JulieAnne Hacsi is the Specialty Clinic Supervisor with the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Pueblo (CMHHIP).
JulieAnne Hacsi stands out from the crowds of amazing employees at CMHHIP. Not only does she maintain a professional and cheery demeanor in her everyday job duties, but she has also taken compassion to the next level when assisting her coworkers. Julie is a part of the Employee Recognition Committee, where she works with other dedicated staff to recognize CMHHIP employees for their contributions to CDHS and CMHHIP patients. Julie also manages the Compassionate Assistance Resources for Employees (C.A.R.E.) Closet. The C.A.R.E. closet relies on donations from employees to support the needs of other employees. This could be donations of food, clothing, work supplies, or other materials. Julie takes initiative to provide donations to staff when they are in need. Last year, she spearheaded the Holiday Baskets set-up and delivery for CMHHIP staff who needed support during the holidays. The holiday baskets included a turkey or ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, corn, cornbread, jello, yams, gravy, cake mix and frosting.
Julie was promoted to Specialty Clinic Supervisor in July of 2017. In this role, she oversees the scheduling of all in-house and off-ground general medical appointments. She began working for CMHHIP in March of 2007 in the nursing pool as a Client Care Aide II and worked primarily in the adolescent unit and Geriatric, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatric Services (GAAPS). She also worked as an Administrative Assistant in the Staffing office and the Geriatrics unit.
Julie has been a valued member of many units and mentioned her favorite part of her job is knowing her team provides great service to all the CMHHIP patients. She is grateful the hospital allows her to focus on both patient care and staff needs.
From the Frontlines highlights the people who work for the Office of Civil and Forensic and Mental Health (OCFMH), operates Colorado’s two mental health hospitals, the Forensic Services Division and the Division of Mental Health Transition Living. The office provides a continuum of mental health care that includes pre-trial restoration services, inpatient hospitalization and, soon, transition homes for community-based care.