Division of Youth Services policies

The CDHS Division of Youth Services (DYS) provides for the care and supervision of youth committed by the District Court to the custody of CDHS. DYS operates 12 secure youth centers that serve youth between the ages of 10 and 21 who are pre-adjudicated or committed. In addition to residential programming, DYS administers juvenile parole services throughout Colorado. 

If you need help with any of the policies below or would like to request archived versions of a specific policy, contact DYS Policy Advisor Michael McAuliffe at 720.219.7637 or michael.mcauliffe@state.co.us

Policy index: State programs

Below is a listing of state program policies and the associated links to access the policies.

Chapter/PolicySubject of Chapter/Policy
CHAPTER 1Administration, Organization and Management
1-1Legal Authority and Division Mission
1-2Internal and External Communications
1-3Admission Criteria
1-6Contract Programs
1-9Legal Representation and Assistance
1-11Public Information and News Media
1-12ADetention Victim Notification Program
1-12BCommitted Victim Notification Program
1-13Dress Code
1-14Youth Center Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Support
1-16Detention Capacity
1-17HIPAA General Provisions
CHAPTER 2 Fiscal Management
2-1Purchase and Lease of Electronic Hardware and Software
2-3Accounting for Appropriations and Expenditures of Funds
2-4Youth Trust Funds
2-5Youth Personal Funds
2-6Internal Control and Monitoring of Accounting Procedures
2-7Capital Assets Inventory Control
2-8Warehouse Inventory and Expendable Program Supplies
2-9Position Control
2-12Contracts and Grants
CHAPTER 3Personnel
3-1Employee Grievances
3-2Membership in Employee Organizations and Employee Representation 
3-3Outside Employment and Conflict of Interest
3-4Administering Corrective and Disciplinary Actions
3-5Drug Free Workplace/Substance Abuse and Tobacco Use
3-6Leave, Timekeeping, KRONOS, Worker's Compensation, FMLA, FLSA, Administrative Leave
3-6AYouth Center Scheduling
3-6BFlexible Work Arrangements
3-8Appointing Authority
3-9Certification, Licensure, and Letters
3-10Personnel Records
3-11Policy Manual Establishment and Maintenance
3-12Personnel Selection, Retention, Promotion, Layoff, and Separation
3-14Personnel Actions Related to Alleged Child Abuse
3-15Client Managers/Parole Officers Carrying Badges and Dangerous Weapons
3-18Employee Assistance Program
3-20Relationships between Employees and Youth
3-21Employee Background Search, Employee Reporting Responsibility, Trails Database Checks
3-25Transitional Duty
3-28Violence in the Workplace and Sexual Harassment
3-30Professional Conduct
3-31State Policy Review Process
CHAPTER 4Training and Staff Development
4-1Training and Training Requirements-Youth Center Based
4-2Training and Training Requirements-Non-Youth Center Based Employees
4-3Training Requirements for Regional Based Employees
CHAPTER 5Management Information and Research
5-1Colorado TRAILS Database
5-2Research, Evaluation, and Analytics
CHAPTER 6Youth Records
6-1Content, Use, Transfer, Security, and Release of Youth Records
6-2Inactive Youth Records
CHAPTER 7Physical Plant
7-1Existing Youth Center Requirements
7-3Building and Equipment Maintenance
7-4Assignment of Space
CHAPTER 8Safety and Emergency
8-1Fire Safety Coordination
8-2Risk Management
8-3Control and Use of Flammable, Toxic, and Caustic Materials
8-4Regional Field Safety
8-5Inclement Weather
CHAPTER 9Security and Control
9-1Perimeter Security and Security Inspections 
9-2Control Center
9-3Youth Supervision and Movement
9-4Physical Response and Protective Devices
9-5Count Policies and Procedures
9-6Shift Assignments and Shift Logs
9-8AReporting Critical Incidents-Youth Centers
9-8BReporting Critical Incidents-Regional Offices
9-9Dangerous Weapons
9-10Key Control System
9-11Tools, Culinary and Medical Equipment
9-12Emergency Response Guide
9-13Searches of Youth, Employees, Visitors, and Youth Centers
9-14Security, Assignment, and Use of State Vehicles
9-15Transportation of Youth Outside of the Youth Center
9-17Reporting Alleged Abuse
9-18Two-Way Communication
9-19Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment Prevention
9-20Hospital/Medical Security
9-22Use of Personal Electronic Devices in Youth Centers
9-23Safe Treatment of Pregnant Females
9-24Video Monitoring and Surveillance
CHAPTER 10Food Service
10-2Youth Center Food Service Program Management
10-3Menu Planning and Meal Service
10-4Work Experience Programs for Committed Youth
10-5Employee/Guest Meals
10-6Food from Outside Sources
10-7Food-Borne Illness Prevention and Control
CHAPTER 11Sanitation and Hygiene
11-1Housekeeping Plans and Sanitation Health Inspections
11-2Waste Disposal and Pest Control
11-3Personal Hygiene, Clothing, Bedding, and Linen Supplies
CHAPTER 12Medical and Health Care Services
12-1Medical Program Administration
12-2Medical Supplies and Equipment
12-3AReceiving Screening and Mental Health Screening
12-3BHealth Assessments, Physical Examinations, Transfer Screening, and Discharge Planning
12-3CDental Services
12-4Medical Records
12-5Access to Medical Services
12-6Notification of Serious Illness or Injury
12-7Medical Emergency Protocol
12-8Medical Treatment for Injured or Ill Employees
12-9Special Health Care
12-10AUse and Management of Pharmaceutical Products
12-10BMedical Experimentation or use of Pharmaceutical for Behavior Management
12-10CQualified Medication Administration Personnel
12-11Continuous Quality Improvement
12-12Informed Consent; Permission or Refusal of Treatment
12-13Fatality Procedures
12-14Communicable and Infectious Diseases
12-14ASARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Employee Testing Policy
12-15Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
12-18Youth Head Trauma Guidelines
12-19Chronic Disease Services
12-20Intoxication and Withdrawal
12-21Protective Devices and Seclusion
CHAPTER 13Youth Rights
13-1Basic Rights, Responsibilities, and Access to Services
13-2Grievance Procedures
13-3Access to Courts and Counsel
13-5Rights, Responsibilities of Youth Regarding Personal Appearance
13-9Non-Discriminatory Services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirit Youth (LGBTQIA2S+) Youth
CHAPTER 14Rules and Discipline
14-3AYouth Center Rules
14-3BTime-out, Seclusion and Program Refusal
CHAPTER 15Behavioral Health Services
15-1Access to Psychiatric Hospitalization
15-2Suicide Assessment, Monitoring, and Intervention
15-3Access to Services for the Developmentally Disabled
15-6Substance Use Treatment Services
15-7Sobriety Monitoring
15-7AToxicology Screening and Reporting
15-9Behavioral Health Services and Documentation
15-10Clinical Supervision
15-11Sex Offense Specific Services
CHAPTER 16Admission, Transfer, and Release
16-1Admissions, Reception, and Orientation
16-2Personal Property
16-4Release from Custody
16-10Transfer & Supervision of Interstate Compact Youth
16-11Sex Offender Registration
16-14Parole and Discharge
16-15Aggravated Juvenile Offenders
CHAPTER 17Programs and Services
17-1Scope of Programs and Services
17-4Library Services
17-8ASpecial Education Program
17-8General Education Program
17-11Faith / Religious Programming
17-16Youth Wellness Policy, Canteen Accounts, and Audit of the Canteen Accounts
17-17Limited English Proficiency
17-18Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
17-19Room Time
17-21Growth and Change Program
17-22Victim Offender Dialogue
CHAPTER 18Communications: Mail, Visits, and Telephone
18-1Youth Visitation
18-2Youth Correspondence
CHAPTER 19Federal Entitlement Programs
19-1Judicial Findings Regarding Reasonable Efforts and Eligibility Determination and Re-determination
19-2Youth Development Plans
19-3Administrative Review
CHAPTER 20External Persons Providing Services to Youth
CHAPTER 21Assessment and Classification
21-1Assessment Procedures, Risk Assessment, Classification, and Reclassification
21-2Length of Stay
21-3Youth Photographing and Fingerprinting
21-4Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI)
21-5Substance Use Assessment
CHAPTER 22Information Technology
22-1Use of Information Technology
22-5Computer Network and Internet Use in the Classroom
Policy index: Contract programs

Below is a listing of contract program policies and the associated links to access the policies.

Contract Chapter/PolicySubject of Chapter/Policy
CHAPTER 1Administration, Organization, and Management
1-11Public Information/News Media
CHAPTER 2Fiscal Management
2-5Youth Personal Funds (Custodial)
CHAPTER 3Personnel
3-9Certification, Licensure and Letters 
3-11Policy Manuals Establishment and Maintenance
3-14Personnel Actions Related to Alleged Child Abuse
3-20Relationships Between Youth and Employees
3-21Employee Background Search; Employee Reporting Responsibility; Trails Database Checks
CHAPTER 4Training and Staff Development
4-1Training Requirements - Program Based
CHAPTER 5Management Information and Research
5-1Colorado TRAILS Database
5-2Research and Evaluation
CHAPTER 6Youth Records
6-1Content, Use, Transfer, Security and Release of Youth Records
6-2Closed Youth Records
CHAPTER 8Safety and Emergency
8-1Fire Safety Inspections and Prevention
8-3Control and Use of Flammable, Toxic and Caustic Materials
CHAPTER 9Security and Control
9-1Perimeter Security and Security Inspections
9-2Control Center
9-3Youth Supervision and Movement
9-4Physical Management and Security Equipment
9-5Count Policies and Procedures
9-6Shift Assignments and Shift Logs
9-8Reporting Critical Incidents
9-9Dangerous Weapons
9-11Tools, Culinary and Medical Equipment
9-12Residential Contract Program Emergency Response Procedures
9-13Searches of Youth and Contract Programs
9-15Transportation of Youth Outside of the Contract Program
9-17Reporting Alleged Child Abuse 
9-19Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment Prevention
9-20Hospital Security
9-23Safe Treatment of Pregnant Females
CHAPTER 10Food Service
10-3Menu Planning and Meal Service
10-4Work Experience Program for Committed Youth
10-7Food-Borne Illness Prevention and Control
CHAPTER 11Sanitation and Hygiene
11-1Housekeeping Plans and Sanitation Health Inspections
11-3Personal Hygiene, Clothing, Bedding and Linen Supplies
CHAPTER 12Medical and Health Care Services
12-1Medical Program Administration
12-2Medical Supplies and Equipment
12-3Health Screenings, Appraisals, and Physical and Dental Examinations
12-4Medical Records
12-6Notification of Serious Illness or Injury
12-7Medical Emergency Protocol
12-9Special Health Care
12-10Use of Pharmaceutical Products and Prohibition of Medical Experimentation or Use of Pharmaceuticals for Behavior Management
12-12Medical and Psychiatric Informed Consent: Permission or Refusal of Treatment
12-13Fatality Procedures
12-14Communicable and Infectious Diseases
12-15Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
12-18Youth Head Trauma Guidelines
12-19Chronic Disease Services
CHAPTER 13Youth Rights
13-1Basic Rights, Responsibilities and Access to Services
13-2Grievance Procedures
13-3Access to Courts and Council
CHAPTER 14Rules and Discipline
14-3AContract Program Rules
CHAPTER 15Behavioral Health Services
15-1Access to Psychiatric Hospitalization
15-2Suicide Assessment, Monitoring and Intervention
15-3Access to Services for the Developmentally Disabled
15-4Psychotropic Emergency Medications
15-6Substance Abuse Services
15-7Sobriety Monitoring
15-9Supervision, Services, and Documentation
CHAPTER 16Admission, Transfer and Release
16-1Admission, Reception and Orientation
16-2Personal Property
16-4Release from Custody
16-11Sex Offender Registration
CHAPTER 17Programs and Services
17-1Scope of Programs and Services
17-8Educational Programs
17-11Faith/Religious Programming
17-16Youth Wellness Policy
17-18Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
17-20Special Management of Youth
CHAPTER 18Communications:  Mail, Visits, and Telephone
18-1Youth Visiting
18-2Youth Correspondence
CHAPTER 20Citizen Involvement and Volunteers
20-1Volunteer/Intern Management
Policy updates: Policy approval guidelines and alerts

Click here to access policy approval guidelines, sign up to receive alerts on new policies, access research on relevant policies, and contact the DYS Policy Advisor.


Forms available to the public are listed below. DYS employees can access internal forms by clicking here.

Key terms and definitions

Below is a reference guide for all key terms and definitions utilized in state and contract policies.

Associated statutes and regulations for state policies

Below is a listing of DYS state policies and the associated CDHS policy, federal and state regulation and Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.).

Associated statutes and regulations for contract policies

Below is a listing of DYS contract policies and the associated CDHS policy, federal and state regulation and Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.).

State Policy Review Committee meeting minutes

Below is a list of minutes from previous State Policy Review Committee Meetings