About this page
This page contains procurement information for Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) vendors, grantees and the public. To view current solicitations, visit the Colorado Vendor Self Service (VSS) website. If you have issues accessing VSS, please contact Lauren Ingalls, CDHS's Contracts and Procurement director, at lauren.ingalls@state.co.us.
Notice: We have temporarily stopped publishing notices about new solicitations on this page. Visit the VSS website for current solicitations.
Bidding help
For help with a specific bid, please contact the Single Point of Contact listed in the bid document, or contact anyone listed below.
- For help with Colorado VSS, email vsshelp@state.co.us or call 303.866.6464.
- For information about doing business with the State of Colorado generally, go to ACCESSColorado.
CDHS is always interested in improving. Please take this survey at any time. (We do actually read the responses)
- Standard contract terms:
- Standard purchase order terms
- Information Technology Exhibit
- Supplemental Provisions for Federal Awards
- HIPAA BAA — 42 Part 2 QSOA (Qualified Service Organization Agreement)
*Please note the specific contract or purchase order you receive may have different or additional terms.
Procurement training video
This one-hour video contains an overview of the state solicitation and grant system, information on how to register and navigate Vendor Self Service (VSS), and an overview of the CDHS solicitation process and lifecycle.
FAQs for vendors and grant applicants
- Where do I find open bids or grant opportunities for the Colorado Department of Human Services?
Solicitations may be found at the Vendor Self Service (VSS) website. Registered vendors can login to review solicitations or a vendor may use the Public Access button on VSS. Once logged in or using Public Access, a search technique to locate all open solicitations for CDHS is *CDHS*.
- How do I get email notifications for current bid or grant opportunities?
Register as a vendor on the VSS website. Once registered with your commodity codes and other key information, vendors will begin receiving email notifications for new solicitations and amendments to those solicitations.
- How do I submit a bid or application?
Each bid/grant will have specific instructions, and CDHS typically allows email submission through a secure system following the specific instructions on the bid/grant.
- Who do I contact with questions?
Each bid/grant identifies a single point of contact. There may be a “Questions Due Date” located on the cover page of the solicitation. Questions are compiled and answered after the Questions Due Date. We make every attempt to answer all questions, but urgent, vendor-specific, or process/clerical questions are evaluated on an individual basis and are responded to at the discretion of CDHS.
- I was issued a notice that my proposal/application was not selected. What can I do to get more information?
All procurement documentation, including the evaluation, is subject to the Colorado Open Records Act. Please contact either the single point of contact listed in the bid/grant or email cdhs_cora@state.co.us. Include the solicitation number and title in your request.
- I was issued a notice of intent to award. What happens next?
CDHS — likely someone within the specific program managing the contract — will contact you directly about next steps.
Procurement contact information
Lauren Ingalls
Director, Division of Contracts and Procurement