Jade Adams is the Nurse Manager with the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan (CMHHIFL).
Individuals with mental health conditions are often underserved and face additional barriers in seeking support and resources due to the stigma surrounding mental health. Addressing these issues requires advocacy and persistent work. Jade Adams has always been passionate about breaking down these barriers, and she plays a key role at the Colorado Mental Health Hospital in Fort Logan in ensuring that clients receive the best quality of care possible.
“I find that working in behavioral health is a job that is unequal to all other forms of nursing,” says Adams. “I find great fulfillment in seeing a client come in with limited resources and watching them grow and develop positive coping and life skills throughout their time with us.” Her role as CMHHIFL’s Nurse Manager gives her the opportunity to create an impact daily through nursing care, milieu management, and patient advocacy.
Another essential facet of Adams’ role is as a team member. Success at Fort Logan requires collaboration from a variety of individuals, and Adams is the link between the multidisciplinary team to facilitate patient needs. “When a client is ready for discharge and has access to essential resources, follow-up care and support, there is a feeling of a job well done that is shared throughout the team,” Adams says of the synergetic workplace environment.
A strong team player and a dedicated advocate, Jade Adams embodies CDHSs mission that together, we empower Coloradans to thrive. She works alongside her clients to help them succeed, creating an environment of support and respect that pushes back against stigma surrounding mental health.
From the Frontlines highlights the people who work for the Office of Civil and Forensic and Mental Health (OCFMH), operates Colorado’s two mental health hospitals, the Forensic Services Division and the Division of Mental Health Transition Living. The office provides a continuum of mental health care that includes pre-trial restoration services, inpatient hospitalization and, soon, transition homes for community-based care.