SNAP data and research

Decorative image

This page includes commonly requested data about Colorado's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as well as related research about SNAP. If you'd like to request data not listed on this page, email the SNAP data team at cdhs_snap_redteam@state.co.us.

SNAP data

Application data

The following reports show SNAP applications by county, broken down by month.

Issuance data

The following reports show information about caseloads, issuance amounts and clients.

Other data

SNAP research

Co-Enrollment in SNAP and Health First Colorado by County: This study by University of Colorado School of Medicine Farley Health Policy Center looks at the differences among counties in co-enrollment rates for SNAP, Medicaid and CHP+.

SNAP Participation and Health Care Cost & Utilization for Health First Colorado Members: This study by the University of Colorado School of Medicine Farley Health Policy Center looks at how being part of both SNAP and Medicaid might affect healthcare costs and usage for people in Colorado covered by Health First Colorado.

Using Colorado Longitudinal Data to Address Food Insecurity and Support Equity in Postsecondary Education and Training: This study by RAND, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Higher Education, the Colorado Department of Human Services and the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab, will look at how many college students have been enrolled in SNAP over time. It will also look at how supporting students' needs for food and related human services might affect success in higher education.