CCDHHDB DeafBlind Advisory Council

The DeafBlind Advisory Council is a seven-member advisory council advises the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind, as well as state and local governments and other relevant entities. The council advises on how to increase competitive integrated employment as defined by section 8-84-301, enlarge economic opportunities and enhance independence and self-sufficiency, and improve services for deafblind persons. Members may serve two four-year terms, and membership consists of the following:

  • One member who is deaf and blind;
  • One member who is deaf and low vision;
  • One member who is hard of hearing and blind;
  • One member who is hard of hearing and low vision;
  • One member who is latent deafblind;
  • One member who is a professional working with the deafblind community; and
  • One member who is a parent of a deafblind child.

Agendas and minutes

Mark WedgleDeaf and blind
VacantDeaf and low vision
Carolyn HaasHard of hearing and blind
Cynde VaughnHard of hearing and low vision
Ralph RomeroLatent deafblind
Vicki ScarboroProfessional
Renee KlotzbachParent
Legislation  and reports

ยง C.R.S.26-21-107.7: Statute Governing the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf Blind Citizen Council