Dora Paolillo is a Social Worker with the Forensic Services Division.
Oftentimes, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when working with individuals with serious mental illness caught in the criminal justice system. Social worker Dora Paolillo works to find person-first solutions for individuals who have been in outpatient competency restoration treatment for over 300 days.
Dora joined Colorado’s Office of Civil and Forensic Mental Health (OCFMH) in 2022, bringing with her over ten years of prior experience in social work and behavioral health. However, this transition into a role in OCFMH brought her back to the basics: she found herself starting the project from scratch, learning the ins and outs of the competency system, the language and legal jargon.
“I was building this project from the ground up; I had to figure out the workflow and what this role could do,” Dora says of the beginning of her time with OCFMH.
Since the inception of this project, Dora has been working to pinpoint individuals’ barriers to progress and connect them to services to help dissolve these barriers and find resolution for these cases. Her role helps OCFMH to divert individuals from the criminal justice system, demonstrating a commitment to fostering connection and community.
An advantage of the freedom that comes with Dora’s position is the room for growth and improvement it affords. She has the opportunity to examine data and reflect on her experiences to figure out what is working, what is not and to adjust accordingly. “What I’m doing now will inform the process in the future,” says Dora, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and continuous reflection. Dora’s position is dynamic, as she deals with nuanced complexities on a daily basis.
Her goals for the future include establishing herself throughout all the county court systems and establishing relationships with stakeholders and other community resources. Since the inception of the program, Dora has opened a total of 97 cases and resolved 46. She continues to work diligently to get individuals into the treatment they need, rather than continuing to cycle through the criminal justice system.
From the Frontlines highlights the people who work for the Office of Civil and Forensic and Mental Health (OCFMH), operates Colorado’s two mental health hospitals, the Forensic Services Division and the Division of Mental Health Transition Living. The office provides a continuum of mental health care that includes pre-trial restoration services, inpatient hospitalization and, soon, transition homes for community-based care.