read these color, size and implementation guidelines to ensure consistency of presentation)
Print materials
- LEAP three-panel brochure and brochure insert
- Editable version (Word doc)
- LEAP fliers
- Fall version
- Winter version
- Editable version (Word doc)
- LEAP posters
Other materials
View the complete LEAP marketing toolkit.
- Statistical information about LEAP applications
CDHS provides weekly statistical information related to the number of LEAP applications processed broken down by each of the 64 counties throughout Colorado. Weekly report totals are cumulative from the beginning of the LEAP program year (Nov. 1). To view this report, click here.
To view data on the number cases per denial reason by county, click here.