How to get involved with human services
At the Colorado Department of Human Services, we believe in an inclusive, people-first approach to human services. That's why we want your involvement in how these services are delivered. We want your participation, your interest and awareness, and your feedback. We want to work with you, not just for you. Check out the many ways you can get involved.
Become a member of CDHS's Family Voice Council
One of the most effective ways to give input and help improve our programs and systems is to join the Family Voice Council. The council is made up of Coloradans who are or have been involved with CDHS services or programs. Members meet monthly to interact with CDHS staff and offer their valuable perspective and feedback.
Subscribe to newsletters published by our offices
CDHS offices, divisions and programs publish dozens of regular newsletters, which contain useful news and information for our partners, clients and the general public.
Consider a career in human services — check job listings
Join us in serving the people of Colorado. CDHS offers job opportunities in many fields, including child welfare, developmental disabilities, mental health, nursing, social assistance programs and youth services, in addition to support positions in facilities management, food service, human resources and more.
Apply to serve on a public board or commission
CDHS administers several types of boards and commissions, including governor-appointed boards and commissions, as well as internal boards and commissions. Many of these committees are open to people with lived experience in human services.
Watch public meetings held by boards and commissions
Many of CDHS's board and commission meetings are public, and we invite you to attend those meetings. Currently, because of COVID-19 safety restrictions, meetings are being held virtually. You can attend meetings by computer or phone.
Leave a suggestion or compliment or file a complaint
Honest and direct feedback is an important way for us to understand how our services are received. We want to hear your suggestions, compliments and personal success stories — and, yes, your complaints.
Why your involvement matters
CDHS uses two important principles to guide the way we provide human services. The first is a whole-community, whole-family, whole-person approach, also known as two-generation or two-gen. The other is equity, diversity and inclusion, known commonly as EDI. And to hold ourselves accountable to those principles, we created the Family and Community Engagement Plan, a roadmap to a more inclusive CDHS. The plan illustrates activities the department will be embarking on, who will be held accountable, and how the work will be measured.
Family and Community Engagement Plan
Through their lived experience, community residents, families and youth are the experts in their own lives and should be included in the decisions that impact them. This expertise is critical to better understand issues holistically to create more equitable, sustainable and effective human service solutions that benefit all Coloradans. We want to meaningfully engage the people we serve to achieve the best outcomes together.
Download the Family and Community Engagement Plan here.
Two-generation approach
The two-gen approach encourages CDHS programs to serve children and their caregivers together, to harness the family's full potential and to put the entire family on a path to permanent economic security. When programs and policies are designed with the whole family's educational and economic future in mind, and families are assisted to reach the social networks and resources they need to be successful in life, opportunity becomes a family tradition.
Learn more on our Two-generation approach in Colorado page. Download the Colorado Guide to 2Gen here.
Equity, diversity and inclusion
CDHS's Equity Action Plan 2021-25 demonstrates our commitment to embedding equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) throughout our organization. It outlines the overarching activities our agency hopes to accomplish over the next 3-5 years through deliberate actions to improve processes, culture and engagement of our employees and with the communities we serve.
Contact us
Email Family and Community Engagement Director Chelsey Hall at chelsey.hall@state.co.us.