Collaborative Management Program Statewide Steering Committee

The purpose of the Collaborative Management Program Statewide Steering Committee is to support the development and sustainability of a uniform system of collaboration at the state and county levels, to effectively and efficiently collaborate and share resources, and to manage and integrate the treatment and services provided to children and families who benefit from multi-agency services.

At the state level, the Collaborative Management Program has multiple state agency partners. The Department of Human Services, Division of Child Welfare is the lead administrative agency and other state partners include the Division of Youth Services, the Behavioral Health Administration, the Department of Public Health and Environment, the Office of the State Court Administrator (Colorado Judicial Branch), the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Education, and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. Directors of these key partnering agencies meet yearly to discuss program progress and help to address program challenges related to state level infrastructure or policy.

The CMP Statewide Steering Committee facilitates collaboration by:

  • Reducing the duplication and eliminate fragmentation of services
  • Increasing the quality, appropriateness and effectiveness of services provided
  • Encouraging cost-sharing among service providers
  • Encouraging active participation of parent advocacy or family advocacy organizations.

Agendas and minutes

Reports and resources
Committee staff lead

Andie Scott, Collaborative Management Program administrator 
Division of Community Programs
Office of Children, Youth and Families 
Colorado Department of Human Services 
Email: andie.scott@state.co.us