CDHS calls for public comment on Colorado’s child care development plan  

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DENVER (April 29, 2021) — The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) Office of Early Childhood invites partners, early childhood professionals, parents and caregivers to engage in public comment on Colorado’s Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) State Plan. The purpose of the CCDF is to increase the availability, affordability and quality of child care services. 

The CCDF is a combination of several funding sources that is distributed by the federal government to states and territories. States and territories receiving CCDF funds must prepare and submit a plan detailing how these funds will be used to the federal government. The majority of these funds are used to provide child care services to families who meet eligibility criteria. A portion of these funds will also be used for activities that improve the quality of child care and pay for the costs of administering the CCDF. 

The State Plan describes how the state’s program will be administered by Colorado from Oct. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2024. CDHS is the lead agency in this effort. 

A virtual public hearing will be held May 12 from noon to 1 p.m. Public comment will remain open until June 1. Full details on the public hearing as well as a copy of the plan and the public comment form are available here.

Media contact:
Madlynn Ruble
Deputy Director of Communications