Summer EBT outreach materials

Three photos of young people eating or at a grocery store

This page is a resource intended to help government and community partners get the word out about Colorado's Summer EBT program. Check this page regularly for materials you can use on your website, social media and elsewhere.


The flyers below are 8.5” x 11” PDF files and are available in English and Spanish.

Social media

The following social media posts are available in English and Spanish. Use the suggested text under each graphic or create your own.

A mother and daughter grocery shopping together.

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Suggested text: Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

A mother and daughter grocery shopping together.

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Suggested text: El Summer EBT es un programa que ayuda a las familias con niños de edad escolar  a comprar alimentos durante los meses de verano. Los estudiantes elegibles reciben $120, los cuales son abonados a una tarjeta de EBT. Aprende más sobre el Summer EBT y cómo participar en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Father and daughter food shopping together

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Suggested text: Summer EBT is a program that provides nutritious food to eligible students in the summer months when they are not in school. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Father and daughter food shopping together

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Suggested text: El Summer EBT es un programa que suministra alimentos nutritivos a estudiantes elegibles durante los meses de verano cuando no están en la escuela. Los estudiantes que califican para el programa reciben $120 para hacer mercado con una tarjeta EBT. Aprende más sobre el Summer EBT y cómo funciona el programa en  cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children sitting together and happily eating ice cream

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Suggested text: Colorado will provide grocery benefits to families with eligible school-age children throughout the months school is out. Learn more about the program at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children sitting together and happily eating ice cream

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Suggested text: Este verano Colorado continúa ayudando a las familias con niños de edad escolar. Aprende más sobre el programa Summer EBT en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children eating school lunch together

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Suggested text: Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during
the summer months. Eligible students will receive $120 to purchase groceries with funds placed on an EBT card. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children eating school lunch together

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Suggested text: El Summer EBT es un programa que ayuda a las familias con niños de edad escolar a comprar alimentos nutritivos durante los meses de verano. Los estudiantes que califican recibirán $120 en una tarjeta EBT. Aprende más sobre el Summer EBT y cómo funciona en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children eating watermelon together

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Suggested text: Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during
the summer months. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Three children eating watermelon together

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Suggested text: El Summer EBT es un programa que ayuda a las familias con niños de edad escolar a comprar alimentos nutritivos durante los meses de verano. Los estudiantes que califican recibirán $120 en una tarjeta EBT. Aprende más sobre el Summer EBT y cómo funciona en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

A family eating breakfast together

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Suggested text: Your student may be eligible if: 

  • They attend a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and qualify based on household income; 
  • The student’s family receives SNAP or Colorado Works; 
  • They receive Medicaid AND qualifies based on household income using the NSLP income guidelines; 
  • They are in foster care, a migrant, or experiencing homelessness. 

    Call 1.800.536.5298 or text 720.741.0550 for more information.
A family eating breakfast together

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Suggested text: Tu hijo/a puede calificar para el programa si: 

  • Va a una escuela que participa en el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares (NSLP por sus siglas en inglés) 
  • La familia recibe beneficios de SNAP o Colorado Works
  • El niño/a recibe Medicaid y califica basado en los niveles de ingreso familiar establecidos por el NSLP
  • Está en cuidado de acogida, es un migrante, está desamparado o sin techo

    Para más información llama al 1.800.536.5298 o textea al 720.741.0550
School-age children running outside for gym class

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Suggested Text: If you’re already receiving food benefits such as SNAP or TANF, and have school-age children, you will automatically be enrolled in Summer EBT summer grocery benefits. You also may be eligible if you received Medicaid and meet the NSLP income guidelines. If you are eligible you will receive a letter of eligibility and your card in the mail. Learn more about the program at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

School-age children running outside for gym class

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Suggested Text: Si tu familia tiene niños de edad escolar y ya recibe beneficios alimenticios a través de SNAP o Colorado Works, tu niño/a estará inscrito de manera automática en el programa de verano. Tu niño/a también puede calificar si recibe Medicaid y cumple con los requerimientos de ingresos establecidos por el Programa Nacional de Alimentos Escolares (NSLP por sus siglas en inglés. Aprende más en  cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Two young women receiving mail

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Suggested Text: Buy food like fruits, dairy, breads, meats/poultry/fish. Use Summer EBT at stores that accept SNAP, like grocery or corner stores, and online at King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart and Amazon. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Two young women receiving mail

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Suggested Text: Compra alimentos saludables como frutas, vegetales, lácteos, pan, carne o pescado. Utiliza la tarjeta Summer EBT en las tiendas que aceptan SNAP incluyendo supermercados como Safeway, Walmart y King Soopers, carnicerias o tiendas en línea. Aprende más sobre el programa Summer EBT en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Father and daughter food shopping together

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Suggested Text:  Buy food like fruits, dairy, breads, meats/poultry/fish. Use Summer EBT at stores that accept SNAP, like grocery or corner stores, and online at King Soopers, Safeway, Walmart and Amazon. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Father and daughter food shopping together

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Suggested Text: Compra alimentos saludables como frutas, vegetales, lácteos, pan, carne o pescado. Utiliza la tarjeta Summer EBT en las tiendas que aceptan SNAP incluyendo supermercados como Safeway, Walmart y King Soopers, carnicerias o tiendas en línea. Aprende más sobre el programa Summer EBT en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Two siblings cooking together

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Suggested Text: Summer EBT is a program that helps families buy food during
the summer months. Learn more about Summer EBT and how it works at cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.

Two siblings cooking together

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Suggested Text: El Summer EBT es un programa que ayuda a las familias con niños de edad escolar a comprar alimentos nutritivos durante los meses de verano. Los estudiantes que califican recibirán $120 en una tarjeta EBT. Aprende más sobre el Summer EBT y cómo funciona en cdhs.colorado.gov/summer-ebt.