Former Foster Care Youth Steering Committee

HB 18-1319 mandated the creation of a steering committee that will develop an implementation plan that allows former foster care youth to receive services for a successful adulthood, or assistance in returning to placement, or identifying alternatives to returning to a placement after reaching eighteen years of age. The steering committee will make recommendations to the operation, evaluation, and sustainability of the implementation plan.


Agendas and Minutes
Name Representation
Georgina Becerril County Rep
Derek Blake CDHS
Shawn Bodiker Department of Health Care Policy and Finance
Jamie Burciaga Department of Higher Education 
Christina Carlson Runaway and Homeless Youth Organization
Ashley Chase Legal Representative
Kippi Clausen Community Agency 
Melinda Crowe County Rep
Courtney Daugherty County Rep
Betsy Fordyce Legal Rep
Brittany Gardner County Rep
Erin Medina Non-Profit Rep
Pax Moultrie County Legal Rep
Kristin Myers Department of Education
Tamara Quansah Child Placement Agency
Melody Roe Community Agency 
Gary Sanford Community Agency
Tammy Schneiderman Division of Youth Services
Dana Scott Department of Education
Meghan Shelton Office of Behavioral Health
Victoria Shuler Community Agency
Lindi Sinton Community Agency
Kristina Smith Former Foster Care Youth
Charles Tedesco County Commissioner
Kristin Toombs Department of Local Affairs
Margo Valaika County Rep
Catherine Weaver County Rep
Steve Wright Department of Labor and Employment
Claudia Zundel Office of Behavioral Health