Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind Legal Auxiliary Services

A nine-member advisory council reviews the CCDHHDB Legal Auxiliary Services rules, corresponding procedures and makes recommendations, including response to complaints up to and including removal of an interpreter from the referral resource list, which a three-member sub committee is needed to accomplish this.

Membership consists of the following: two (2) deaf members, two (2) hard-of-hearing members, three (3) Status I or Status II legal interpreter members (if possible, at least one shall be a Certified Deaf Interpreter/Deaf Interpreter), one (1) Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) provider member, and one (1) person with disability law background.

The members may serve two (2), four-year terms.

This Council meets at least two times per year.


Agendas and Minutes

Name Position Expiration Date
Vacant Member who is Deaf  
Lariisa McClurg Interpreter 6/30/19
Lori Dowds Interpreter 6/30/20
Carole Custer Member who is Hard of Hearing 6/30/19
Diane Humphrey CART 6/30/19
Vacant Member who is Deaf  
Janelle Paccione Interpreter 6/30/20
Vacant Member who is Hard of Hearing  
Vacant Disability Law
Legislation & Reports

ยง C.R.S.13-90-(201-210): Statute Governing the Legal Auxiliary Services Advisory Council

12 CCR 2516-1: Code of Colorado Regulations