Colorado Refugee Services Program


Collage of photos of refugees from different countries

Welcome to the Colorado Refugee Services Program (CRSP). Our mission is to ensure the effective resettlement of refugees and to promote refugee advancement past self-sufficiency and to long-term integration. Colorado has a long history of leadership and support for refugee resettlement. Whether you are a refugee, asylee, community partner, or an interested individual looking for a way to connect, we hope to provide you with the resources you need.


Information for newcomers and the welcoming community

The Colorado Refugee Services Program helps newcomers and our welcoming community to navigate available programs and services in our state. Start here to explore frequently asked questions, get information about resources, learn how community sponsorship works and how to connect sponsored individuals to services.

Frequently asked questions

How can I support refugees in Colorado? 

Thanks for your interest in supporting your new refugee neighbors. Colorado’s refugee resettlement agencies are key partners in welcoming refugees. Explore their websites for opportunities to donate, volunteer and engage. 

Learn more about resettlement agency services and find agency contact information here.

Does the Colorado Refugee Services Program accept donations?

No, CRSP is not able to accept donations. Please explore resettlement agency websites listed above for donation information; each agency has clear donation pages on their websites. Note that clothing donations are often best made to thrift stores. 

Can you help new migrants arriving in Colorado?

No, unfortunately CRSP is not able to serve migrant arrivals in Colorado. CRSP receives federal funding to provide services for individuals who have already received certain protected humanitarian statuses, such as refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, and others. Migrants may be colloquially referred to as "refugees,’" but they cannot be served in CRSP-funded programs unless they have received an Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible status.

Where should migrants seek help?

The City and County of Denver and Colorado's Office of New Americans are playing leadership roles in this response. Please visit the City of Denver’s Newcomer and Migrant Support website and the Office of New Americans website to find resources.

Which groups have recently arrived, or are currently arriving, in Colorado? 

Explore this infographic, which provides detailed arrival and enrollment information by country, alongside key employment and service data. Additional data can be found in the "Data About Refugees in Colorado" dropdown menu on this page.

What services are available for refugees and other eligible populations? 

There are an array of services available for individuals served via the refugee program. For more information on refugee services and benefits these populations may be eligible for, visit the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement website. Services include: case management, referrals to services, public benefits assistance, job search and placement, housing assistance, behavioral health, legal assistance, and more. Each program may have additional eligibility requirements; the aforementioned list highlights the range of services available. All programs funded by CRSP are detailed in the ‘Services for Refugees’ section on this webpage.

Could receiving public benefits (such as Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, or SSI) potentially impact refugees or other ORR-eligible populations if they apply for Legal Permanent Resident status in the U.S.?

Refugees, asylees, and other Office of Refugee Resettlement eligible populations are not subject to the public charge test. Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service website to learn more.

How can I hire refugees and other eligible populations?

The vast majority of the populations served via the refugee program are authorized to work in the U.S. Explore the USCIS website for additional information. Employment authorization questions can be directed to CRSP as well at crsp@state.co.us. Refugees come to the United States with a variety of educational and professional backgrounds and find employment in a wide array of fields, from production and service to IT, healthcare, professional services and more.

Refugee resettlement agencies and other workforce development organizations assist with job placement efforts. You may contact them directly, or reach out to CRSP (crsp@state.co.us) to share opportunities.

Welcome packets

These comprehensive welcome packets support Colorado's newcomers to access essential programs and services across the state:

Colorado's Office of New Americans also has welcome packets in English and Spanish for asylum seekers and others who do not currently have a legal status.

Refugee sponsorship

Sponsorship offers a way for interested individuals and groups to directly support refugees and other displaced individuals to rebuild their lives in Colorado. While sponsorship programs are not overseen by the Colorado Refugee Services Program, this office works to provide information and resources in support of refugees and those who support them here in Colorado.

Welcome Corps resources

The documents below provide important information for sponsored refugees, private sponsor groups, and community partners to support successful resettlement in Colorado.

Sponsorship opportunities

There are several ways you can engage by sponsoring a refugee:

  • Welcome Corps: An opportunity for residents of the United States to form Private Sponsor Groups and welcome a refugee.
  • Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, Venezuelan (CHNV) Program: The opportunity to directly sponsor an individual from one of these countries to come via Humanitarian Parole. Note that only Cubans and Haitians are eligible for refugee services upon arrival.
  • Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Program: The opportunity to sponsor a known Ukrainian individual(s). 
  • Welcome.US: A national program to support broad-based welcoming of newcomers, they have a variety of resources, from an FAQ and training resources to a platform to help interested U.S. sponsors identify someone they can sponsor.

About refugees in Colorado

Refugees come to Colorado from many countries and bring an array of skills, backgrounds and life experiences. Our refugee neighbors share the common aspiration of finding safety and security and opportunities to establish themselves and their families in new communities.

The following reports and data provide information about the communities resettling in Colorado and show how newcomers are integrating and contributing to our state.

Reports about refugees in Colorado
  Economic and Fiscal Impact of Refugees in Colorado

This statewide study demonstrates the economic benefit from resettling refugees in Colorado.


  Colorado refugee economic impact snapshot (infographic)

This infographic summarizes some of the findings from the above report.


  Refugee Integration and Survey Evaluation (RISE)

This nationally recognized longitudinal study explores refugee integration over a five-year period.

Data about refugees in Colorado

CRSP collects data on refugee and other eligible populations statewide. Data collected includes key demographics such as national origin, age, and gender, alongside data on employment placement and ESL attendance. Browse and download this data below. View this glossary for a definition of terms.


Current refugee evaluation

In partnership with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), CRSP manages the Colorado Centers of Excellence in Refugee Health. This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-funded program collects and analyzes refugee medical screening data from seven states and health indicators from the medical screening clinics in Colorado. The main program goals are to protect public health and improve the health of refugees. Future results will be published on this site.

Learn more about the Colorado Centers of Excellence in Refugee Health on their website.


Services for refugees

CRSP funds a diverse network of service providers to support the effective resettlement and integration of refugees and other eligible populations in Colorado. Visit the Office of Refugee Resettlement's website for a complete list of all eligible populations. This infographic shows the types of programs and services that CRSP funds. All CRSP-funded programs and services are listed in greater detail below.

Just granted asylum? Watch this video to learn about available programs and services and reach out to your nearest resettlement agency to enroll.


Resettlement agencies photo
Resettlement agencies

Resettlement agencies support refugees and other eligible populations to integrate into the community. Services include securing initial housing, job search and placement, case management, access to public benefits, referrals to other services. Learn more about available services and find resettlement agency contact information here.


List of providers


ESL services photo
English as a Second Language

The Colorado Refugee Services Program invests in English as a Second Language (ESL) classes because building linguistic and cultural skills are key drivers of integration and economic self-sufficiency. ESL classes are available in many locations and include instruction for all levels. Contact the individual providers in the list below for class schedules and registration information.


List of providers

Metro Denver

Northern Colorado

Colorado Springs

Career planning photo
Career pathway planning

The CAREERS Program prepares refugees and other eligible populations for employment in fields with growth potential. This program has options for skilled professionals to return to prior professions or launch a new career, as well as options for individuals who are working in entry-level positions who want to establish a career with growth opportunities.


List of providers

Health and wellness
Physical health

Services include initial medical and mental health screenings and connection to primary care and specialist or mental health services as needed. Collaboration with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Health Care Policy and Financing support the medical screening processes, refugee health surveillance, and Refugee Medical Assistance administration. Learn more about health services for refugees in Colorado.


List of providers

Youth services
Youth services

Programs for youth support our two-generation approach and provide holistic programming tailored to the needs and interests of youth. Youth programs utilize a positive youth development framework and incorporate educational and career-focused programming. Our partners’ programs are designed to support youth across the state, and include both in-person and remote options. 


List of providers

Elder and other support services
Supplemental services

Programs complement core resettlement services and are intentionally designed to build long-term integration and wellbeing. Supplemental services include service navigation, case management and referrals, elder programs and more.


List of providers

Elder services

Other support services


Additional integration services

The Refugee Integration Fund (RIF) supports programs and initiatives that are addressing long-term integration needs of newly arrived Afghans and other Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-eligible populations residing in Colorado. The fund is overseen by the Colorado Refugee Services Program and administered by Rose Community Foundation. All partners listed in this section below are RIF grant recipients, unless marked with an asterisk, in which case they are conventional CRSP grantees.


People sitting at a desk, looking at a legal document
Legal services

Legal services programs under the Refugee Integration Fund provide immigration-related legal services and education to help eligible Afghans pursue viable pathways to legal permanent status in the United States. Additional legal services programs provide an array of immigration legal services to all eligible refugee populations. 

List of providers

A smiling immigrant family
Mental health

Mental wellbeing is central to health and to allowing refugees to thrive in their new communities. Mental wellness programs available offer community-based approaches focused on education, prevention and community engagement. Culturally responsive mental health support, programs facilitating family wellbeing and youth mental health are also offered.


List of providers

Children walking into school building
Support to schools

Resources support area schools with welcome centers, cultural liaisons, educational support and welcoming programming for newly arrived Afghans.


List of providers


Colorado Refugee Connect is an initiative collaboratively led by Colorado’s three resettlement agencies in partnership with CRSP. Colorado Refugee Connect helps grow connections between refugees and our receiving community members in the following ways.



Watch refugee 101 videos to understand the resettlement process. Explore curated lists of books, movies and websites to build your knowledge.


Search a statewide directory of refugee-serving organizations to access programs or volunteer. Request a speaker from the Colorado Refugee Speakers Bureau.


Attend an upcoming event to learn more about and celebrate our refugee neighbors. Submit an event to further build connections across communities.


About us

The Colorado Refugee Services Program (CRSP) is a program of the Colorado Department of Human Services and is responsible for the statewide coordination of refugee resettlement under the authority of the Refugee Act of 1980. 

CRSP does not offer any direct services but instead works through a constellation of contracts and partners to achieve our goals. Our services and programs support refugees and the larger receiving community working together to build the social capital necessary to sustain a welcoming environment for refugees and build a stronger Colorado for us all. 

Our mission: Ensure the effective resettlement of refugees and promote refugee advancement past self-sufficiency and to long-term integration.

Our vision: Refugees are safe, healthy, and prepared to achieve their greatest aspirations.


Contact us

Contact the Colorado Refugee Services Program at 303.863.8211 or crsp@state.co.us.