CDHS to honor veterans at Fitzsimons with Valentine roses

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DENVER (Feb. 13, 2020) — On Valentine’s Day, the Colorado Department of Human Services, along with Denver Hospice and the Wish of a Lifetime #CupidCrew, will be visiting residents of the Veterans Community Living Center at Fitzsimons and delivering hundreds of roses and valentines.

Wish of a Lifetime, founded in 2008 by Colorado native and Olympian Jeremy Bloom, is a charity that grants wishes to Colorado residents over the age of 80. The organization focuses on veterans, veterans' service and veterans' wishes, as well as fulfilling lifelong dreams, reconnecting loved ones and renewing passions.

Media are invited to attend.


Friday, Feb. 14, 8:30 a.m. 


Veterans Community Living Center at Fitzsimons
1919 Quentin St., Aurora, CO 80045


RSVP to Madlynn Ruble, deputy director of communications
Phone: 303.866.3411