About Pueblo Youth Services Center
Pueblo Youth Services Center is a secure, 19-bed youth detention center operated by the Division of Youth Services. The facility is located in the Southern region of the state and provides services to youth located in the 3rd, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th and 16th Judicial Districts. These judicial districts encompass 20 counties within the South and Southeastern portion of the state.
Youth participate in cognitive behavioral programming designed to teach positive traits, anger management, improved decision making, empathy, and other social-related skills. For youth in detention at Pueblo Youth Services Center, a risk and needs assessment is provided to the court to assist in the identification of possible services available to facilitate a successful transition back into the community.
Pueblo School District 60 provides licensed teaching staff for the comprehensive school program. Youth can generate the credits necessary to receive a diploma or work toward a GED certificate while at Pueblo Youth Services Center.
Pueblo Youth Services Center is certified by the Sanctuary Institute. Learn more about certified sites.
More information
- Youth served
Pueblo Youth Services Center served male and female youth between the ages of 10 through 17 who are detained for reasons such as secure placement pending a court hearing, or to serve a detention sentence of up to 45 days.
- Family information
The family is an integral part of the team working with youth involved in the Division of Youth Services. DYS strives to honor family experience and culture, empower all family members, utilize family strengths and instill hope for a safe and successful future.
- Youth information
- Visitation
Visitation is an avenue to build and maintain healthy family and community relationships. Families of youth in the care of DYS are encouraged to visit the youth center. All visits require a scheduled appointment. You can request visitation by contacting the Pueblo YSC Control Center at 719.546.4915 or 719.546.4940.
- Educational testing
- Voting rights
- Contact information
Contact information
Main phone: (719) 546-4915 or (719) 546-4940
Clinton Corley, Director (719) 546-4943 Clinton.Corley@state.co.us Michelle Persinger, Assistant Director
(719) 546-4902
michelle.persinger@state.co.us Levi Middleton, Clinical Director (719) 325-9250
levi.middleton@state.co.us Amanda Vigil, Program Assistant (719) 546-4905 Amanda.Vigil@state.co.us Sandy Gecewicz, Executive Director, ESS Pueblo School District 60 (719) 423-3048 Salvador Gallegos, On Site Lead Teacher, Pueblo City Schools (719) 546-4908 salvador.gallegos@pueblocityschools.us Jerica Archuleta, Secretary Pueblo City Schools at PYSC (719) 546-4935 Control (719) 546-4915/4939 Fax (719) 546-4917 - Directions
Pueblo Youth Services Center is located on the Campus at Lookout Mountain at 1406 W. 17th St. in Pueblo. Find information about Pueblo public transportation.
Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman
The Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman helps youth and families address concerns about youth experiences and treatment while living in the Division of Youth Services (DYS) youth centers. The CPO is an independent state agency that investigates complaints and grievances about DYS and provides free and confidential assistance to anyone who calls.
Phone: 720.625.8640 or 866.276.8646 (toll free)