Seeking applications for Tony Grampsas Youth Services Board

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May 16, 2023 — The Tony Grampsas Youth Services (TGYS) program is seeking applications for the TGYS Board. TGYS is a statutory program providing funding to community-based organizations for prevention and intervention programs for children, youth, and their families working to prevent youth crime and violence, youth alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, student dropout, and child abuse and neglect. 

In accordance with C.R.S. 26-6.8-103, the TGYS Board is a 13-member Type II board that serves in an advisory capacity for the TGYS program. The TGYS Board is authorized to establish:

  • program guidelines;
  • grant application timelines;
  • match requirements;
  • criteria for awarding grants; and 
  • result-oriented criteria for measuring the effectiveness of programs that receive any type of TGYS funds. 

TGYS Board members may be reappointed for a total of no more than two three-year terms. TGYS Board meetings are held 5-6 times each year and are usually on Friday afternoons in Denver. Remote attendance is available, but TGYS Board members are encouraged to attend in person and can be reimbursed for expenses incurred. Attendance and active participation are expected at all meetings.

The upcoming appointment may be affiliated with any political party at this time and requires a person to have expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  • Youth crime and violence prevention
  • Early childhood education
  • Child abuse and neglect prevention
  • Student dropout prevention
  • Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use prevention

To apply for a position on the TGYS Board, please complete the Governor’s Office of Boards and Commissions Application form, which includes submitting a current resume. The application deadline is June 2. If you have questions, contact Tony Grampsas Youth Services Program staff at

CDHS values broad, diverse representation on its boards to ensure adequate representation of stakeholders and the public. Therefore we are requesting your assistance in distributing this notice to interested and qualified individuals in your networks. If you or someone you know is interested in serving the state of Colorado in this capacity, please submit, or encourage them to submit, an application.