CDHS announces the new Division of Economic and Workforce Support

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DENVER (Oct. 11, 2022) — The Colorado Department of Human Services has announced that the Division of Economic and Workforce Support (DEWS) is the new name for the former Employment and Benefits Division. 

This name change better encompasses the division’s mission and new strategy to provide leadership and resources that create lasting solutions for reducing poverty and improving well-being among Coloradans.

“The new name better reflects our focus on income stability as a social determinant of health and the need to develop job opportunities for low-income wage earners to compete in the post-COVID job marketplace,” said Ian McMahon, director of DEWS. "Our partners will continue to do incredible work that supports our fellow Coloradans in their journey to become stable and self-sufficient. Our commitment to uplift people into long-term economic security hasn’t changed.”

Offices under DEWS include Colorado Works, Colorado Employment First, the Colorado Refugee Services Program, the Colorado Works Subsidized Training and Employment Program (CW STEP), ReHire Colorado, Old Age Pension and Aid to the Needy Disabled.
The Division of Economic and Workforce Support (DEWS) encompasses a variety of programs designed to support Coloradans on their paths out of poverty. Programs provide tools, training, technical assistance, technological support and resources to support county departments and community partners serve customers.

Media contact:
John Rosa