
Colorado has a state-supervised and county-administered human services system. County departments are the main provider of direct services to Colorado's families, children and adults. This page includes links to county contact information, as well as resources for our county partners.


County contact info

Coloradans can use our handy county map and contact list to find contact information for their county human services department.

Find your county

CDHS Memo Series

The Memo Series is designed to streamline and clarify CDHS policies and expectations of county partners and contracted entities.

View the Memo Series

CDHS County Portal

The County Portal is a mini-website for county human services directors and staff to find information quickly. It is not a public resource.

Visit the County Portal


Appeal a county decision

The Office of Appeals at the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) serves as the CDHS executive director's designee for reviewing initial decisions when a client, licensee or vendor objects to an adverse action by CDHS, the counties or a CDHS contract agency. The CDHS Office of Appeals issues final agency decisions on behalf of the executive director.

Initial decisions for any dispute other than Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) fair hearings are made by Administrative Law Judges in the Office of Administrative Courts. SNAP fair hearings are heard by the SNAP Hearings Unit, which is part of the CDHS Office of Appeals.

Appeal a county decision