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Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Task Group

UPDATE (Nov. 1, 2021) — The Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Task Group has concluded its work to generate recommendations. In 2022, the Division of Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Program will convene a Domestic Abuse Statutory Definition Task Force to consider a definition of domestic abuse for the Children's Code.

The Office of Children, Youth and Families’ Domestic Violence Program (DVP) and the Division of Child Welfare (DCW), with the approval of sub-PAC, have created the Child Welfare and Domestic Violence Task Group to explore the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment and to brainstorm possible solutions. Families need trauma-informed, culturally relevant, accessible, and developmentally appropriate services that enhance parents’ strengths and protective capacities, enable non-abusing parents to meet their children’s needs, hold offenders accountable, and address safety for all family members. This group believes a wider multi-disciplinary stakeholder group is needed to make lasting changes and will make recommendations for CDHS leadership and Colorado communities regarding strategies, policies, and needed resources for Colorado’s child welfare agencies and community partners to respond to families who are involved with child welfare and who have an identified concern regarding domestic violence.

Membership is open to include families who have experienced domestic violence, staff across CDHS, staff from other state agencies, county child welfare caseworkers and supervisors, county attorneys, court personnel, domestic violence advocates, offender treatment providers, and others who are passionate about making changes to the way in which Colorado responds to domestic violence within the child protection system.


Agendas and Minutes
Voting members
Anne Auld
Candice Bailey
Ashley Borges
Susanne Brown
Jill Cohen
Hannah Colter
Carla D'Agostino
Jennifer Eyl
Cameron Fall
Jessica Fann
Nancy Fingerhood
Jennifer Foster
Ben Fox
Andrea Fuller
Christine Garcia
Allison Gonzales
Meredith Halstead
Jesse Hansen
Nikole Jones
Michelle Jones
Kelly Krause
Stacie Kwitek Russell
Daniel Lindberg
Anne Markley
Shaunna McGrath
Mariela Michael
Karen Morgenthaler
Barb Paradiso
Tiffany Ramos
Amy Reece
Christine Soria
Anne Tapp
Maureen White

